CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Keep Things Calm

Be careful how you speak and what you say. When you get a bit excited, anxious or passionate, it’s easier to say things that alienate others, even while you might be trying to get them on your side.

Stay away from name calling and moral superiority. Stick to the facts and know they may interpret the same facts differently. Be kind. Understand your intent.

It’s too easy to lose family, friends, partners and others by chastising them or saying things that aren’t very kind, just because they have a different view of things.

Otherwise you become part of the problem, not the solution.

Keep things calm.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Nothing To Lose

When you or your group push someone too far, they can get to the point where they have nothing to lose. Are the Allies creating this scenario with President Putin?

I’ve not yet seen the Batman movie, Joker, but I think there may be some similarity here.

President Putin is looking more and more like Joker – nothing to lose if they keep tightening the screws. His choice seems to be a War Crimes trial or thrown out or voted out (and then War Crimes tribunal). Nothing looks good as an end of life legacy. Except doubling down and step on the gas, conquer Europe and live like a Tsar.

He needs to believe his legacy will be elevated if he stops this campaign now and orders his troops home. Or something similar. Otherwise The English Channel beckons.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughts

Keep Your Chin Up

Life is going to knock you back. It will hit you harder than you expect. And you are likely to notice when you are least expecting it.

Regardless of the challenge ahead, keep your chin up. Be confident. Smile. Laugh in the face of adversity. You’ve made it though everything in life so far. You will get through so much more.

The hardest part can be to not lose your head when it could be so easy to. Be mindful of where your thoughts are leading. Green lights are good. Amber is a warning to adjust now. Red is a concern and the energy needs to be redirected.

The greatest skill you’ll ever learn is how to keep your chin up. Practice today.

CategoriesGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Enjoy Praise

It may not come often in your life, so revel in it while you can. Date stamp it and celebrate it often!

I’ve had many wonderful and enjoyable comments this past week (and prior) with respect to my new book – Achieve Anything.

Thank you folks.

If you haven’t seen what all the fuss is about, pick up a copy today!

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About It

My Mind Is Popping

So many ideas, thoughts, perspectives and considerations have been bouncing around in my head this week. I can’t keep up! I’ve written down about 35 blog post titles, ideas or drafts in the past seven days. So many points to cover or clarify in my head.

Sometimes I can write quickly because I have thought about that topic numerous times and I am clear in my thinking and position. Other topics require a little more consideration, addressing all six chairs, removing the sample size of one and decoding all of the information supplied by various media, social accounts and friends.

Assessing without judgement. Considering without bias. Or noting my own bias and flipping the tables to see from the other side. Then I can remove my bias when I walk in the shoes of others.

So many things to write, to share, to consider! My mind is popping!!!

PS Thank you to all of you lovely people buying my book Achieve Anything and keeping it in the bestseller lists on Amazon! I am surprised and delighted each day it is there. And thank you to those putting rating and reviews up on Amazon – Greatly appreciated! Put one up if you haven’t already and we’ll head into double digits. Finally, thanks to those telling others, posting on social media, sending me pictures or notes, and generally delighting in it. ?

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Don’t Bring Scrolls To A Gun Fight

How many movies does one need to watch? How much military history does it take? Diplomacy solves a lot of issues, but it needs to be backed by the full force of something more. We need to know when to switch from tough talk to being tough.

It really is striking how, ‘It’s all the same, only the names will change.’ History repeats itself or at least rhymes.

Like the German fella, Mr Putin is a bit bitter about how his country has been treated or seen in the eyes of Cold War challengers. He may have a little chip on his shoulder, placed there by name-calling, can’t let it go’ers.

So he wants to show the world he has a winning team. He seems to want to flex and show his power pose. Clearly he’s serious.

So Russia looks like Germany in 1939. ‘Denazification’ sounds acceptable to Russians and NATO so we can allow it. Ukraine is the Poland move. Biden plays the Neville Chamberlain / appeaser character. China is Japan. His tactic is Blitzkreig and Putin has the next 80 moves mapped out. Does NATO and her Allies? What options are on the table such as cyber attacks, dirty bombs, NCB weapons or simply a war machine not seen in almost 80 years?

A fascinating game of chess is being played. Unfortunately, real people are the pieces. Will NATO accept an Iron Curtain II? Will social media play a part or will the grids be neutered?

Will anyone bring guns to this gun fight?
