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Take Time Out

We often go very quickly through our days. We will race about at work to get home, hurry to do chores, admin, cook dinner, perhaps put kids to bed and then do more work, watch a show or doom scroll on the phone.

Well tonight, take time out and just go to bed. Read for 20 minutes, if you must, rather than doom scroll. Or just curl up in bed and dream about what you have and where you’re going in life.

If that makes you smile with joy, great! If not, perhaps just think of your happy place and drift off to sleep. The added extra time sleeping will be magical which you’ll notice when you get up refreshed in the morning. Enjoy!

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Ready For The Week Ahead?

Have you blocked out your diary with all the must dos this week? I hope so. Give yourself thought-out structure so that you succeed. Don’t let random, third-tier priorities creep in.

Make sure you’re using your time very efficiently. Every minute counts. Don’t fritter them away on nonsense.

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You will not know the answer unless you ask. Ask the questions that come up in your mind. Also ask for what you want. Be clear. Be decisive. Focus on what you really do want and ask people how you could get it. Ask.

Ask and you shall receive. Sometimes it’s that easy.

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Keep A TO BE List

Lots of people have a to do list. It might encompass large bucket list goals or simply little admin items you need to sort out tomorrow.

Now add another list to your world. The To Be list is one which will help you work on bigger goals and personal goals.

Poossibilities here include, to be kinder, to be a great wife every day, to be a Neuro surgeon or to be on time or early for everything. Try it.

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Small Upgrades Can Have A Huge Impact

Something as simple as buying a new, somewhat fancy pen, can put a little spring in your step and bring your shoulders back so you walk with a little more confidence.

Buying a new item of clothing or a tool for your job can give you a similar feeling. You don’t need massive expenditure to get these great little jumps in life appreciation. If you make a few small but strategic purchases on high impact items or services, you can feel your life get exponentially better rather quickly.

Just don’t buy loads of things that don’t give a lasting impact. Keep the upgrades small, simple and high impact, otherwise you’re just wasting money.

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTime

What Little We Know

There are millions of books yet how many have we read? Over 8 billion people live on Earth today yet how many have you met or heard of even? Every event can be viewed in a myriad of ways and yet you will only ever know one way (yours) for most of them.

Yet we give our opinions like we are an all-knowing super-computer crunching trillions of terabytes of data per millisecond and can confidently give an excellent response to anything.

Though in reality, we barely read half an article written by a biased journalist and believe we are sufficiently well-informed to let loose over a glass of white wine at lunch.

Perhaps get some alternative viewpoints, consider they may also be valid and try to uncover the reality, even if you don’t like that answer. You owe it to yourself to be better informed, less ignorant of real options and to develop objective thinking beyond the tiny bubble you exist in.

Think things through with a little more curiosity, skepticism and thirst for real information in place of the spoon-fed biased reportage you binge on currently.

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The Weighting Of Words

Why does party sound more fun than discipline or focus? Party and focus are both five letters long. They weigh the same. However, their associations are different and so is the sound they make.

Being a liberal often sounds more fun and enjoyable than being a conservative, but it doesn’t mean it is better. Think about different words as you go through the week ahead and weigh them against each other.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessThink About ItTime

Less Sleep

There are moments in life where you’ll lose sleep. This can include studying for exams, preparing a big case, seeing a magical skyline with stars and being in Seattle.

Regardless, sometimes you have to push through. Do it! It’s worth it.

CategoriesObserveThink About It

Definitions Matter

Before or during a discussion or argument, agree to define what terms you’re both using. It is often quite useful since one persons anti-social behaviour is another persons fun party.