CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessThink About It

Let Yourself Dream

We focus on our day and get the basics done. We plan, we schedule and we sort out admin. However, when do you let yourself dream?

Dreaming about how life could be is an essential part of life. If you don’t let yourself dream now and then, you could get stuck in the mundane aspects of life.

Dreaming allows you to use your creative muscles. It also gives you inspiration and hope. Dreaming is the starting line, visualisation is the race and success is the finish line.

Make sure you are following your dreams and not those of others. Living vicariously is useful now and then, but it is not the best strategy for your whole life.

If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.

Jim Rohn
People open their minds like a window to reach past obstacles to their dreams. Let yourself dream.
Open the window to your imagination and let your dreams soar

Exercise your dream muscles today. Set a timer for 5 minutes, or 15 minutes if you can. Get comfortable in a chair or on a sofa. Close your eyes and let your mind get curious and allow your imagination to take over.

What would your ideal life look like? Imagine whatever you like. Do not be restricted by your thoughts about how and when and possibility. Just start considering what your life could look like, if you let it be what you would like it to look like.

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.

Henry David Thoreau

CategoriesObserveThink About It

Consider Six Chairs

To understand different perspectives, I consider six chairs and the views of the people in them. Although, there are countless different perspectives along any spectrum, I like to focus on up to six different ones to keep things manageable.

In addition to what I noted in yesterday’s post, I like to consider all the different views available along a spectrum. First, I assess both ends of the spectrum. Secondly, I add up to four other positions along the spectrum to consider other potential views.

To visualise this, I have added a spectrum below and placed an asterisk at both ends and four others in between. This gives me six chairs (asterisks) and six avatars, or points of view, to consider.


A sample topic could be, “How often should children eat ice cream?”.

As you can imagine, there are many different views with even more reasons available to support each view. To make it easier to hold the various thoughts in my mind, and debate between them, I consider six chairs.

From one extreme to the other, the six views I would consider are as follows:

  1. Children should never have ice cream as there are no health benefits to it at all,
  2. Children could have ice cream three or four times per year as an exceptional treat on warm days to help keep them cool and happy,
  3. Having ice cream once a month is fine and part of a healthy childhood experience,
  4. Ice cream on a weekly basis is fun and enjoyable,
  5. Eating a variety of ice creams after meals, like lunch and dinner, is a normal part of growing up, and
  6. Ice cream is in the freezer for kids to have at any time. It can be a dessert, pudding, snack or even breakfast.

Now try your favourite topic.

CategoriesReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Assess Both Ends Of The Spectrum

When thinking about a topic, I believe it is very important to assess both ends of the spectrum. That is to say, I like to see how the extremes behave.

Here is a spectrum with an asterisk at each end to note both extremes.


It is quite easy to simply sit somewhere along that spectrum and believe you have the best position. This is made even easier when you read your favourite paper or watch your favourite media channel. The reason for this is that the media company and journalist are keen to influence you. Remember, they are professionals at ensuring you are engaged and will come back.

When consuming content next time, try taking the topic and thinking about what people across the spectrum, and at the extremes, are thinking or doing. It’s a great way to expand the way you think. Especially if you consume media from a source that challenges your view.

I try to remember that the spectrum I see may actually go further at one or both ends. It is simply the spectrum of options that I am aware of, not that necessarily exist. Sometimes we have to push ourselves into some uncomfortable thoughts to truly see and assess both ends of the spectrum.

I find knowing what the extremes are for a topic makes it easier to understand, debate and find common ground for it.

In addition, if you know the extremes, you may find you have a lot more in common with other people, relative to where they could sit on the spectrum.

CategoriesActionGratitudeProgressThink About It

Can’t Wait To Celebrate

Are you someone who can’t wait to celebrate when you get good news, big or small? It’s a great way to live. Celebrate every little success and every big one too. Don’t just wait for the big moments though. Sometimes they never come, or they don’t come soon enough and you’re not around for the party.

You can celebrate with a smile, fist pump, high five (with your family or when wearing gloves), fancy dance, arms over head, music, a favourite food, drink or person or whatever you fancy. Just be sure to acknowledge the good news or success. It’s a great feedback loop.

Celebrating successes, large and small, yours and others, builds confidence and brings joy to your soul. You’ll walk taller and feel more powerful. And it can be sooo easy to do. Try it.

Don’t wait to celebrate. There is not just one big finish line. Be delighted with your every step forward. It’s practically a miracle you are making any progress at all. Have you ever stopped to think about how many little tiny things have to go absolutely, stupendously well just for you to get out of bed, eat, digest and physically move your body to your work place?

Maybe this lockdown era will help us all appreciate all the little conveniences, daily miracles, and successes a little more. Remember, you don’t know what you have, until its gone. Ask anyone who is finding lockdown difficult or has recently had an accident and found their body parts not working so well.

Decide from today that you can’t wait to celebrate. Train your brain, from today, to find at least three reasons to celebrate every day. Maybe you’ll get up to 10 times a day by the end of the year. You’ll feel better for it. And so will everyone around you.

CategoriesObserveThink About It

What Is Getting You Through?

There is a lot to read, listen to, watch, absorb and process, if you want to. What is getting you through? You can shut it all off with a click of a button, if you like. Sometimes, if only for a 15 minute window, ignorance really is bliss.

People respond to situations differently. Some like to learn everything they can about it. Other people prefer to have it spoon fed to them. Some will take the information as undisputed fact. Some people will want to argue and discuss and try to shape it or understand it.

Do you prefer to get all caught up in every detail, like a daytime soap? Or are you happy to simply get the headlines and you’ll be happy if the world isn’t imploding?

What is getting you through?

Some people enjoy a spot of exercise, like running or yoga. Others prefer to meditate, scribe or sing. There is quite a wide range of things to do, or not do, to help you continue on with your work, family activities, commitments, knowledge and chill or reflect time.

CategoriesGratitudeThink About It

What You Say Reflects You

We all think that our spoken words describe something or someone else. However, what you say reflects you. What you communicate will usually tell us more about your current state of mind, values and critical thinking, than it will about your subject.

I have raised a similar thought previously in another post entitled, ‘Is fire good or bad?’. Putting that aside, what really brings this point home is what people are saying online and on Twitter about our now ICU’d Prime Minister, Boris Johnson.

Leadership examples:

It is fabulous to see people like Keir Starmer and Ed Miliband saying good, hopeful and helpful things at this difficult time. They could have said something political. They could have criticised his policies or judgement in handling the matter. Or they could have said nothing at all. They did not, however, and they chose to send appropriate messages of well wishing.

Meanwhile, there were people who did not send their good wishes for a speedy recovery. They did not stay quiet, nor did they offer their thoughts or prayers to him or his family. You will have to look the comments up yourself, if you want to spend your time that way.

When I see such negative and inappropriate things written, or hear them spoken, I ask myself the following: What is the worst thing that he, personally, directly and intentionally did, specifically to harm you, without any greater consideration or benefit to a wider group?

Consider intent:

It is always best to first consider the other person’s intent. What is the most important thing for them? What were they trying to achieve as the very highest priority for them? When doing this, try to remove your biases and instinctual thoughts and try to get in their shoes and understand their motivation and highest intent. It’s not easy but frequent practice will help.

I believe Mr Johnson’s overriding intent, during this pandemic, has been good. It seems clear to me that he wants to save lives, protect the NHS and support people and businesses adversely affected by the situation. This is a big and broad summary of intent. It won’t be perfect. Nothing ever is.

So the next time you choose to express yourself, take a pause first. What you say reflects you, and it’s quite revealing.

CategoriesActionThink About It

If You Think You Can, You Will

Thinking is a fascinating activity. The inner workings of the mind and all that activity inside the brain. It can be like a Genie’s lamp. Whatever you wish, if you think you can, you will.

Try to visualise ‘thinking‘ actually happening. What do you see? Not the brain. That is where the thinking happens but it is not thinking itself. Do you see thoughts or ideas? Do you see words, or pictures or gas and synapses firing?

Regardless of whatever it is you see thinking as, it is happening. The untapped potential power is incredible. You simply need to decide what you want and your mind can start organising the steps to get there. It can be like having a very efficient concierge.

Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right,

Henry Ford

If this is true, then why do we ever think something won’t work or that we can’t do the thing we want to do? If you go forward confidently, it follows that, ‘If you think you can, you will’. We would all get much more done that way.

I recall preparing for the first year out from school, that I took off to travel, and also my move from Ottawa, Canada to London, England. At those times, I thought I could and I did. There wasn’t hesitation and I didn’t think about couldn’t. Though there were many that thought about that for me. I simply followed the steps my inner concierge laid out for me.

Pick some things you would like to do this year. Decide that you can, and you will, do whatever it is. Write the ideas down quickly. Then let the concierge in your head start making a plan and preparing a path. Soon enough you’ll be on your way.

Don’t look back. Stay focused. Remain confident and resolute. If you think you can, you will.

CategoriesThink About ItVideo

Remember The Titans

Remember we have the power to change our minds, our views and our destiny. Remember The Titans is a brilliant family movie that does a great job delivering on that theme.

Friday night is movie night in our family. With five opinions, it can be challenging to get consensus on what we are going to watch. However, after several other trailers, a debate and a vote, we then watched this trailer and it was a unanimous winner. Although I had seen it before, I was keen to see it again. This time I would get to see the kids’ reactions too.

Well the kids loved it. We did too. It is a very inspiring movie. In addition, it really makes you think. Tough choices are made, different viewpoints are explored. The idea of tough love and long term personal development are key elements. Although set only 50 years ago, it seems like such a different time.

While we are experiencing extra family time, if you are looking for a great, feel good, family movie, then Remember The Titans is certainly worth watching.

Common Sense media suggests it is a 10+ age group movie (but was fine for our almost 9 year old). Rotten Tomatoes audience score is 93% from 578k ratings.

We are always looking for great movies for the whole family to watch. If you have any family favourites that you would be happy to share, please do. Tap the title of this post, scroll to the bottom of it and begin writing in the Start Discussion box.

CategoriesObserveThink About It

Beware, You’re Being Influenced

I think most people like to think that they think their own thoughts. But beware, you’re being influenced. Your thoughts are not always your own.

Thinking can be hard and confronting. Understanding a point of view and dissecting it without emotional baggage, bias, or stereotype can be a challenge.

I’m from the school of thought that people make emotional, instinctive decisions immediately and then search for data to confirm their point of view. It probably stems from millennia of survival instinct conditioning. Beware of anything that is different, as it could harm or kill you. Assess it and look for data that may or may not be right or wrong or even useful.

However, often you will look to find data that confirms your emotional decision. That emotional decision will be based on your prior experience, especially from when you were quite young. So this feedback loop becomes quite self-reinforcing if you are not careful.

Oftentimes people start only following one newspaper, or a collective of sources that all view things a similar way. This seems normal because it can be quite comforting to read things that are in line with our view. Though it is not a great substitute for thinking.

Sometimes content producers try to lead you down a road that isn’t helpful in general, but does suit their personal bias.

Think about this. Really play with it in your head. Are you actually critically thinking things through with your own thoughts, or are you letting someone tell you what they want you to think?

I enjoy a thought provoking exchange. Especially if it is in pursuit of really understanding something or solving a particular problem. It is important to check your intent before you engage in discussion. Are you arguing to win, convince or prove your point or are you engaging to improve your depth of consideration and thought?

Don’t let me influence you though. Think for yourself. Challenge your thoughts, biases, misconceptions and understanding. Consider this when consuming your normal news channel, newspaper, online news, social media, etc. Have you become, comfortably numb?

Beware, you’re being influenced.
