CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessThink About ItTime


What to do and what not to do. Some people accept ageing as a part of the life process while others don’t. Some people may even be happier as they age because they are living longer than some of their less fortunate friends. If they appreciate what they have rather than what they are losing, they will struggle less with the eventualities of life.

Your body and mind may not be what they were, and some decline is inevitable, but you can appreciate what you still have.

Staring mortality in the face is not an easy task. And it would seem natural to be angry, frustrated, upset, disillusioned and startled. It is hard to tell how you will respond to the situation when the endgame becomes obvious.

However, hold your chin up, enjoy what you’ve experienced and role model wisdom and appreciation rather than fear and panic. 10 billion people have gone before you and had to deal with the end one way or another. Take some time now to consider your viewpoints and make some plans. This will make the acceptance easier when the final curtain becomes inevitable.

CategoriesActionProgressThink About ItTime


Preparation can greatly increase success and enjoyment.

Prepare well in advance of your holiday, exam, project, wedding, promotion or speech. We may love the doing but the training, organising and preparation ahead of the show or event is critical. So make 10x the time available to prepare and you’ll greatly increase your probability of success and enjoyment.

CategoriesActionGratitudeProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Your Future Self

Live so your future self will thank you. Your future self in 10 minutes and 10 years should want to thank you for thinking of them.

Get your finances in great shape and your one-and-only body too. Keep your mind sharp and maintain great relationships.

Do things now for your future self’s pleasure and appreciation. Make the sacrifice and commitment now so the future you is delighted.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Go For The Unique Experience

We always have choices. Sometimes we feel we don’t because we don’t like one of the options. However, dislike of an option does not mean it isn’t one.

One way to shake up your life a little, and develop a curiosity habit, is to frequently choose the unique or new experience.

This can be as simple as taking a slightly different route home from work or the shops, or watching something you wouldn’t normally watch on TV.

You could speak to one of your lesser known colleagues or call a family member or friend to shoot the breeze for 5 minutes.

Sometimes it will be fun, or it will disappoint, but keep being curious. There is a whole world out there to explore and not much time to do it.

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughtsTime


What keeps you from doing the thing you really want to do? Or even from what you need to do?

If you had only 6 more months on planet Earth, what would you focus on? What distractions would you let fall by the wayside?

Who would you call? Visit? What would be most important to you? What would bring you joy?

There are many things to distract us from our most important goals. A distraction could be a movie, the news, a family matter, a crossword puzzle or a book.

Write down the things you want the most and don’t let these distractions impede your progress. You control your time. Don’t waste it. Use it efficiently and effectively.

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Whatever you like, start doing it now. You’ll be uncomfortable and you’ll make mistakes, but you’ll be on your way.

Starting is hard. You show your hand to everyone. Don’t worry though. People tend not to notice too much and certainly not the detail. If they love you and see your challenges, they will support you. If they don’t like you, then don’t let it bother you either.

Start. There is no time to waste.

CategoriesActionFinancialHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Set Goals With Milestones

I did that this morning and it worked great! I was at a cottage and wanted to kayak to one end of the lake. So I set my goal and estimated time. Then I had some mini goals, or milestones, which I set.

In addition to these, I gave myself some MTO goals. This made it easy to bail out of the Outrageous goal, if I didn’t have the time or energy to succeed with it, but still feel good that I had surpassed my minimum goal or even target goal.

Each milestone I passed gave me more energy to complete the reducing remaining amount. I celebrated each one which kept me positive and determined, despite the intense sun, sore hands and arms and aching bottom.

Despite the headwind and frequent foot high waves, I pushed through and did the whole circuit.

It was a gorgeous, sunny day with fabulous warmth (28C). Blue skies were peppered with occasional clouds, one was even fish shaped.

If you would like to learn more about how to achieve more in your life, pick up my new book, Achieve Anything, which is now out on Audible – A brilliant way to hear all the great content.

You’ll even learn more about MTO, goal and milestone setting and celebrating. Pick up your copy today! Click the link below or go to Audible to get it now.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About ItTime

There’s Always An Outcome

In everything, there is always an outcome. Sometimes you get the outcome you want and other times you get a different outcome than desired or expected. But you often have some influence over the outcome. Sometimes it’s more than you think and other times it’s less.

Regardless of your perceived level of influence, do all the things you can legally and morally do to get the outcome you’re looking for.

Start early. Contact everyone you think can help influence the outcome. Be pleasant and fair but direct and concise. Assume “no” is a temporary answer and obstacle. Seek out solution-oriented individuals and companies. Consider all the options you can possibly think of. Talk to people to check the viability and probability of the various options.

You can achieve anything if you use all of your super powers and your current and desired network. ✅