Category: Time
Remember The Past
It is definitely worthwhile to remember the past if it uplifts you. If it does not, recall it less and less as time goes by. Remove any environmental cues that may activate the memory. You become what you focus on so it’s best to recall good or informative times more frequently than purely painful ones.
Sleep On Planes
Great place to get a little shut eye. Use it to your advantage whenever you can. The plane is not a cinema, restaurant or gaming den so ignore those distractions. Get some sleep. Thank me later.
Set A Fun Goal
Achieve it today. Enjoy!
Get Back To Basics
Comfort is wonderful. But sometimes it is easier to find a stronger connection to life and living when you strip away all the luxury in life. Get back to basics and live with just the essentials of life. Some will find it exhilarating, others will see it as scary and still others will find it necessary. Embrace it once in awhile.
Too Little Time
No matter how much you have, it often seems we have too little time. Whether it’s a trip you are on, a project you’re doing or life itself, you really have to prioritise because time is your essential, expiring resource.
All In Good Time
Things don’t always go to plan. And some things take longer than you’d want them to. Things such as having a flat battery, traffic accidents on your route somewhere, or delays to aircraft or buses. Take it all in stride and find a positive reason for the delay. You might just find one: or two.
Keep Moving
A little movement can do a lot. Don’t stall. Keep moving. Things will work out alright.
Play is powerful. It allows you to relax and be distracted. It’s fun. Play as often as you can. The world is your playground and its people are all potential playmates. Have fun!
Life Is Fast Paced
Do try to keep up!! Even when you’re resting, it’s moving at incredible speed. Take a deep breath, gather your thoughts and get back in there!