CategoriesHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime


I love a nap now and then. 5 minutes or 15. Sometimes 2 hours. They can be awesome. Rejuvenating. Energising.

Having a nap to recharge your batteries can be a great idea. Amazing how well they work.

Sitting in a chair, lying down on a sofa or even on a floor, sometimes you’re so in need, anywhere will do!

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsTime

Be Prepared

Often we know about events, occasions and opportunities well in advance. You know, like Christmas, birthdays, annual reviews, monthly investing, etc.

So let’s not leave these things to the last minute. Get your documents ready, prepare your mind, get cards and gifts sent off early. This is a great way to reduce stress. Surf the tsunami of stuff in your life. But also reduce the amount you are committing to. You are not super human or expected to be.

But when you know something happens every year at the same time, be prepared, well in advance. Then you can have that calm, smug feeling of being ahead of the game.

CategoriesActionThink About ItTime

Always Allow Extra Time

Whether you’re driving to work, heading on holiday, or preparing for exams or presentations, always allow extra time.

You’ll feel more confident. And it will allow for unexpected things to happen and keep your plans intact.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveThink About ItTime

When This Is Over, You’ll Miss It

It could be a holiday, work assignment, kid’s project, DIY work on your home, a contract role or a celebration. You may be feeling uncomfortable and can’t wait for it to end. But, when it is over, you’ll miss it.

You’ll miss the energy, comraderie, purpose, teamwork and excitement. The buzz and deadlines will be longed for too.

So savour every minute. For this too shall pass.

CategoriesActionFinancialProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

File Fast And Well

Touch paper once if you can. Deal with things the week they arrive. Don’t let things pile up. But if you do, bite the bullet and set aside time that month to get back on top of things.

File things properly. Do it fast. Then it’s easy to find later. And it’s off the floor, desk, counter, table, etc.

Have a good filing system. Have any to start. Then improve it.

Get on top of your admin. You can thank me later.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Heck Yes Or Hard No

This is a great way to decide whether you do things in life. If you are not delighted and shout out ’Heck yes’ at the mere mention of something, then it may not be worth your piece of life to do it.

In that case, make it a hard no.

Of course sometimes you’ll be required to do things that don’t excite you and bring joy. But when you have the choice and the decision is yours, live your life in the ‘Heck yes!’ zone.

Imagine that life! Heck Yes!!!

CategoriesObserveThink About ItTimeVideo

The New CCTV

Phone, Dashcam or doorbell camera footage are what our local police ask for to help resolve situations in our community.

30 years ago, none of these were an option. They were not even an idea.

Now they are quite common place. Hopefully they encourage people to be better citizens, take their time and be patient with others.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTimeWeightWeight loss

Set Up Your Life To Win

What one thing could you do differently, starting today, that could make a nice difference in your life?

What could you eliminate from your day? Or what could you adjust to make the outcome you want more likely?

Don’t buy sugary or salty snacks or treats and keep them in the house. Keep cherry tomatoes and hummus instead. When you think you are hungry, pour a cool glass of water. Set your morning wake up bell to 15 minutes earlier and then get up and do 30 push ups and sit ups.

Get things ready now or in the evening before bed so it is easier to make the changes happen tomorrow.

Each time you set up your environment to win, your future self smiles and remembers how clever you are. That’s a nice feeling.