
Christmas Eve In One Week

Are you ready? Tree up, gifts bought, decorations throughout? Time to get moving if not. You’ve got seven days…..

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The Last Time

There is always a last time. You rarely know when it is though. There is the last time you ever see someone, the last time you work at a company and the last time you visit somewhere special.

Consider everything you do like it’s the last time you will ever do it. Because one day it will be.

CategoriesGratitudeThink About ItTime

Strong Memories

Strong memories can pull you in with great or horrific feelings associated with those moments.

I just pictured an incredibly strong memory of mine when I was about 12. I was playing “rocks” with my cousins at my grandparents place on the path just outside the pool house. Fun and carefree times. It’s like a photograph burned into my mind. Occasionally it’s a short movie.

Strong memories like that feel great and bring a smile to my face.

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Finish What You Start

If you don’t want to see it through to the end, don’t bother starting it. Think this through at the start of a project or situation rather then feel compelled to finish something you have no interest in.

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Are You Ready For An Emergency?

Do people know who to call if you become incapacitated? What if you’re on a bus? How do they ID you? Who would they call other than police or ambulance?

What if your parents had a problem? How would someone get in touch with you? Are your details, which they hold, up to date? Have you got a new number?

Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Take some of your precious time now and put procedures in place. There may not be time to do so later on.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTimeWeight loss

Track Your Progress

This one habit will help you achieve a lot more than you can imagine. If you are trying to make progress hourly, then track this on an hourly basis. When you are trying to make weekly progress, track weekly.

Decide on your specific metrics, write them down and then write down each tracking data point. Yes, it’s easy to do in your head. But it’s not nearly as effective.

If you are serious about winning and achieving, write down your precise metrics and time intervals. Then track the metrics precisely and consistently. Writing it down may seem like a bother, but it is this little tiny sacrifice in your day that will make all the difference.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Follow Up Is Key

Starting can be hard. But if you start something, be committed to completing it too. Like buying something on credit, you have to eventually pay the price. If you do a job, follow up until it is finished correctly.

Yes, it can be mundane doing admin, invoicing, paperwork, forms etc but they need to get done. So do them.

Follow up in sales is often how you win the deal. People remember great follow up. They remember poor performance and neglect too.