Consider your life and this longer term goal. Commit to something quite some time away. Learn to think in years and decades rather than the moment, today or even this week. Think longer term and make better decisions.
Category: Time
Time To Go
When is it time to leave? This can apply to a party, a job, a relationship, a casino or a country. Most people don’t like leaving when all is going well. Some folks prefer to stay longer if they think they can fix it, improve it or it is going to change for the better.
The decision to leave is a complicated one and really depends on the circumstances in the moment. That said, you should definitely consider your options, at various times, though sometimes your grass is greener than you think.
Find Your Passion
Go after it. Search. Explore. Discover. Spend one week and search online, talk to people, watch clips and try things out. Be proactive. Then shortlist three of your favourite ideas. Explore them for three months. Then go for one all in. You can change later if it is no longer for you.
Don’t wait all your life to find it. Hunt it down.
Results Don’t Lie
You can sell a story, give a reason, or five, and even create an elaborate excuse. It may distract some folks, and waste both of your time, but it doesn’t change the result you had. Results don’t lie.
Life Goes On
In the moment, some things feel gigantic and overwhelming. Though, often five years later, they seem rather small or normal. Life goes on.
Attack Your List
Get a few small items off your list each day. And be sure to get 1-3 bigger items moved forward too.
Find what motivates you. Write it down. Remind yourself several times each day. Use it to ensure you keep pressing forward, like your life depends on it; Because it does.
Sometimes that is all you need.
Keep At It!
Finish the task at hand. You might miss your train home or your favourite tv show but stick with the task until it’s complete. Or you may never finish it. The Law of Diminishing Intent might grab hold of you and bury your dreams and disciplined ways.
Get Ahead Of Your Commitments
Get things done early. When you are ahead of the game, you will be able to excel more quickly.