CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsTime

Dream About Your Future

Create some exciting ideas about what you would enjoy in your future life. It could be ideas about next month or next year. You could consider it in terms of years, like 2023, 2032 or 2058. Figure out your age in those years and what you think you would like your life to look like then.

There is no need to spend any time worrying or being concerned about if you will get there or how you will do it. For the moment, just let your mind wander and enjoy the wonderful ideas of your future life. You might have a romantic relationship, spend six or 18 months travelling around the world, or perhaps you have a business that you will create that is doing very well.

Your life is a blank sheet of paper or a clear canvas. You get to decide what you would like to place on that sheet. LeavIng all of your past out of it is an option too. You can recreate yourself or decide that your future won’t simply be an extension of your past. Dream big! Make it exciting.

There are many famous or successful people who came from situations tougher than yours, easier than yours, or just like yours. You can find them and get confirmation that people like you can get to places like that.

If you can choose a great and exciting life, why would you choose anything else? It will not happen overnight but it will happen if you dream about your future, write it down, make a plan and work towards it for at least 5 minutes, every single day. In a few years, you’ll be nodding your head in agreement with me.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Things Will Get Better Tomorrow

Sometimes our day doesn’t go how we want it to. It could be something we did or didn’t do. Or, it could be something that others have done or not done. It can even just be down to nature or circumstance. There are countless reasons why your day may not have gone as well as you would have liked.

Regardless of why it didn’t go well, things will get better tomorrow. The immediate impact can feel uncomfortable or even devastating. But hang in there. Time is an incredible thing that allows us to heal. Training the mind to have hope and look forward to brighter days is also very powerful.

Don’t dismay. You are stronger than you think you are. Recognise the hurt or the pain. But also know that pushing through will be the best thing you could ever do. You will be stronger and more experienced. You will rebuild and things will go amazingly well. Have faith. Have hope. Rest for a moment, or a day, and then get back on your path to a better life.

I’m cheering for you!


Make Connections

Find people who do what you want to do. Also, speak to people who have a similar philosophy. Find clubs, groups, associations, etc. that do the type of thing you do. Learn from these people. Do business with them too. Reach out and meet others. Make connections. Watch your life blossom and flourish.

CategoriesActionProgressThink About ItTime

Best Route

When trying to get somewhere, it’s ideal to take the best route. But we don’t always know the best route until we’ve started and sometimes not until we’ve finished.

The most important part is to get started. Once you are thinking about your journey and writing down options, you will be more likely to discover the best route.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Self-Discipline Is Key

It feels easier in the moment not to be disciplined. You can shrug it off. Believe that you will do it later. You think you’ll get back on it again later in the week.

After a few weeks of great daily self-discipline will be the opposite. It’s harder in every moment. Though it gets easier with practice. But it is definitely harder to start. But the longer term benefits are great. If for no other reason than you can count on yourself to achieve when you say you will.

Usually though, we find other things in our way and don’t get back to it. A few weeks of that and we won’t feel so good about ourselves. It’s self-inflicted though.

If you find it hard to count on you, who else can? But you have the control to change it all around. Only say things you are actually going to do. Don’t over-commit. Set timers to help keep you on track. Be pleased with each commitment you stick to. Those are powerful building blocks.

Self-discipline is key. And that key will unlock all the doors you can imagine.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

It’s Hard To Change

Habits and patterns of behaviour can be incredibly difficult to change. Our environment has adapted to make the habits easier. In addition, our desire for familiarity adds to the challenge of changing. Finally, our self-image will stop us if the new habit is not in aligment with how we see ourselves.

Three things to make it easier to change are as follows:

  1. Adjust your environment to make the new habit easier and the old habit harder. For example, have all your clothes ready by your bed to go exercise when you wake up. Also, put your alarm on the other side of the room so you have to get out of bed to shut it off (and therefore not hit snooze and roll over). Put the volume high too so you need to go shut it off or turn it down.
  2. Be patient and know that it will take days, weeks and months to get familiar and comfortable with this new routine. The greater familiarity and better environment will make it all seem easier.
  3. Remind yourself daily, 10 times per day or more, that you are this new type of person. You could say, ‘I am an early morning person.’ You could add, ‘I am a fit and healthy person.’ By saying the ‘I am’ statements many times per day, while also doing steps 1 & 2, you will reinforce this new personality you are becoming. This will improve the chances of your mind and body accepting this new way of being and thriving with it.

Yes, it’s hard to change, but you can make it easier on yourself and increase your probability of success. Start today!


Keep Pressing Forward

No matter what you do, keep pressing forward. It may seem too difficult or even useless. But keep moving things in the direction you need. Write out and plan every step and then execute on that plan. You will be successful if you do this. You may even become unstoppable.