CategoriesObserveThink About ItTime

My Grandparents’ Generation

We have a lot in common with them. I never really thought so, but now I do.

We are surviving through some challenging times. They are still ahead on the really crazy stuff like 6 years of WWII, The Great Depression of the ’30s and the invention of amazing things. They had tv, cars and moon landings. We have smartphones, low cost airlines and Mars missions.

If you factor in the Covid years, The Global Financial Crisis of 2007/8/9 and now the Great Recession ahead during the 2020’s, the adults of this era are notching up some impressive survivor moments.

Appreciate what we’re going through in our collective experience and minds. There’s some hardship in our lives and we should recognise that.

CategoriesActionFinancialPropertyReframe your thoughtsTime

Fix Your Mortgage Today!

Imagine paying £20k/$20k more interest in 2023 than you did in 2022!! This can happen if you haven’t been paying attention or don’t take immediate action.

Many mortgage rates have gone up 3% over the past 12 months. So with a £700,000 mortgage, on a £1 million house, you will pay £21,000 more interest next year. Your rates may have gone from 2% to 5% or £14,000 per annum to £35,000 per annum.

Now if you fixed that for five years, that would be £105,000 less in your pocket and more in your bank’s pocket. Yikes! I bet you could have had nice plans for that kind of money.

You can’t do anything about the rate changes up until now. However, if rates go up 3% more by summer next year, but you lock in now, you could save yourself a further £21,000 per year and £105,0000 over five years. You know it makes sense!!

Get your pen and paper out. Call your bank or broker and run the numbers. Get a fixed rate if it makes sense. This time next year you’ll be so glad you did. Do it now!

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughtsTime

Enjoy Dinner Together

Make the effort to eat together at least once a week. Whether it’s you and your partner, your kids, parents, close friends, or grandparents, get a frequent time in your diary.

Then also make sure you are present, alert, engaged and making it the best possible moment you can. These are important moments. You don’t know how many you have left until the last one happens. Then it’s too late.

Enjoy dinner together.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Delegate When Possible

We’ve got a lot to do in our lives. So when possible, be sure to delegate tasks.

You already do this in a sense. Someone else probably grows your food. And a truck driver brings fuel to the pumps for your vehicle. You might even occasionally ask a partner, family member or friend to pick up something from the shops for you while they are there.

You have other people do lots of things for you. Figure out what else you can ask to have done to save your time. Then you can spend more of your time on the things you truly want to do.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Plan In Detail

You can start with a generalisation. When you imagine an amazing future or visualise the realisation of an incredible dream, it can be big and broad.

But then you need to get deeper into the detail. Like planning a holiday, you start with skiing, beach or camping and then add the key details next. You need to know where, with who, when and how. You’ll also need to know how much so you can have the right cards with you or funds in place.

After the big details are in place you need the next level details. You’ll need to know which airline, which gate, which row and which seat. Maybe even what to bring with you on board and what you can’t bring.

The more precise you can be with the details, the more likely you’ll get what you want. I understand Queen Elizabeth II was very keen on the details. She understood the importance of the slightest thing.

You don’t need to be royalty to dress and present yourself well. And focusing on the details can be done by anyone.

Upgrade your skills in this area. Put the effort in. If you’re currently a five in the detail department, learn how to become a six or even seven. Search it up on the internet. Watch some videos. Practice. Get better at it. Your life will improve in many areas and you’ll be surprised at the benefits you find around you.


Era’s End. And Also Begin.

The Queen’s passing marked the end of an exceptional era. I stood at the side of the road Monday and watched her cortege pass right in front of me. Like time, The Moment passed and more moments after that.

But time stops for no one. Things continue to progress. This happens whether you want the event in question to be happening or not.

It really did feel like the end of an era though. It has been an exceptional era that kept getting better. Many people did not want it to end or they believed it never really would.

The Queen was a common thread in a lot of people’s lives, both in the UK and around the world. This may have helped us feel more united in our grief and the uncertainty for the future.

Now our new future begins. With a new King, we will begin a new era. We don’t know how this era will go, nor do we know how it will end. But we do know a new one will begin after this new one. And on it will go.

CategoriesActionThink About ItTime

Start Simplifying

Remove things from your life. Narrow your focus down to a few things that are very important to you.

Remove items you don’t need or that aren’t bringing you benefit or joy. This might mean cancelling a newspaper subscription or tv package. It could also mean stopping an activity that is a habit but no longer as enjoyable.

Simplify your wardrobe, your files, your bookshelf, your schedule, your social media/communications and your thinking.

Keep removing items until you feel calm and more able to enjoy the things that really matter.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Get Good Sleep

Take an evening and go to bed by 9pm. Stop getting more things done. Turn off the entertainment (tv, phone, etc). Just go get yourself to bed and have a great nights sleep. You’ll feel great in the morning: Refreshed and pleased with your self discipline.

CategoriesActionFinancialThink About ItTime

What Will Be Your Legacy?

Events define people. Actions speak louder than words. And, what people broadly say about you when you are not in the room is your defining brand (for that group of people).

Have you given it any thought? What would you love your legacy to be? Will it be raising a wonderful family? Reaching certain heights in your job, career or business? Will it involve charity work or a specific level of philanthropy?

It is never too late to consider this concept, nor too late to take some actions to bring you closer to the legacy you would like to have or leave. Time will continue to march on though. So you best get on with your thoughts, plans and actions so that you can complete your legacy in your lifetime.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About ItTime

Find Your Tribe

Find people who think the way you want to think. Look to join others who know or have what you would like to know or acquire.

It may feel uncomfortable at first. But learn their lingo, culture, norms and preferences. Spend time with them. Get comfortable in their presence. Find your tribe and immerse yourself in it.