CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Give Your Goal 5 Years

It will take longer than you want or think. But it needn’t take forever. You must get started. You must also drive hard. You can do it if you try and have the intent to win.

If you need help getting going, going faster or going further, pick up my #1 bestselling book in self help, Achieve Anything. Follow the 7 simple steps and you will shift from Uncomfortable to Unstoppable.

CategoriesActionFinancialThink About ItTime

Risk On, Risk Off.

Being financially aware is one important aspect of life. Like it or not, money is critical to your everyday life. Try getting through a week without buying anything or using anything you have bought. No transport. No food. And no clothes.

You can’t even do a zoom call for work. It wouldn’t be right using the electricity, even if it’s just a little amount. Because it all needs to be paid for with money.

So call your mortgage broker and your financial advisor and assess these higher rates and what you can do about them today. Play out some scenarios. Pay an early repayment charge if it makes financial sense so you can lock into a lower rate today, rather than a 3% higher rate next May.

Unless something breaks and threatens to pull down the entire financial system, we may be looking at a 5% base rate for 5 years or more.

Learn about finances for the next three months. What you learn may save you £75,000 over the next 5 years. Isn’t that worth spending 5 hours on this weekend?

CategoriesObserveThink About ItTime

Where Does The Time Go?

If you don’t know, you need to pay more attention. Yes, it goes quickly. But, you can do much more with it if you pay attention to it.

Two tips to improve your time use. First, take a piece of paper and jot down what you do every 5 or 15 minutes, for your whole day. Write the time and a few words. For example, 09:00 at desk, opened 10 emails, replied to five. 09:15 went for a coffee. At the end of the day, see where you could tighten things up a little.

Secondly, write out what you need to do and when, the night before. For example, 08:45 make coffee and take to my desk. 09:00 – 09:45 complete house financing. 09:45 – 10:15 make three calls to potential clients.

If you do the second one, you can compare it to the first tip. You’ll see where, when and why you are getting distracted and off track. And for how long.

With this greater awareness, you can make some adjustments to improve your timing and effectiveness.

CategoriesFinancialHealth & FitnessProgressThink About ItTime

In 20 Years

What do you want your life to be like? Where do you want to be? Physically? Financially? Relationships? Work? Career? Hobbies? Family? Health? Fitness?

Take your current age and add 20 years. If you’re 43, add 20 and visualise your life at 63. List out what your life is like. Write it down. Note the clothes you’re wearing, your fitness, how relaxed you are, where you live (sea, mountain, warm, cool), how you spend your days and how delighted you are with life.

Think about your future. Visualise the dream. Add in all the detail. Make it very real and clear to see, not just the idle, transitory thought.

If you want that life in 20 years, what will you need to adjust to get there? Save and invest more of your income? Change some habits? Learn to delegate better and feel good about it? Outsource?

Make these changes now and work on the changes through till Christmas. Then sacrifice and discipline into 2023 so that by the end of that year, you are well on your way to that dream life. Then keep improving every year for 19 more years. I know you’ll make. You can achieve anything that you want bad enough. Especially in 20 years. Go!

CategoriesGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Everyday Life

After 1,000 blog posts, today seems like any other day. It was a great milestone to achieve and I celebrated the moment but now life goes on.

You can understand how astronauts, Olympians, professional athletes and big stars can have some mental health challenges when their time at the top is all over.

Once you’ve walked on the moon or flown in space, how does everyday life compare? It’s as good as it gets. And then it’s over. Then you need to find joy and appreciation in other things. Everyday life is simple. Enjoy its simplicity.

Thank you to all those who sent me congratulations on the 1,000 blog post milestone. I’m grateful for your encouragement and support.

CategoriesActionGratitudeProgressThink About ItTime

1,000 Blog Posts !!!

An historic milestone! I’ve written 1,000 consecutive, daily blog posts now. I hope you’ve been enjoying some of them and some have made you pause and think more than you normally would.

Most importantly, I hope some of my thoughts have helped you to take action in your life and improve some things you wanted to improve. Perhaps you’re now even living your dream!

Years ago, I set out to write 365 consecutive, daily posts, but I just kept going! The first ones were uncomfortable. Now I may be Unstoppable! Like I wrote in my book, you can Achieve Anything!

When you achieve something notable you should celebrate it! That’s step 7 in my book. So join me in celebrating this 1,000th consecutive, daily post. Tell your friends. Have them join in. Especially if they are trying to achieve anything specific in their life right now.

Woo hoo!

What’s the next big goal?! We shall see.

For now, though, I am celebrating. ?

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessProgressReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTime

Prepare Your Mind

Do you charge straight in? Or do you reflect a little before, create a strategy and consider outcomes? Will you expect to win or just see how it goes?

Prepare your mind to win. Think like a winner. Believe like a champion. Expect the best result. Imagine all the events that need to happen for your ultimate success. Practice in your mind. Train your brain.

Smile. You’re prepared.

CategoriesActionProgressThink About ItTime

Keep Putting The Work In

One step at a day. One to three measurable progress points each day. Do this five to seven days per week.

Your efforts will compound. The universe will conspire to help you. You’ll notice small changes and then larger ones.

Keep focused on that one thing you need to do. Stay with it. Complete a task. Then complete a second. Celebrate.

Action and Celebrate are steps 5 and 7 in my book Achieve Anything. Find out what the other 5 are. Pick up a copy of my book at local retailers or from Amazon around the world. They’re having a big sale right now too. 65% off the Hard cover. Or get the audiobook! You will succeed!!

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

What Three Things?

What are the three things you most want to get done tomorrow? Write these down clearly. What outcome would you most like when it is time to fall asleep again at the end of tomorrow.?

If you can move these three key things forward in your day, you are achieving a lot. Anything else you get done beyond that is a bonus. But at least you’ll have completed three things that are important in your life.

Do this everyday and you will see great improvements in your life over 3, 6 and 12 months. Good luck!

Remember: You can achieve anything. If you want to win more, pick up my bestselling book, Achieve Anything, on Amazon and start winning today! It is currently on sale – Thank you Amazon.