CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Avoid Or Attack The Day

Are you pulling the duvet over your head most days? Too often and you may consider that you are avoiding the day. If so, ask yourself why. There is often a simple reason. Sometimes it’s a conversation that’s needed that will be uncomfortable. Other times it could be a project that requires a tough decision or elements you don’t enjoy doing.

Regardless, see if you can flip the ‘avoid’ into ‘attack’. Identify the element that is keeping you under the duvet and launch into the day deciding you will confront that element and resolve it today.

Make a plan with some specific times and parameters. You will get up at x time. You will work on this specific issue from y to z time. Then you can put it behind you. That is how you shift from Uncomfortable to Unstoppable.


My new book Achieve Anything – The 7 Simple Steps to Shift from Uncomfortable to Unstoppable is in typesetting. Launch date is going to be in late November or early December in time for Christmas.

CategoriesGratitudeThink About ItTime

Medical Glue Is Marvellous

It’s an amazing invention. It can fix you up in no time. Easy to use and no local anaesthetic required. Also, no stitches or stitch holes as scar tissue. Fascinating.

Imagine having that 200 years ago. Imagine what we might be doing in 100 years from now. We are getting smarter about things. There is a lot of natural healing, food selection and exercise. And for those things that still don’t respond, we can use significant other drugs, appliances and treatments. We keep getting better. It’s a great feeling.

Medical glue is marvellous. Thank you inventors, medical personnel, science folk, crash test dummies and other volunteers.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Make Changes

Shake things up a bit. Adjust your sleep habits, tv and social media habits or even how much ‘news’ you read or watch. You can stop filling your fridge and cupboard with foods that do you no good. Get those things out of your environment. Less temptation or risk will help improve choices and results. You’re the adult. You buy the groceries. These changes start in the shops.

Go exercise this morning. Walk. Do 4 pushups. Start. Try. Experiment. Do a tiny shift. Or you can make big changes.

How soon do you want to see results? How long till you make the changes required? What age will you be when you finally make the changes you know you should have made 3 years ago?

Make changes. #letsgo!

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Talk It Out

When in doubt, talk it out. Go into discussions with positive intent. Seek first to understand as Mr Covey would say. Before you comment, listen carefully to their words. Try not to interpret them. Take them at face value. Then try clarifying meanings with questions.

It is not easy at first and can be bumpy even for professionals. But know that you are looking to resolve the issue, not be right. Being wrong or unaware is fine if the other person comes with empathy and compassion.

Most arguments aren’t created because those two people enjoy arguing. It is often a miscommunication or misunderstanding due to different reference points, beliefs, values or ideas.

Talk it out. You’ll feel much better for it.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Get It Out

Write, speak or mutter, you need to work things through in your mind and get it out of your system. A problem shared is a problem halved is the old saying. But you don’t have to share it with a specific person. You can act like you’re sharing it when writing or speaking. However, you can put the paper in a drawer and never see it anymore. Or speak the words up into space, where no one ever could give chase.

You will feel unburdened. And that is the key. Vent, rant, seethe or simply dispose of your thoughts and you will feel lighter, happier and on the way to a better day already.

Otherwise you are keeping a poison in your system which impacts your mind and health and has little to no impact on any others. Although they may feel an edge or chill from you, it will not eat them up inside.

Just get it out by the end of the day. You will sleep better and be a better person to be around.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsTime

Move With Pace

It’s fun to watch people from different places or with different mindsets as they move through their day. Some are speeding through, making rapid progress. Others are sauntering along like they’ll live to 200 with no ageing. Choose your pace but it dictates your race. Are you in the race to win? Move with pace.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About ItTime

Reflect On Key Moments

Wonderful or challenging, it is good to reflect on key moments of your life. It could be something many others share as a memory like Woodstock, LiveAid or 9/11. Or these memories could be something personal to you. Perhaps that time your Mom said something inspiring or your brother moved out of the house and you got his room. Whatever the memories are, it is good to reflect on key moments so you begin to understand their impact on you.

CategoriesActionFinancialGratitudeReframe your thoughtsTime

Key Skills In Life

You need five key skills in life. That is all. Not 2,000 and not even 200. Nor are they difficult. But without these you will struggle.

Learn to work diligently and with pride.

Be appropriate with money. This includes spending less than you earn.

Be selective with your time. Enjoying time spent is one thing. However, wasting it, especially repeatedly, is an entirely different story.

Learn to be kind to others. This also includes being well mannered.

Finally, be grateful and appreciate all of the people and things that are in your life.

Yes, you could list more here. I could even break some of these down to be more specific. But generally, if you can manage to do these five things, within the broader context of your life, you will do well. By which I mean you will earn a decent living, be joyful, live with little stress and retire on your own means.

Work on these five key skills in life every day.