CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTime

Get Back To Basics

Comfort is wonderful. But sometimes it is easier to find a stronger connection to life and living when you strip away all the luxury in life. Get back to basics and live with just the essentials of life. Some will find it exhilarating, others will see it as scary and still others will find it necessary. Embrace it once in awhile.

CategoriesThink About ItTime

Too Little Time

No matter how much you have, it often seems we have too little time. Whether it’s a trip you are on, a project you’re doing or life itself, you really have to prioritise because time is your essential, expiring resource.

CategoriesThink About It


Don’t let it drift away. Work at it, for better results. The effort you put in will be returned in spades (compounded many times).

CategoriesProgressThink About It

All The Smart People

Smart people tend to create things. Scientists, engineers, and dreamers. They also are instrumental in bringing creations to life. These can be the financiers, marketers, lawyers and technology folks.

However, after two centuries of progress and improved living standards around the world, some, if not many, of these same types of educated people are saying it is all too much. It’s going to destroy the planet.

How will we keep the advancements but not the downsides. Will all the smart people come up with a decent solution for all?

CategoriesActionObserveThink About ItTime

Some Things Flow Well

Sometimes you’ll notice how well things are flowing, like traffic, an airport, or even your thoughts. And other times you’ll notice that it seems like you’re swimming upstream, going against the flow, or struggling to get traction. Aim for flow, as a producer or consumer, because everyone will benefit.

CategoriesObserveThink About ItTime

Non-Standard Items

There seems to be a tendency to do things our own way, as individuals, or in companies. This makes things unique and interesting. Though it can also make things inefficient and difficult. Non-standard items such as electrical plugs, rail gauge and forms could be addressed soon, for efficiencies sake.

CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserveThink About It

What’s Fun For You?

Do you enjoy card games or roller skating? Some people prefer sports and others like reading. You can get a thrill from high octane adventures or lie listlessly near a river enjoying the heat and watching clouds drift by. What’s your favourite way to have fun?

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingObserveProgressThink About ItTime

The Prep And The Event

You prep to pitch so you can win the right to host the Olympics. Then if you win the right to host, you prep for 8 years so you can do a great job. There is a lot of prep to host a few weeks of sporting competitions. And then it is all gone but for the memories. So much of life is the same process: idea, pre-prep, prep, brief event and memories. From a holiday, to a job, education or a marriage, a similar pattern plays out.