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School Sports Days

If your child is having a school sports day, do what you can do to go. And when you are there, cheer on your child. Only positive vibes, praise and encouragement though.

Cheer on their friends too, even if they are on other teams. This isn’t the Olympics and all kids should have some cheering. For most people, it’s not often in life when people openly cheer for you.

Remind your children to thank the teachers, helpers, organisers, refs, coaches, timers, medic, etc. These people all helped to make this great day happen. You could go say a few thank you’s too. Nothing like good role modelling and a display of gratitude to people who deserve it (and probably greatly appreciate the acknowledgment).

Remember good sportsmanship and respect. Have a lot of fun. Watch your children, especially in every event possible. Encourage them and praise them often.

Help any children that aren’t feeling well or seem a little down. Check in on them and help them find their smile. Especially children for whom their parents or carers were unable to attend. Learn their names and then shout their name, support and encourage them and make them feel special and a part of the day.

Despite the protesting from your child or others that they do not want you to cheer, be embarrassing or shout their name, there is a little piece in side of them that is delighted that someone has noticed them.

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900 Reasons

To celebrate. To reflect. To be proud. To be satisfied. Why? Well, because this is my 900th consecutive daily blog post! ?

What started out several years ago as a personal challenge to write a daily blog post for 1 year – 365 days – has gone on a little longer.

I’ve had thousands of readers from 80 countries now. I’ve gotten so used to doing a daily blog, long or short, that it really is a habit that took discipline to get started.

So, happy 900th!! I hope you’ve enjoyed the posts, they’ve made you think and you feel like a better person for stretching your mind in different directions.

Thank you for reading and sharing. Let’s keep going! Maybe I’ll reach 1,100 or even 11,000. What topics would you like me to write more about? DM on Instagram or LinkedIn.

If you enjoy reading positive and useful content, then check out my book, Achieve Anything. It’s currently £0.75 for the ebook and the Hard cover is 44% off! It’s cheaper than the paperback at the moment. And if you like audio, my audiobook should be online by the end of the week. Enjoy!!

CategoriesActionProgressThink About ItTime

Following Through Feels Great!

When you say you are going to do something and you do it, especially when it is long, tiresome and hard work, your spirit can soar, if you let it.

Allow yourself the great feeling of having accomplished the tasks on your to do list that day. Remind yourself of the challenges you overcame, both mental and physical. Then be proud, stand up straight, be confident and be pleased with yourself. It’s easy to give up when the going gets tough. But the emotional and mental reward for pushing through and achieving your goals is such a better feeling.

So keep your powerful why in your mind all day while you push and overcome the challenges. Remind yourself you can do this and you will. Stay the course. Keep your commitments to yourself. If you do, you’ll build a better, happier and more prosperous you.

CategoriesActionObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Gathering Momentum

In life, when you plant enough seeds, you are bound to gather some momentum come harvest time.

Think of times in your life where you networked, wrote letters, made calls and passed leaflets through letterboxes. You were trying to get the attention of someone, anyone.

Then someone returned your call. You were pleasant and effective. Word started to spread. More people were attracted to your message, product or service. And your good manners.

This is how every little business started and how all smaller businesses grew into larger ones. Some call it the Law of Attraction. Others say it is the result of sowing then reaping. Still others might conclude it is the hand of god.

Whatever you attribute it to, remember to prepare for, and take benefit from, gathering momentum when you do find it in your life.

CategoriesActionObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

You Don’t Really Want It.

If you won’t sacrifice or put in the full effort required to get the results you want, then you have a wish, not a goal. You hope someone will come do it for you. You’re not intent on success. You want someone to give you what you want with no effort required on your part.

I can always tell who is fully committed to their desired results. They create a plan, put in the work, review their progress daily and get the results they were after.

Everyone else? They delude themselves with excuses, reasons and stories. Results don’t lie.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveThink About ItTime

Sunrise or Sunset?

Which do you prefer? Is it the energy, optimism and excitement of a dawning new day? Or would you rather the calming, closing curtain as the sun sets and you appreciate the day you had?

Leave your vote in the comments below.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Where You Shine Your Light

Be aware of what you highlight and focus on. Just because you shine your light on one spot, doesn’t mean the other million spots you could have highlighted don’t exist. They do.

When people distract you with their preferred stories, you don’t get to work on your life story. Turned down the noise or even turn it off. You don’t need the media, your friends, colleagues, social media and entertainment to distract you.

Shine your light on your work. Stay focused. Get it done. Then take a well deserved break. Before long, get back at it. Everything else is noise distracting you from your dream life.