CategoriesGratitudeThink About It

Favourite Day Of The Week

Do you have one? It might reveal a lot about you.

Monday might mean you love your job or business. Sunday could indicate you love rest, sport or family time. Thursday could mean you love that you’re nearly done the week and can begin to relax with an evening out.

Think about the day that currently brings the most joy. Consider what it means in your life.

Then revel in it.

CategoriesActionFinancialObserveThink About It

Inflate Or Pay?

Many observers of governments and markets thought the governments of the world would let their new debts inflate away. The idea being that as everything inflated, the debt would become relatively smaller and therefore more manageable.

However, it looks more like some governments and/or central banks will try to ensure people will pay back all the debts that they didn’t ask to be created. And to do so may involve everyone working at two or three jobs to raise the money, pay the extra tax and pay off the debts.

If you haven’t thought about how the next 1, 2, 3 or even 5 years are about to play out, you had better consider some of the options for our future. Listen to a few doomsayers and optimists for contrast. Then get yourself set up in November because March may be too late.

CategoriesActionFinancialProgressPropertyThink About It

Wake Up!

Are you financially fit? Are you hoping, dreaming, avoiding or planning, when it comes to your financial future?

You’ll probably end up broke if you hope, dream or avoid. And if you plan, have you stress tested it with challenges and been accurate with your current, realistic course?

You can do more than you think, so start imagining and planning. Yes you need effort and sometimes it will be hard, uncomfortable or even frustrating. But it’s better to have those challenges in your 20’s to 50’s than your 60’s and up.

It can feel hard, uncertain and confusing to get started organising your finances. But if you don’t, you could end up broke or in an undesirable (non) retirement situation.

Yet, if you start now, you can take control of your future, learn some basics and have a wonderful retirement, while still passing on a solid inheritance to the kids or your favourite charity.

Start today! It’s time to wake up! Do it yourself or get in touch and I can give you some pointers. Regardless, pay attention and set up your life to win! I’m cheering for you. ✅

CategoriesActionGratitudeThink About It


Would you rather be given £1 million today or wake up tomorrow morning?

If you would rather wake up tomorrow morning, you chose that over £1m. When you wake up, you should at least be as happy as someone who was just given £1m, since waking up must be better than getting the £1m.

You choose to smile, to be fit, to take on challenges. Live every ounce of today. It’s the only day you get. But you can make it better than expected in lots of little ways.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveThink About It

Do You Enjoy Rollercoasters?

Do you thrive on white knuckle rides? Do you prefer the excitement, lurching and speed of the mechanism?

Some people don’t like rollercoasters. The intensity is not for everyone. Where some people feel the thrill and adrenaline, others are simply flush and terrified.

How do you like your life?

CategoriesObserveThink About It

Whose Opinion Do You Listen To?

We listen to a wide variety of people to get different views. It’s easier, though, to choose opinions of our friends or of people who hold similar values or perspectives.

This may be more palatable or comfortable in the short term, but it may ruin you in the mid to long term. You are best to distance yourself from your emotional connection and really assess the issues with a clear and logically or rational mind.

It’s best to use data, trend analysis, forecasts and different, and even opposing, perspectives. Do you want to be accurate or just feel good and hope for the best?

Listen to intelligent arguments and then make up your own mind.

PS. Apologies for the delayed blog posts from the last few days (systems glitch) which all got sent at once in yesterdays email. Some good stuff in there! I hope their absence made you warm to them even more.

CategoriesGratitudeThink About It


Can you recommend some good ones? I need to buy a few to use up my Audible credits. I’m looking for good content and a good reading voice.

Obviously I already have a copy of my audiobook of Achieve Anything. But if you haven’t got a copy yet, I’d get one soon. Christmas is coming, as they say.

Send me a DM on Instagram or leave a comment here or somewhere if you have a good audiobook recommendation. I’m on a mission.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTime

Rainy Days

These can be just as wonderful as sunny days. They are just different. And it depends what you’re doing. Enjoy both!

Today’s note was inspired by our wonderful stay at Withyfield Cottage at Merrion Farm. A mix of sun and rain, and good timing, helped make this an excellent time away.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessThink About It

Flatten The Curve

Perhaps flattening one curve has unintentionally steepened another.

In life we need to make decisions. All decisions have consequences, even indecision, which is actually a decision to not decide.

Our MP mentioned she was at the local hospital with her daughter who had an injured wrist (hopefully all ok!)

The sign there said that it was up to an 8 hour wait time. I recall trips there years ago when it was 3 hours – which seemed plenty long enough.

Did all the “flatten the curve”, lockdown and covid precautions simply postpone regular medical demand? And now we have the regular demand plus 2.5 years of excess, pent up demand, to get caught up on.

Perhaps many medical personnel are off ill, more than usual? Or they have left the profession for a variety of reasons? Maybe these are developments given an aging population? A combination of these all, perhaps?

In five years, there will be some neutral studies done and we’ll have a slightly better idea of the cause of these tripling delays (I’ve heard many others say 8 hours is consistent with their experience).

Until then, remember this: Your actions have consequences. And when you try to change the course of nature, profoundly unintended consequences can emerge.