
Find Your Passion

Some people just know. Others take years to find their thing. The challenge is that it can change. But if you find your passion it will make your life more fulfilling.

If you are young and looking for it, be curious and try many things. See if you prefer being active, artistic or cerebral. Find things that spark joy in your life. If it lifts your spirits, then try to understand why.

It might be a skill you enjoy improving on. Alternatively, it could be serving others. You might like to create, direct or consume. Regardless, there is a place for you in this world.

Someone has to play chess for fun and others as professionals. People have to design and manufacture the boards. Some will be cheap and simple. Others will be elaborate and expensive. You will need coaches and people to write the books about the great players and the tactics of the game itself. Others will create ‘how to’ videos and ‘best of’ complications. And that is just for chess.

Look for those things that bring you the greatest fulfilment. But also know that there will be other things to do that won’t be as exciting but still need to be done. There will be admin, marketing, sales, organisation of events, course creation and making an income.

Some of these things can be done by others who enjoy those aspects.

So most importantly, find YOUR passion.

CategoriesPropertyReframe your thoughtsTime

Build Generational Wealth

Have you got a money plan? Do you have a clear and precise written plan for your future or just a general idea? To build generational wealth, you will need to be specific and intentional with your plans.

The main thing holding you back in this era is your mindset. Secondly, it is your follow-on actions. Arguably you can be doing the right actions with a poor money mindset. Although, the mindset usually comes first before the motivation and actions. Regardless, it is better if they are both aligned.

Are you earning money only to pay for your current lifestyle? Or are you earning, saving and investing for now and for ‘retirement’. Ideally you are earning, saving and investing, with thoughts of your years ahead without an active income. And then ultimately, it would be great if you were preparing to have sufficient investments remaining to leave in an inheritance.

Preparing your finances is an important item on your to do list. The earlier you start, the stronger the habit will be. In addition, you are much more likely to have more money for yourself and for your heirs, the earlier you start.

Get a separate savings account set up. Place some money in it every week without fail. Learn about investing. Take it seriously. Though you can make it fun and interesting too. Begin investing for the 20, 60 and 140 year horizon.

Build generational wealth.


Finding The Best Deal

Take the first offer or shop around? People will do different things in different situations. Finding the best deal can be fun and rewarding but also time consuming and frustrating.

Are you someone that loves to find the best terms? Or if you find a price you think is reasonable, will you stop looking and go ahead and buy? Searching through all the possible options you can think of can be quite an interesting exercise. Some people thrive on it. Others do it out of current necessity. Sometimes it depends on the item, your finances, time available, or your desire to know all of the options.

Buying milk should be quite straightforward. You should easily and quickly be able to compare value based on standard sizes and fairly common prices. You may be a shopper for milk. However you may also be a grab and go kind of person for this product. Given its required nature for many things, and its relative low and stable price, some people wont even notice the price.

However, if you look at airline tickets or holidays, that may be another matter. I have spent too long reviewing some flight bookings. Mainly due to the timing options available. Though sometimes the price difference can be so great that you keep looking as you know what isn’t a great deal.

Finding the best deal is almost like a game. Spending enough time but not too much is the ideal way forward.

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Go Camping For Fun

There are lots of ways to spend your time. Camping is a great one for kids. Especially if they have a friend or two with them. Go camping for fun and you will find it.

Like everything, camping has its pros and cons. Though some of its pros are the open spaces, learning to build and maintain a fire, hanging out with friends and getting away.

Some of the challenges can be the weather, the food storage, finding things you think you packed and late nights.

Now these can also be pros depending on how they are viewed. However, you may need to see them in a different light than you are used to.

We were camping this weekend and everyone thoroughly enjoyed it. There were no tv’s or PS4’s but there were walks, pizza’s, marshmallow roasting, chats and lots of great stories, smiles and laughter.

It can be tiring too. There is all the prep, the packing of the car, the unloading, the finding of things and trying new activities. There is also the drive there and back and also around the area for food or activities.

It’s great to be a part of it, even with its challenges. You may even find yourself booking your next outing!

Go camping for fun.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessTime

Getting Away From It All

How do you relax? Meditation is good. Having a nap can help. Watching a movie or going for a walk can do it for some folks. Getting away from it all may be the big one though.

A complete change of scenery and environment can do wonders for the mind, body and soul.

But getting away can mean many different things. Is it just away from your home? Or your neighbourhood? Could you go to a spa 10 miles away or do you need transcontinental travel?

Are you looking for adventure? Does action and excitement keep your mind focused and away from your daily life?

Some people prefer the serenity of a monastery. Others want to do yoga on a hilltop. Still others will go on amusement rides or play blackjack all night.

It really depends what you are looking for at this time in your life.

Mostly a change is as good as a rest, as the saying goes. Diversion of the mind can be quite a useful endeavour.

Regardless of what you do though, you’re best to come back rested, rejuvenated and ready to go.

Once you’ve had a taste of what does it for you, getting away from it all will never be the same.


Gratitude Is Great

When was the last time you said you were grateful for something? Who did you say it to? Gratitude is great if you actually do it. Writing it down and speaking it out loud are two great ways to express it well.

My daughter’s bedtime routine includes reflecting on the day and discussing what we are grateful for. Usually this part is done between my wife and daughter. This time was one for me though.

She asked me what three things I was grateful for today. Being asked the question by someone else creates a different level of importance on the question. You don’t really have to think about the question if you are doing it on your own. Just thinking about the idea of gratitude is enough to get you going. But it is not the same.

It was better to have the discussion. And I couldn’t be lazy or cop out with just one or two. It made me really think about what aspects of the day made me most grateful. It was such a good experience, I might try to do that more often with her.

I do write in a gratitude journal most mornings, though it is a little different. With my daughter it is out loud rather than written. Also, reviewing the day in the evening before sleeping can certainly help with recall.

Gratitude is great.

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTime

It Is July 2025

What will you be doing? How will the world be coping? What will be happening? Imagine it is July 2025 right now. Are you happy with what you see?

Rather than wonder what you will be doing in 4 years from now, try something different. You can either research what some prognosticators are saying or make your own view. Of course when considering your own situation, it is likely you will have a better idea of the potential.

Who will be in power in the G7 countries? Who will be running your country? What will we know about COVID? What stats will we have? How will different countries be living with this?

Where will you be in your career? What about your close relationships? What will your finances look like? How old will your parents be?

If you have never written this down, you may find it quite an interesting exercise. Every time I do it, I think of other options I would like to have be true. In addition, when you look at things in the long run perspective, you tend to reduce emotional decision making. You also, get a greater sense of what could be possible for you. Also, you are more able to use facts and data rather than stories and unhelpful self-talk.

It is July 2025. Describe it.

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingTime

Pick One Thing

What is it that you really want before you go? What would you like to be, do or have to celebrate and enjoy? Pick one thing and decide right now that it is your goal.

Get specific around this goal. Be so clear in what you see that you can describe it in detail. Write down the date you would like the success to come. Write down the time and the place. Note who you are with as well as the temperature and weather.

Ideally it will be something in the next 5 years. However, you can make it 10 years at the maximum. Almost anything can be achieved in that time with focus, discipline and persistence. This is especially true if you work out a plan and work on it daily. You need some key milestones to ensure you are getting the compound effect.

Try making those milestones monthly. Pick a day and a time in the month that it will be done by. Be sure to write out the specifics, even if it makes you a little nervous to do so. You will gain confidence in your ability to achieve the goal as you move closer to it on a daily basis.

Pick one thing today and work toward it daily.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsTime

Shrug And Move On

If you want to improve a frustrating situation, sometimes you need to try a different tactic. Rather than get debating, simply shrug and move on.

There have been some times in my life where I would engage in deep debates or discussions on topics. These were usually hot topics of the day, but most had a common ever-present theme.

So I know it can be very easy to get caught up in a misunderstanding or a disagreement. And you really should understand which it is at first. You should also figure out what your intent is and what the intent of the other party is.

If your intent is to convince the other party that you are ‘right’, then you are probably in for a long, frustrating discussion. Same thing if that is their intent. However, if you are both sitting down to calmly understand the data the other person has, that can be different. Especially if you are both working toward reasonable steps to improve the situation.

Otherwise, why give it energy? If their opinion, or what you assume is their opinion, is not to your liking, ignore it. Save yourself some time and mild anxiety and continue with your day.

You may wish to try to understand why you object to their viewpoint. But also try looking at it from their perspective and why they may have that position. You can’t mind read but you can try to consider what situations might have lead them to this perspective. Try to think of 10 to 15 because the ones that come ready to you are often your own biased stereotypes.

For peace of mind, build up or shrug and move on.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Reach For The Stars

Think big and aim high. Things often take longer than you hope or plan. And the first iteration is a shadow of the next ones. Reach for the stars because you can.

Watching the Virgin Galactic livestream on Sunday afternoon reminded me how progress is made. Sir Richard Branson started dreaming about space flight a long time ago. He set up a company to make it happen in 2004. They thought they would be flying to space by 2006 or even 2008.

However, here we are 17 years after they started their quest. So things can take longer. Especially if the dreams are the bigger ones and no one has ever done it previously. Groundbreaking work takes time, money, dedication, patience and perseverance.

The tech they have engineered making the equipment reusable is brilliant. In addition, the comfort level looks sufficient for a wider variety of people to use. It is a very exciting time for space again! In addition to this exciting progress with space tourism, Mars is being explored more fully.

It was wonderful to see the mission completed successfully. Although I would like the space part to last longer, this is only the beginning. Remember the evolution of the TV, recorded music or even the telephone. Looking back at the first computers, laptops or iPhone’s also demonstrates how far things have progressed in such little time.

What other space companies are now going to pop up throughout the ‘20’s? Perhaps space truly is the final frontier.

Reach for the stars!