CategoriesObserveThink About ItTime

We’re Heading Somewhere

We all are. We are going collectively and individually. Sometimes we know the people on our path and sometimes not. We’re heading somewhere and it is a good idea to figure out where that is.

It can be a bit unnerving to look into the future, especially if you tend to the pessimistic, dramatic or fearful side of things. If you are more of an optimist, it won‘t feel so challenging. You’ll assume that most of the data is going in the right direction. Also, given we are moving away from a difficult past and moving toward a more ideal future, things will inevitably get better over time.

We’re heading toward a better future for those that want to be there. However, if you are prone to the negative, complain-laden or critical, you won’t see how good you have it. Nor will you notice how incredible things are becoming.

Look at basic education becoming available to more and more people everyday. Access to the internet continues to grow at an incredible speed. This is important because that is where all the world’s knowledge and connections are found. Podcasts are booming. Personal development is booming. Thoughtful discussion and rapid problem solving is also developing quickly.

The World is improving and progressing quicker than at any other time in history.

We’re heading somewhere.

CategoriesActionFinancialProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Enjoy Endless Possibilities

Often our lives seems to follow a particular track. There are a lot of repetitive tasks and situations. Although, you can enjoy endless possibilities and alternative realities.

But be honest about those. Are you willing to give up what you have and are to be what you could be, do and have? Oh, and there are no guarantees that your new future will be any better. However, it may not be any worse. It might just be different.

That in itself is enough to scare most people into inaction. This is unfortunate for you and the Universe. The more that each individual can optimise their life, the better. It is better for the individual and better for all of society.

Do one or two things just a little differently today. Go down a different road to get to your office. Call an old friend for 15 minutes. Try doing some stair steps while you are on the phone. Rather than sit there and talk, walk and talk. Do some heel lifts. Lift some light dumbbells while you are on your call.

Try to spend less than 5 minutes reading the paper today. Call that supplier and ask for a discount. Whatever it is you try, do it with great intentions. Do this type of thing everyday and in a week you will have done 14 things differently. That will set you on a different path.

Enjoy endless possibilities. Then enjoy the multitude of new results.


Plant Now To Harvest Later

Where you are today is directly linked to the actions you took five years ago. Did you plant the crop you wanted? Plant now to harvest later.

Because growth is hard to see over the short term, we can ignore our actions for awhile. Although that is not what you want to be doing.

You must be intentional with your thoughts and actions today. If you are, you increase the likelihood of achieving the results you desire.

It does take time and it does take effort. You need to tend to your goals like you tend to a garden. Keep the weeds away. Weeds are like the negative influences of well meaning friends and family.

Some people and situations will try your beliefs. You will need resilience to carry on and continue to push forward towards your dreams.

Be clear what you are planting. Be clear on what results you want in a week, month, year and five years. You can adjust later if your desires change.

However, don’t change because it’s hard. Keep pressing on in that case. It is ok to change course. But do it for the right reason. You’ll be happier for it in the long run.

Plant now to harvest later.

CategoriesActionObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Make It A Game

Not everything is fun. Sometimes you have to do the work part of work. But it can be more enjoyable if you make it a game.

When you are waiting in a queue, see if you can guess how long the next person will be. Also try guessing what the people ahead of you do for work. You can even ask them if you want to verify your accuracy.

If you can take something tedious, boring or challenging and turn it into some fun, you could have a much better result. Certainly you are likely to have a much better time.

Most often it doesn’t take much to distract ourselves. Make the activity fun or interesting and time will fly by.

The great thing about our imagination is that we can use it to change the less interesting parts of life. In addition, the more you use it the better you’ll get at it. Keep youthful and play games.

Your mental strength will grow and the rest of your life will follow. Life can be seen as a game. It can be a deadly serious game or a lighthearted, enjoyable game. You tend to get to decide.

Whatever you do, make it a game.



10 Minutes Of Impact

I continue to see how your life path can change in a moment. It doesn’t require much time. With just 10 minutes of impact, your life can shift to a different course.

One impulsive decision could have you bumping into your dream partner on a Saturday evening cooking course. Alternatively, allowing things to heat up a little too much could have you looking for a new kitchen.

This idea is often on display as we see the results of people’s decisions unfold. We often have empathy though sometimes we don’t. You weigh up a lot of data points and considerations.

The Euro 2020 football tournament had some examples on Monday. (Spoiler alert). Spain was ahead 3-1 with only 5 minutes to go in regular time. With that lead, one could easily assume the strong odds were for Spain to win. However, in the 85th minute of the 90 minute game, Croatia scored. Then, two minutes into added time, Croatia scored again to bring the match level at 3-3. In the 30 minutes of extra time, Spain scored twice to clinch the win.

In the France v Switzerland match we saw something similar. Down 3-1 to the French, the Swiss team scored twice in the final 9 minutes. The first was in the 81st minute and the second in the final minute. It continued to be a very exciting and riveting match from there.

Remember, it isn’t over till it’s over. Momentum can shift suddenly and powerfully. And, 10 minutes of impact can change your life. Go make it happen.


Make Your Actions Matter

What you do in life is what will count in your life. Disregard what others say and do. Pay no attention. Make your actions matter. By doing so, you give yourself the best chance of success.

Too many people, occasionally myself included, give too much time and attention to unnecessary things. This can include a disproportionate amount of time on interest rate direction, politics or the latest world event.

In addition, there are people that then look for externalities to blame. It can even slip to how your boss isn’t helping, the company is holding you back or a desired client isn’t getting over the line.

If you find yourself in this position, you need to just push onwards. Things can get difficult. Challenges will arise. Oftentimes this will happen at inopportune times as well. However, if you keep focused and keep playing to win, you will get to the result you are looking for.

We can look out and think that so much is impacting us. However, it usually only impacts us if we let it. If we allow events or other people’s opinions keep us from our goals, then they will.

But, if we stay focused on what we are supposed to do and do that well, we will succeed.

Make your actions matter.

CategoriesHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime


Is this easy or hard for you to do? Are you filled with tension in your body? Is your mind constantly buzzing? Relax. It will do you a world of good.

Sometimes I simply lay down on the bed or sit in a chair and close my eyes. Then I empty my mind, relax my limbs and take many slow but deep breaths with equally slow exhales.

Three to five minutes of that and I can be as good as new. Though I do set my phone alarm for seven minutes now. By doing this, I have a better chance of not sleeping for an hour or two. It can be so instantly relaxing that you can doze off.

I have also used the Key Drop technique of Dali’s. Essentially, hold something in your hand and when you finally succumb, you drop it. When it hits the floor, you will awaken. You will have dozed off just enough to reinvigorate yourself. Then you can get back on with things.

Relaxing doesn’t have to involve sleep. Although, a good nap in the middle of the day has helped many famously hard driving people. However, you can also meditate. You can even just watch some comedy on YouTube. It really is up to you. But you should do something to relax every day.

You may find it a welcome habit. Go on, relax.

CategoriesActionFinancialThink About ItTime

Make A Financial Wish List

Remember the car you wanted? How about that vacation that didn’t happen? Make a financial wish list so you can focus on the things that bring you joy.

Like Marie Kondo says, when tidying, get all the same items in one spot. So if you are doing clothes, get all of the clothes from around the house and put them in one spot. This way you can see everything at the same time. This makes it easier to compare, so the selection process may be easier. You also get a true sense of the magnitude of the items.

Do the same for a financial wish list. Think of it as a bucket list that you want to achieve before you buy the farm. Put everything on this list that you could imagine wanting at some point. Put a minimum cost on each item. The idea is to get everything out in the open and see what you would really like. Some will be must haves and some will be nice to haves. Put them all down. Get a real sense of what is ahead of you. What would bring you joy?

For example, one of my items is to pay for each child’s university education. Another is to cover an amount for a wedding. Now maybe they won’t go to university or get married. But at least the funds are there in case they do. And they can always be redirected to a start-up business fund, round the world holiday or other matter after a certain age.

Make a financial wish list. Make it for fun. It will tidy your mind.

CategoriesActionFinancialHealth & FitnessThink About ItTime

Stop And Think

When did you last do this? It can change your life if you do it. Many people are so busy getting through life, they don’t stop and think.

Take 15 minutes later this evening and consider some things. If you are really brave, get a pen and some paper and write out your thoughts. I say brave because it is rarely comfortable confronting the brutal facts of reality.

Now I suggest you write out some of the great highlights of your life first. You may be able to note down 12 years of schooling or an advanced degree. Perhaps you’ve travelled or have had an illness you’ve had to overcome. Maybe you donated some money to a friend that was doing some fundraising. You may also have maintained a successful relationship, built a career, bought a house, raised good children or simply made it through life to here.

Well congratulations! There are so many skills you have and so many more you could acquire. You are far better and more impressive than you give yourself credit for. And you can do so much more than you even begin to imagine.

Recall all those times you got the thing you wanted. You bought the car, went to the concert, got the job or went out on that date. When you really wanted something, you went after it. You got it or something similar.

What else do you really want? How serious are you about it?

Stop and think. You can achieve anything.

Now, go make it happen.

CategoriesFinancialThink About ItTime

Think Longer Term

It would be great to have everything right now. No waiting or requirement for patience. However, if you think long term, you can get a lot of what you want now and have a good long term too.

It is so easy to spend money and time. It is more difficult to keep an eye on them and guard them. But it makes sense to do so. Living for today is a great and exciting way to live life. However, if you sacrifice 100% of your future to maximise today, things could get challenging later.

Although, consider the future you and how much they will thank you for being a little patient. If you do, you might do things differently. If you eat well and exercise in the present, your 40, 60 and 80 year old self will greatly appreciate it. Saving and investing 1%, 10% or 20% of your monthly income could make the retirement era you very happy indeed.

I know it takes time to set these plans in place. But, if you can do it, you’ll be better off. Both the time you have in your later years and the money comforts will be greatly appreciated by the older you.

Think longer term. Future you will be glad you did.