CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsTime

Shrug And Move On

If you want to improve a frustrating situation, sometimes you need to try a different tactic. Rather than get debating, simply shrug and move on.

There have been some times in my life where I would engage in deep debates or discussions on topics. These were usually hot topics of the day, but most had a common ever-present theme.

So I know it can be very easy to get caught up in a misunderstanding or a disagreement. And you really should understand which it is at first. You should also figure out what your intent is and what the intent of the other party is.

If your intent is to convince the other party that you are ‘right’, then you are probably in for a long, frustrating discussion. Same thing if that is their intent. However, if you are both sitting down to calmly understand the data the other person has, that can be different. Especially if you are both working toward reasonable steps to improve the situation.

Otherwise, why give it energy? If their opinion, or what you assume is their opinion, is not to your liking, ignore it. Save yourself some time and mild anxiety and continue with your day.

You may wish to try to understand why you object to their viewpoint. But also try looking at it from their perspective and why they may have that position. You can’t mind read but you can try to consider what situations might have lead them to this perspective. Try to think of 10 to 15 because the ones that come ready to you are often your own biased stereotypes.

For peace of mind, build up or shrug and move on.

CategoriesHealth & FitnessObserveReframe your thoughts

Trust Your Intuition

This is a skill you should put some effort into. The more you can practice and improve, the better your decisions may be. Trust your intuition but understand what that means.

Use the force. Amplify your sixth sense. Check your spidy-senses. Are they tingling? There are many ways to convey the idea of intuition or gut feeling. It has been presented in many different forms in real life, on TV and in movies.

And of course you can dismiss it, denigrate it or ignore it. However, I do not suggest you do that. Rather, I suggest that you try to relax your mind and body and develop the skill. Learn to understand yourself when things seem not quite right.

The more you do this the more you will trust your instinct and act on it. This should help you make better decisions more often.

You know you have experienced this at various times. I am sure you have said, “something doesn’t feel quite right.” You may not always know why you are feeling that way, but you may note the sensation. This is a good start. Observing the disturbance in you is a first step. Interpreting why you are noting it is another.

Trust your intuition while you continue to refine it.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsWeight loss

Consistency Is Powerful

Getting started can be tough. Continuing can be even harder. But that is the work you need to do to succeed. Consistency is powerful both in terms of confidence and outcomes.

A consistent drip of water is enough to put a dent or hole in a rock over time. You may not get the result you want straight away, but over time the probability of reaching your goal increases.

You can see this with any goal you are aiming at. If you are consistent with the foods and drinks you consume, you can reduce or maintain your weight. Keeping to a daily and weekly exercise regime will work wonders to tone your body and improve your fitness.

The great feeling of seeing daily or weekly improvements also builds confidence. Inconsistent approaches return uncertain results. This in turn weakens your faith in the process. With a reduction in faith, you are less likely to continue to do the things you are supposed to do. This creates an unnecessary loss in confidence.

You see, the flywheel can work both ways. It can help you improve, gain confidence and flourish. However, the negative reinforcement can also accelerate your demise.

Consistency is powerful. Use it to your benefit.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Reach For The Stars

Think big and aim high. Things often take longer than you hope or plan. And the first iteration is a shadow of the next ones. Reach for the stars because you can.

Watching the Virgin Galactic livestream on Sunday afternoon reminded me how progress is made. Sir Richard Branson started dreaming about space flight a long time ago. He set up a company to make it happen in 2004. They thought they would be flying to space by 2006 or even 2008.

However, here we are 17 years after they started their quest. So things can take longer. Especially if the dreams are the bigger ones and no one has ever done it previously. Groundbreaking work takes time, money, dedication, patience and perseverance.

The tech they have engineered making the equipment reusable is brilliant. In addition, the comfort level looks sufficient for a wider variety of people to use. It is a very exciting time for space again! In addition to this exciting progress with space tourism, Mars is being explored more fully.

It was wonderful to see the mission completed successfully. Although I would like the space part to last longer, this is only the beginning. Remember the evolution of the TV, recorded music or even the telephone. Looking back at the first computers, laptops or iPhone’s also demonstrates how far things have progressed in such little time.

What other space companies are now going to pop up throughout the ‘20’s? Perhaps space truly is the final frontier.

Reach for the stars!

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Be Selective

I am sure you think you are. Most of us do. We choose our friends, foods we eat, places we go and jobs. Choice is one thing but be selective too.

There is a slight distinction between selecting and being selective. You can enter a store and select a loaf of bread from the range presented. However, if you are selective, you will consider your choice beyond your habitual preference or first glance.

Take a moment when selecting something and really consider why you are selecting it. Think through your why and then think about whether it truly does satisfy your desired result.

This takes you from the general to the specific. Buying any loaf of bread is fine. However, can it have seeds or are their allergies amongst the eaters? Do people prefer granary or white? Will you need half a loaf or a full one? Do people prefer the thick, medium or thin sliced loaves? There are many other considerations too. Gluten is one. Cheese is another. Olives could be another.

Remember to think things through in all the areas of your life. Are the friends you have, the ones you need with you for the next five years? How do they bring joy or improvement to your life on a daily basis? Just because you have eaten that bread or had that friend for years, doesn’t mean it must continue.

Be selective in what you read, say, write, watch, eat, drink, see and do.

CategoriesFinancialGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Treasure Your Goals

Do you remember having dreams, wishes and goals in life? Are they hard to recall? You need them back. Treasure your goals, your dreams and your wishful thinking.

The wonderful yet challenging thing about life is that we can change our mind. However, we can also get distracted or busy with the day to day activities.

We sign up to things, groups and challenges as we become aware of them. But unless we are steadfast in our thinking, we can easily drift away from our original desires.

We might meet new friends that shift us in a different direction. Our new job might draw us further way from our mission in life.

These things happen so slowly we rarely notice the tug on our arm. We might look back and think we will be there again. So we head off on our new adventure and allow time to bury the dreams we grew up with.

It can happen to some and often seems to happen to many. But you can do something about that now. Because you are aware that this has happened, you can adjust things. However, it is easy to do nothing as well. You can simply continue on the path you are on.

You can allow other people to distract you with their desires (lets go out, join me on holiday, let’s speak on the phone, meet me for lunch). Although it may not get you any closer to your true desires and dreams.

Get clear on what brings you income and what brings you joy. Eliminate all else. Do the work but treasure your goals.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Obsessions Become Our Possessions

Have you ever been obsessed with something or someone? Perhaps we could say you were a fan or fanatical instead. Either way, obsessions become our possessions whether real or imaginary.

For example, people can become obsessed with a football team. Their obsession leads them to buying scarves, hats, t-shirts, cards, tickets and programmes. They begin to possess items in that realm.

You can see it with cars too. If you become obsessed with a car type, you may go on a collectible binge. This can happen with more expensive cars like a Ferrari but also with more cost-conscious cars like a mini or an MG.

Arguably you could add in a love-interest, musical group or clothing line. A person may become our date or partner if we pursue them relentlessly (in a good way). They won’t become a possession but you may attract them to stay in your orbit.

As for clothing, some people become obsessed or fanatical about a shoe brand, dresses, suits or ties.

Most of these examples are of consumption. Becoming obsessed with a work ethic, a goal, habits or a powerful mindset might be even more beneficial.

Consider what you need to do and get obsessed by it. Make it your obsession to have a big goal, better habits and a resilient mindset.

Obsessions become our possessions, so make them count.

CategoriesActionFinancialProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Enjoy Endless Possibilities

Often our lives seems to follow a particular track. There are a lot of repetitive tasks and situations. Although, you can enjoy endless possibilities and alternative realities.

But be honest about those. Are you willing to give up what you have and are to be what you could be, do and have? Oh, and there are no guarantees that your new future will be any better. However, it may not be any worse. It might just be different.

That in itself is enough to scare most people into inaction. This is unfortunate for you and the Universe. The more that each individual can optimise their life, the better. It is better for the individual and better for all of society.

Do one or two things just a little differently today. Go down a different road to get to your office. Call an old friend for 15 minutes. Try doing some stair steps while you are on the phone. Rather than sit there and talk, walk and talk. Do some heel lifts. Lift some light dumbbells while you are on your call.

Try to spend less than 5 minutes reading the paper today. Call that supplier and ask for a discount. Whatever it is you try, do it with great intentions. Do this type of thing everyday and in a week you will have done 14 things differently. That will set you on a different path.

Enjoy endless possibilities. Then enjoy the multitude of new results.

CategoriesActionObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Make It A Game

Not everything is fun. Sometimes you have to do the work part of work. But it can be more enjoyable if you make it a game.

When you are waiting in a queue, see if you can guess how long the next person will be. Also try guessing what the people ahead of you do for work. You can even ask them if you want to verify your accuracy.

If you can take something tedious, boring or challenging and turn it into some fun, you could have a much better result. Certainly you are likely to have a much better time.

Most often it doesn’t take much to distract ourselves. Make the activity fun or interesting and time will fly by.

The great thing about our imagination is that we can use it to change the less interesting parts of life. In addition, the more you use it the better you’ll get at it. Keep youthful and play games.

Your mental strength will grow and the rest of your life will follow. Life can be seen as a game. It can be a deadly serious game or a lighthearted, enjoyable game. You tend to get to decide.

Whatever you do, make it a game.


CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessProgressReframe your thoughts

Go In The Rain

To build good habits, achieve or succeed, you need to show up. This means you do it even when you don’t feel like it. Sometimes this even means you need to go in the rain.

I’m reminded of this as it was raining this morning. You may recall a recent post about early morning walks. These are always easier when it is light out, it’s a nice temperature and it’s dry.

It is more difficult to get up and go when it is dark, cold or wet. And it’s certainly more challenging when it is all three. I’m reminded of my marathon training a couple of years ago. It was in the winter so there were a few days that were all three. And getting up at 05:00 to face the elements in the dark and run 18 km would sometimes make it less appealing.

However, you need to push through. Be consistent and persistent and you can achieve the goals you want. You will develop the habits you need to and it will happen sooner. But you need to make a plan, put it in the diary and stick to it.

Your confidence grows if you stick to your plan. Alternatively, your confidence can shrink if you do not. In that case, your hard work can start to unravel. We certainly don’t want that.

So, as we did this morning, go in the rain.