CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Life Is Like Chess

The more you consider the long term, the better you usually do. It starts off so clean and simple. But then things get more intertwined and complex. If it lasts long enough, everything thins out and becomes simple again.


Appreciate Your Freedoms

Unfortunately we don’t usually notice our freedoms until they are taken away. If you grew up free, you don’t know anything else. That doesn’t make you bad, just unaware.

There are so many freedoms. Try appreciating your freedoms today.

Freedom of movement. Freedom of religion, to drive, to associate, go for a walk, make a living and use your money how you please.

Imagine each one of those being slowly taken away. Appreciate them now.

CategoriesHealth & FitnessObserveProgressThink About ItTime

When Does The Covid Pandemic End?

It might be 2026 or as soon as spring 2022. It could be any other time too. I hear one of my favourite phrases in my head, “It depends”.

Who will declare the pandemic is over? What criteria will be used? What will happen after? Has anyone thought this through? I am sure lot’s of people have considered the idea of this pandemic finishing. It will be interesting to see how that plays though.

Will some countries like New Zealand and Australia maintain a Moat status with frequent lockdowns for another 5 or 10 years? Denmark seems to have opened up internally, though there are still some border restrictions, which could end by November. The UK is fairly open and almost back to 2019 activity and freedom of movement.

So it depends on what the ruling parties want to see in each country, state, province, territory etc. Some leaders are aiming for zero new cases, some want zero hospitalizations or deaths. Other leaders are being more pragmatic and are ok with many cases as long as hospitalizations and deaths stay relatively low. Another view is the number of vaccinated people.

However, even if there was a 100% vaccination rate, people would still catch it and pass it on. The vaccine reduces symptoms and can aid in reduction of the spread but it does not stop the spread or eliminate Covid. So people will need to get their head around that. Perhaps comparing it to the seasonal flu and how we dealt with that would be possible for some. If not, prepare for masks, social distancing, semi-annual booster jabs, frequent testing, occasional lockdowns and stressful travel for the next 3,650 days.

When does the Covid pandemic end? It depends.

CategoriesActionProgressThink About ItTime

It’s Hard To Finish

Completing the task can be a challenge. Sometimes we get started and stay consistent. But completing the task, so it is all done, as we wanted, can get sidetracked.

We might get delayed, sidetracked, see goalposts move, never quite reach the goal or many other reasons. Being emotionally involved in the process or never feeling quite ready can be other issues to overcome.

You must begin with the end in mind. Have a vision of the completed project. Prepare a celebration. Have a timeline that you follow. Have some contingency and prepare for things to not go exactly to plan. You may need to be a little flexible.

It’s hard to finish but that’s where the glory, relief and calm is.


It’s Hard To Continue

Starting can be easy compared to keeping something going. Pay for the gym and go for two weeks. We’ll check back in with you after week seven. Still going everyday? How about three times per week?

Quit smoking? Great start! Let’s see where things are after 60 days. Saving money to build an investment pot for retirement? Great! Let’s see where things are at in month four. What happened?

Starting has it’s challenges but so does keeping it all consistent. But since you started, keep the discipline every day. Save just one pound in your piggy bank or online bank. Do one push up. Push the smokes away one more time.

It isn’t easy. But it is worth it. So many benefits in building new, positive habits.

Do one thing towards your new goal each day. Have a solid reason why you’re doing it. Make it an emotional one, not just practical. Develop tenacity and discipline. Listen to, watch or read motivational material such as The Quote of the Day Show, YouTube channels, or my upcoming book (sent final typesetting changes back to the publisher today ?).

It’s hard to continue. But do it and build your pride, self esteem and better life.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

It’s Hard To Start

Getting going can take some time. Top tip though is to write five key bullet points. Right now. Type in or jot down five key bullet points about the topic, the call, next steps, outcome desired or plan.

Cracking the seal makes it feel real. Which is great. But it is also part of the problem. You see, until you write something down, the points are just ideas in your mind. You can fantasise about the outcome, the amazing letter you’ll write or the results you’ll get.

However, once you start writing it down, it makes it feel real. You need to be more precise. Realism comes into play.

This realisation scares the dickens out of most people. It can feel like your head getting whacked when the reality sets in. But it’s a good thing. Because if you don’t start, you can’t continue or finish.

It’s hard to start. But it’s necessary.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessTime

Enjoy Your Downtime

Plan ahead for breaks. These can be 5 minute refreshers or two week vacations. Whatever length and style, you need to have them. And you need to enjoy them too!

When it’s downtime, relax. Unwind. Enjoy your downtime. Your mind, body and soul need it.

CategoriesGratitudeThink About ItTime

Hold Family And Friends Close

Give them an extra hug. Say some extra kind and supportive words. If they’re not near, hold them close in your heart. Your thoughts matter and your emotional support will be felt.

Write them a note. Give them a call. Arrange to visit them. These are important and powerful moments. You will feel it. They will feel it. It will be remembered and cherished.

Hold family and friends close.