CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Allow Extra Time

This is some great advice. Whether you’re renovating a property, heading to the airport, going to an exam or interview or even just driving to a friends, you should allow some extra time for unexpected moments.

We won’t always know in advance when traffic gets heavy, someone becomes ill, or someone bumps into us on our way. Just to be sure to be early, and no later than on time, allow extra time than you think is necessary.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessThink About ItTime

Make Hay While The Sun Shines

Growing up on a farm, this made a lot of sense. You had to work on sunny days. Now that I am no longer on a farm, this means something a little different to me.

It means work while you can. Work while you have the health and ability. While conditions are good, make the most of them.

Because on actual sunny days, I like to watch my kids play, stroll with my wife, go for a run, or have a siesta under a shady tree. Sometimes even drink a cold beverage.

Words and phrases can mean different things to different people or even the same people but in different circumstances.

Do the work, or go and play, while you can.

CategoriesGratitudeReframe your thoughtsTime

Appreciate Your Mother

Mom, Mum, Mother, or whatever you call that special woman who gave birth to you or raised you.

Sunday, in the UK, is Mother’s Day. A good time to give thanks for all that your Mom has done for you. From being a wee little thing, pushing on a swing and pushing you in a pram, to helping you learn to walk and maybe read.

She’s been there trying to make your life better in any way she can. Sometimes, or rather quite often, we don’t fully understand all that our Moms do.

So call her today, visit her, write her a letter or remember her and her place in your life.

Appreciate your mother.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveThink About ItTime

There Is Never Enough Time

Or, there is always enough time, just too many things on your list. Be selective. At one point, your maker will say, ‘time’s up.’ Make sure you have completed the important stuff by that moment.

Having more time seems like a luxury.

Getting more time at the end of a match or exam can be helpful. More time after a difficult diagnosis. The extra hour when clocks fall back in the autumn.

But when it’s time, it’s time.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessTime

Enjoy Lovely Days

Sunshine, warming air, boys playing rugby 7s, a cool pale ale in hand, friends to chat, cheer and laugh with and the time on a weekday to do it. This was the wonderful recipe we had on Monday.

What would make a lovely day for you?

Can you create the circumstances or environment to have one soon?

Appreciate all 365 days each year and particularly the lovely ones.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveThink About ItTime

Consider The Decades

1-10 Born, rapid growth both mental and physical.
11-20 Education. Physical transformation.
21-30 Explore. Income. Partner? Children?

31-40 Accelerate career. Promotions. Family?

41-50 Career growth. Relationship. Parents challenges. Kids big moves. Empty nest. Friends. Travel

51-60 Top of your game. High earnings. Big titles. Considering retirement. Grandchildren. Parents passing. Inheritance. Kids on property ladder.

61-70 Golden years. Travel. Activities. Fun. Financial understanding.

71-80 Health Focus. Legacy. Finances. Children. Grandchildren. Great grand children. Financial help. Guidance.

81-90 Independence. Reflection. Activities. Enjoyment. Health challenges.

91-100 Less independence. More consideration of what’s been and what’s next

101-onwards. Well done ???

What do you think? Let me know in the comments.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Keep Things Calm

Be careful how you speak and what you say. When you get a bit excited, anxious or passionate, it’s easier to say things that alienate others, even while you might be trying to get them on your side.

Stay away from name calling and moral superiority. Stick to the facts and know they may interpret the same facts differently. Be kind. Understand your intent.

It’s too easy to lose family, friends, partners and others by chastising them or saying things that aren’t very kind, just because they have a different view of things.

Otherwise you become part of the problem, not the solution.

Keep things calm.