CategoriesThink About ItTime

Interesting Versus Important

How often have you spent time on something interesting but not important? It can be easy to be distracted by interesting things and forget the key purpose of what you’re doing.

Be mindful of this situation. Being curious about everything, getting distracted and remaining distracted can all detail your future far more than anyone or anything else.

CategoriesObserveThink About It

Could There Be Another Reason?

Often we react and don’t take the necessary time to stop, consider and respond. We can see something happen and immediately come up with our version of the story. This usually involves our own bias, what we’re thinking about in that moment, what we experienced at the time and a thought of fear or strength.

Many times things happen for a reason we could not even consider. Or it will be a mix of various reasons that an observer may have no knowledge about.

When you’re about to comment on something, check your bias, and consider alternative positions and events that could have swayed the situation. It’s not always as simple and straightforward as Iwe make it up to be in our head.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserveThink About It

Life’s Magic

Look for, enjoy and appreciate life’s magic. It is everywhere. In how you move your hand, with precision, to pick up a cashew and place it in your mouth. Think how amazing that truly is.

Or that your heart beats in perfect time, even when you are asleep. And you don’t have to even think about it!

How a cut heals is also quite incredible when you observe it closely over several days.

Recognise all of life’s magic, gaze in wonder and be grateful you’re involved.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About It

Soo Close

Millions of factors come into play for everything in your life. But we frequently decide that events occur because of just one or two main things. We can easily think that we could have had a different outcome if just one factor changed. Maybe that’s true.

Though it may be more complex than that. Adjusting one thing could change many other things too.

You are unlikely to ever know how different things could have been or how close you really were to the outcome you wanted. Just keep going and enjoy the game.

CategoriesObserveProgressThink About It

Contributing v Determining Factors

Don’t let contributing factors in your life become determining factors. Sage advice. YOU determine what you want in your life and what you are willing to do to make that happen.

A contributing factor could be a friend calling and distracting you. Don’t let that determine your day. Just let it be a contribution to your day.

check @seancroxton for Myron Golden clip.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About ItTime

Spontaneity v Planning

A great life is a wonderful mix of both spontaneity and planning. Although one must be aware of how you use them. Too much of one can be detrimental though the opposite could be beneficial. Spontaneously eating while planning to lose weight will not be helpful. Whereas spontaneously going to the gym frequently might benefit your plan.

CategoriesObserveThink About It

Victory Is Delicious

No matter what the sport, event, or situation, victory is delicious. The taste and delirium can be overwhelming depending on your perspective. If only everyone could experience the profound joy of a sensational and meaningful win.

CategoriesActionFinancialGratitudeHealth & FitnessThink About ItTime

Plan Your Golden Years Now

Even if you’re only 15, start planning now. You might simply note the years that you’ll be 60, 70, 80 and 90. Perhaps you’ll write down how much money you’d like to have flow into your pocket each month from your passions, savings and investments. Then you know what you need to accumulate to reach that income goal in 50 years.

Sort your will, funeral arrangements and inheritance planning. Get an outline of these things together and speak to people in these areas or read books and magazines about it.

Spend some time and money to create a very simple and effective plan. You’ll sleep better knowing it’s done and everything has been taken care of. And your family will greatly appreciate it when you’re gone as they can focus on mourning you rather than racing around to sort out the estate, plans and time-constrained challenges.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTime

50 Is Half Way

It is often said that 40 is mid life. But I’d argue 50 is more the middle. We don’t remember much from under 12. Then 12-18 is a wild ride of changes and growing up, though for most people many things are done for them by parents or boarding school. Food is covered and so is lodging.

So adult and independent years start around 20. Then 20 to 50 is 30 years. And 30 more years puts you at 80. That’s a great lifespan for those that make it.

So 50 is the mid point. Stay healthy and fit, both physically and mentally, so you increase your chances of a long and enjoyable life!