CategoriesObserveThink About ItTime

Detail Can Be Time Consuming

Big generalisations are quick and easy. Getting into accurate detail takes time. Most people don’t have the time or want to make the time in their day. So they use the generalisation short cut.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About ItTime

Shifting Views

What does it take to shift a person’s view on a subject? Is it just one item, thought or moment? Or is it the constant review of the idea and it’s consideration, that, over time, adjusts and shifts?

CategoriesHealth & FitnessObserveThink About ItWeightWeight loss

What Are You Really Measuring?

When we test or measure something, we must know why we are doing it. We also must know what other factors could be skewing or influencing the result.

Then we must assess the end we are achieving versus the end we may want to be achieving.

Think about this with respect to money, fitness, health and relationships.

CategoriesActionObserveProgressThink About It

All In Or Hold Back

There are times you need to be on the front foot and not hold back. Like that moment you stamp down the ramp in skateboarding, or begin your descent in ski jumping, there is no stopping or turning back. You are all in. Try to do that with everything you do.

CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveThink About It

Find The Lesson

Sometimes we have a situation which we wish wasn’t happening. We may focus on how it has affected us negatively. This time, try to see how it’s a blessing in disguise. Because of this challenge, who did you meet? What did you learn? How will you build on this experience to make life even better?

CategoriesActionObserveThink About ItTime

Time To Go

When is it time to leave? This can apply to a party, a job, a relationship, a casino or a country. Most people don’t like leaving when all is going well. Some folks prefer to stay longer if they think they can fix it, improve it or it is going to change for the better.

The decision to leave is a complicated one and really depends on the circumstances in the moment. That said, you should definitely consider your options, at various times, though sometimes your grass is greener than you think.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About It


You don’t have to agree with people all the time. However, it’s useful to pause, pay attention and really understand what someone is trying to get across to you. It can be a real challenge too, especially if you disagree with their perspective.

But everyone has their perspective for a reason. So try to understand why they have it. Oftentimes you’ll understand the person much better, which can help you accept why they think the way they do.

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingObserveThink About ItTime

Find Your Passion

Go after it. Search. Explore. Discover. Spend one week and search online, talk to people, watch clips and try things out. Be proactive. Then shortlist three of your favourite ideas. Explore them for three months. Then go for one all in. You can change later if it is no longer for you.

Don’t wait all your life to find it. Hunt it down.