CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Timing Helps

Having the right timing can be very beneficial. Near misses are based on beneficial timing. Impact and accidents tend to be unfortunate timing.

Some timing elements you can predict. For example, being late to an interview is rarely going to provide a good outcome.

You can force timing, but it doesn’t always work out well. Agree timings. Then allow plenty of time to arrive early. Enjoy the feeling of calm as you arrive with time to spare.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Early To Bed

What does that mean to you? Does it mean a certain time? Is it a silly idea that you can’t take seriously?

Could you go to bed at 6pm and be comfortable with that?

Would you have to be quite unwell? Or could you decide on a whim that you needed some extra rest and simply get yourself to bed? Or are you a wake-up-late-only-option kind of person? Have a think about how you see time and sleep. It may be revealing or surprising. Goodnight.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughtsTime

Just One More, Can Create Challenges

Whether it’s a cookie, drink or one more ski run, just one more can change things.

The cookie can add to unwanted weight. The drink might having you feeling more tired in the morning. And the extra ski run might make you miss your connection back to your mountain base.

Know when to be grateful and satisfied. You’ll appreciate what came before even more.

CategoriesHealth & FitnessThink About ItTime

Sauna, Steam Room, Hot Tub And Chill Pool

I love a sauna. Always have. These were mainly après-ski activities as a kid and teen.

These later became part of an annual spa tradition my wife and I indulge in. 10 minutes hot, then 1 minute cold. Repeat a few times. Shower. Dry off in the warm air on a lounger or hammock, in front of a crackling fire. Then read and drift off to sleep.

It’s amazing. Swimming in the river is nice too. Contact me for location details if you like. Two days and you’re a new person. Indulge.

CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessProgressTime

On The Mend

It feels so good when you turn the corner on an ailment, condition, flue, cold, etc. It’s that moment when you know you’re coming out the other side and everything is getting better.

That is a nice moment to savour. Enjoy it.


Travel Days

They can be enjoyable. Though they can be long and tiring. Regardless, have fun with it. It’s still one of your few unique days in the universe. Embrace it all with curiosity, patience, awe, gratitude and humour.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsTime

Falling Behind

Sometimes we get a little further behind on things than we would like. It could be from laziness, distraction, unexpected extra work, additional responsibilities or something nice like a holiday.

Regardless why, don’t sweat it. Keep plugging away, a little more than usual, and you will be surfing the stationery again in no time.

And if it is because of family matters or a family holiday, then that is fine. In 20 years, the family help or fun holiday is likely to be a much more important memory than some additional admin.

CategoriesActionPropertyReframe your thoughtsTime

Property Can Make You Wealthy

Prices can make your mind make funny justifications. It’s not prices on their own though. It requires your bias and your emotion. And without thinking, you can end up on the wrong end of the stick.

There are many reasons not to own an investment property. People will share these with you whether you ask or not.

But a property in an area that is reasonably desirable, or is likely to continue to grow, can be an excellent investment.

For example, in the UK, property tends to double in value, on average, every 10 years. So, if you buy a £600,000 property with a £450,000 mortgage (75% loan to value), it should be worth about £1.2 million in 10 years and £2.4 million in 20 years.

Imagine that. One property that you put £150,000 down on as a deposit, could be worth about 4 times it’s current price in 20 years. That would leave you with nearly £2 million in equity.

That’s more than 10x on your money. You may also have received some rent in that time period too. Add that into the mix.

Now imagine that one property helped you buy two more at £800,000 on the 10th anniversary. And they went up similarly. And their mortgages stayed static. You could have about £4 million in total equity after the 20 years. Just three properties could change your life and whole financial circumstance.

Think it through. Or ask. But make it work for you. Because property can make you wealthy.

CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

This Should Not Be Happening In 2022

I find this an odd statement, regardless of the topic. You may like something and wish it wasn’t happening, but why should it not be happening?

It’s a complex world. You live 1/8 billionth of it. Just because you think something should or shouldn’t be happening doesn’t mean everyone else is on the same page yet, or anymore.

Things shift. Life can be complicated. People might think we are so modern. I would imagine that people in 1,217 also thought they were super modern at the time. Also in 1812. Heck, there was even an overture named after that year. Impressive.

Remember, everyone here was born and had to be trained or they followed a role model. For every, single, little thing. And each one might have been different.

You may want a different world. But this is what we have. Work with it.