CategoriesActionObserveThink About It

Get The Details Right

When transferring money, booking flights or dealing with health issues, you are best to take a little extra time and make sure you get the details right.

CategoriesActionObserveProgressThink About It

Could You Do More In Your Day?

I bet you could. Stop scrolling, watching tv or chatting about whatever. Pick a topic, learn about it and then start to create a business with it. You’re not creating IBM overnight. But you will build a small company, learn a lot and maybe even build a bigger company eventually.

Do more of the things that get you closer to your goals and do less faffing around. You will love your progress.

CategoriesActionThink About It

Do The Right Thing

Your thoughts may drift from the straight and narrow a little. But your actions need to stay the course. Do the right thing. It’s usually best for everyone.

CategoriesActionObserveProgressThink About It

Get Clear

Be decisive. Cut out the distractions. Focus on what you really want. Don’t just nurture things because they are in front of you. Go after your scary dreams. Be ready to fail. Get clear. Go!

CategoriesObserveThink About It

Most Overused Word in 2022: Systemic

Easy to say and can be used with anything to make it sound very important and unsolvable. So easy to blame a ‘system’ created by unknowable and unnameable people. No specific people are to blame. It was simply everyone.

There are no specific, exact rules created by particularly people at an exact time. But it is a great way to note something is a problem and therefore everything has to be burned to the ground or torn down because everything is wrong, though undefinable.

Would you tear down a house, because something was beeping? Or because the heating wasn’t working how you thought it should? Or would you look around, listen, test, do research, call an expert, get a second opinion, and try to pinpoint precisely what the exact issue was so you can deal with it or learn why it actually isn’t the issue you think it is.

But that takes time, interest, precision, testing, conversation, engagement and possibly being able to see things from different perspectives. You might even feel compelled to adjust how you see the world within this context.

That all sounds like a lot of work. So today, when you feel you’ve found something huge and unfortunate, it’s much easier to simply blame the system and powerfully articulate that it’s a systemic issue.

CategoriesActionFinancialGoals, Results & New ThinkingGratitudeHealth & FitnessProgressReframe your thoughtsThink About ItWeight loss

An Amazing 2023! ?

What would an amazing 2023 look like for you? Would you get a raise, change jobs, land a key account or retire? How good would your relationships be? How would you know or measure that? Which skill or habit would you acquire or improve?

What about your health and fitness? Will this be the priority it should be? What does the best you actually look like? Where will you be on the wealth scale? Could you be a little wealthier at the end of the 12 months? How much wealthier could you be?

And what one thing are you going to do just for you?

I hope you wrote all this down. You’ll need to refer back to it all every week, at least.

This is how you have an amazing 2023 – you design it. Then execute.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessThink About ItTime

Sleep Is Good

Sometimes we don’t realise how much we could use an extra 3, 6 or 10 hours sleep. We stay on the treadmill of doing more even if some, or many, of those things are unimportant.

If you cut your sleep short most days, by going to bed late or getting up early, or both, then once in a while have a duvet day. You might just be surprised at how refreshed you feel.

CategoriesGratitudeReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Think Smile

Think about all that you could smile about. Put some effort in. Perhaps you have decent health without much effort. Maybe you have good relationships. It might even be that you have more money at the end of the month than expenses.

These are all great reasons to smile. Start smiling as you wake up and as you go through the day. Train the smile muscles, both in your mind and on your face. Your life will improve in line with your efforts in this area.