CategoriesHealth & FitnessObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Expectations v Reality Gap

It is wonderful to have great expectations. Having them also brings you hope for a better future. However, the expectations v reality gap (ER Gap), must be monitored closely as it can destroy your mind.

Our own expectations for our life, and the world around us, is often being recalibrated. This is usually in an upward trajectory. For example, it feels good to believe that I will make more money, have a better relationship, progress in my career and be healthier. The opposite is not very encouraging or motivating.

It is useful to have expectations surpassing our current reality. Doing this gives you hope and an objective to strive toward. This will help to motivate you to take action toward fulfilling those expectations.

However, there are two cautions to be noted.

Firstly, be careful not to let your expectations get too far ahead of your reality. It is easier to get disheartened if you are chasing the big dream and not seeming to make any progress. Remember to divide up your goal and expectations into steps or levels. As your reality reaches the next level you will gain momentum. Then you can recalibrate to focus on the next step in the process.

The second caution is to recalibrate your expectations downward when your reality is negatively impacted. So if your career, school grades, finances, health or athletic goals suffer a setback, recalibrate your expectations. You can do this by adding in a few more steps to your timeline. You can also extend your timeline out a little.

These two cautions are very important for your mental health. If the expectations v reality gap gets too wide, you will torment yourself and cause undue stress in your life.

Mind the Gap and stay out of the ER (A&E).

CategoriesReframe your thoughtsTime

Watch The Moon Rise

The sky is quite amazing. A ceiling during the day and a vast glittery, endless black adventure at night. Watch the moon rise, as we did, as it’s a true wonder.

There are a few natural spectacles that are accessible to everyone. If you love a bit of natural magic, watch a sunrise, sunset and moonrise at least once annually. Do it more frequently if you can.

Watching these events can be quite awe-inspiring. It can remind us how incredible space is.

I find it even more amazing to think that we are spinning at 1,000 miles per hour. This is almost twice as fast as you’ve ever flown in a commercial airliner on your way to a holiday.

So the amazing part may not be the perception of the moon rising. Maybe it is the speed at which we can see it better as we spin around into a better position.

Either way, learn more about the event and celestial bodies and you will become even more amazed.

If you can get a chance to watch the moon rise, definitely take it. It is fun, exciting and fascinating. It is also free to do and requires pretty minimal effort.

Enjoy the night sky!

CategoriesReframe your thoughtsTime

Interesting But Not Compelling

Do you remember booking that event 6 months ago and now you don’t want to go? It was interesting but not compelling. Interesting is a distraction.

Interesting is candy floss for the mind. It’s mostly nothing but seems to tempt us every time. And yet it’s really just attention grabbing empty calories.

Stay away from interesting. It can be a time waster. Pick the one or two things that set your mind alight and stick with those with blinders on.

Sometimes I find myself reading things that are interesting but really aren’t going to do much for me. I may not learn a lesson, challenge my own thinking or learn things from others who have seen things differently.

In addition, I’ll occasionally engage in a discussion that makes me think because the topic is interesting. Maybe I shouldn’t do that because it takes me away from my compelling activities. But I think it is useful to discover how other people view the world or specific situations.

Some topics are interesting and not compelling. It is up to you how you spend your precious time. Though sometimes you need to consider what Jim Rohn used to say about, ‘not signing up to that course’.

There are an infinite number of things you can learn more about in this world. But make sure you learn efficiently, as often as you can.

CategoriesReframe your thoughtsTime

It’s Got To Be Easy!

Everything ideally would be like the big red button theory espoused by Rory Sutherland in one of his insightful and funny TED talks. It’s got to be easy and simple for something to work well.

Remember the first time you ever used Google to search for something? There was nothing on the page except a letterbox to type in. It was so simple, intuitive and easy. And it got the result you wanted in milliseconds. Google also found two million other options should the usual suspects not be what you were looking for.

I opened a bank account at Starling Bank recently. Oh my, how easy was that. I didn’t have to leave my home and it was all done in 10 minutes. Then they sent me the bank card.

We often make things harder than they need to be. Keeping things simple is almost an art form. It takes more effort to make things effortless. But it is worth it.

Spend 10 minutes today trying to make your life simpler. If you are going to succeed at things, it’s got to be easy. Set up your environment to win. If you want to eat healthy, keep healthy food where you spend you’re time.

You get to make the choices, so make good ones.

CategoriesFinancialThink About ItTime

Shirtsleeves To Shirtsleeves In Three Generations

Wealth. It is frequently fancied while sometimes sneered at. How do you keep it in the family? Shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations is a well known, international sentiment, with this in mind.

Historically, the first generation works hard, makes sacrifices, and ensures that the money comes in. In addition, they use it well. Because of this, the first generation can grow their wealth. Often this requires practicality and frugalness. While displaying these values, their children learn more about the ingredients to success and wealth.

Parents will sacrifice their pleasure to provide a better life for their children. During this period, the children see their parent’s effort and sacrifice. Because of this, they often choose or are directed toward more stable and higher income roles. Without having to toil and sacrifice as much as their parents, who shielded them from it, they develop more of a lifestyle led existence.

The parents often sow the seed of the family’s demise. They do not always train their children in hard work, sacrifice, sensible spending and intelligent, long term investing. Certainly the second generation seldom pass key life lessons on to their children.

The third generation, brought up with wealth and a nicer lifestyle, often have few of the key ingredients to maintain or build on the family wealth. Therefore, many times this third generation reduces the family wealth. This may be through poor investing, frivolous spending, family legal disputes or trying to live up to the family name.

You can prevent shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations. Be sure to instil in your children, and grandchildren, the concepts of hard work, sacrifice and developing an investor‘s mindset.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessThink About ItTime

Sometimes You Just Need A Break

Life can have moments of relative calm. It can also have periods of full speed intensity. During the crazier moments, sometimes you just need a break.

There are quite a number of things that can fill your days. For example, you might help to maintain your household, have a busy job, look after kids, be studying, be a carer, be growing a business or volunteer. Many people are trying to manage everything while doing a combination of these.

Life’s challenge is that the ‘to do’ list is always longer than the time available. So you must be careful to set some boundaries and create priorities as well as follow some cut off times. If you go non-stop too many days or weeks in a row, you may find other challenges in your life. Normally this would be your physical health and mental fortitude.

It is easier to burn out than recover from it. Occasionally we get so caught up in the cycle of doing, we don’t even realise the mental and physical toll we are having on ourselves.

Remember to schedule down time, rest time or you time. It is important to recharge your batteries. Occasionally that will mean you will not get everything on your list completed. As long as none of it is life threatening, then we should not think twice about this.

Remember, you shouldn’t push excessively for too long. Sometimes you just need a break. Make sure you schedule one in and take it. Your soul will be grateful.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

The Best Time In History To Have A Pandemic

There is probably never a good time to have one. But if there had to be one, then this is the best time in history to have a pandemic.

Right now we have the best medicine, knowledge and science. In addition, there are no major wars. The global economy has been pretty healthy and improving for a decade. We can communicate far and wide via the internet with friends and families. School’s have rapidly adapted themselves to online home schooling and some return-to-school social distancing.

Furthermore, we have fewer 70+ aged people on the planet than we will in 20 or 30 years. Given the greater challenges for this age group, with Covid-19, this is another positive for this moment in time.

We also have incredible international, interconnected awareness and collaboration. Even technology is at its best ever. Oddly, however, many countries don’t seem to have a simple or effective track and trace programme in place. Perhaps this concept needs a rebrand. The name may be a barrier to usage. People may not want to be tracked like an animal and traced like a fugitive or DHL package.

Another plus for this era is the longer life expectancy most people have.

So I know it’s not an ideal time to have this happen, because it is in the middle of our moment here. But most generations throughout history have had a far more difficult time, generally. Therefore, like it or not, this is the best time in history to have a pandemic – particularly this one.


The Excitement Of A Hot, Sunny Day

Summertime can be so magical with its long, carefree days and myriad opportunities for spontaneous fun. The excitement of a hot, sunny day can be palpable. This is especially true for kids and those who haven’t lost their youthful enthusiasm.

Creating fond memories of water play, tree climbing and friends laughing are all fabulous ways to while away an ambivalent afternoon or a sunny, summer sizzler.

Sometimes it’s too warm to even want to move. Hopefully there is an occasional, light, cooling breeze to break the heat. Or perhaps you can cool off with a chilled drink or a firm favourite of ours: ice cream!

Roam around the park or sit on a blanket, or the cool grass. Swapping stories about anything and nothing is always great for passing time. It is all of these simple pleasures that we long to capture and relive in the short, dark, cold days of deep midwinter.

When taking exercise it is best to do it early, before the heat. I made sure to get up early this morning and set off by 05:54 on a magical run in Richmond Park. Scarcely a soul in sight, save for those of the young deer having a quiet breakfast on the lower lawn.

I know creating marvellous memories depends on who you are, where you are and what is happening in your life at the moment. However, I hope you have some fond memories of summertime already. Either way, may the excitement of a hot, sunny day inspire you to create something special soon.

CategoriesReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTime

Immersing Yourself In Another Person’s Shoes

Sometimes I see a picture of someone and start to wonder about their whole life. Immersing yourself in another person’s shoes is a fascinating challenge.

I know the old saying suggests walking a mile in someone else’s shoes. But is that really enough? I guess it depends on your intent and what you are trying to get out of the experience.

Understanding A Position

If you are trying to understand someone’s position on a topic, it could be a little more complex than you think. Most topics, at their most general, can be distilled down to a binary option. However, as you dig deeper into the detail, there can be dozens, or even hundreds, of nuanced positions.

Just as a person can be summed up in one word, it doesn’t really give you a good understanding of them. A brief bio is more helpful. An obituary can sum up an important figure in half a page of a newspaper. But these are mere snippets from a person’s life. These do not usually fully inform you of how they got to their current way of thinking on various topics.

So this immersion perspective comes from trying to understand a person more fully. A person is constantly absorbing and assessing information which allows them to make minor shifts in perception. Perhaps we need to understand all of these moments of shift to fully appreciate where someone is coming from in their discussion.

Time To Understand

Let’s say the main influencing time in a person’s life could be distilled into one accumulated hour per week. So one hour, times 52 weeks, for a 50 year old means 2,600 hours of influential moments to review. To do so, at a rate of 40 hours per week, would take over one year!

Immersing yourself in another person’s shoes may not be practical. However, we can be kind and listen. People are where they are based on their own experience. This includes all the formal and informal education, and training, they have received in their entire life.

Berating a person for their current opinion, based on their personal journey so far, is not helpful. Understanding how they have arrived there allows you to help them consider alternative views.

Try understanding people a little more today. Listen to their view and allow them to have it. People are often more open to considering a new perspective when it is presented openly as an option rather than in a coercive way.

CategoriesHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTime

Living To 100 And Beyond

The imaginative people on this planet continue to make progress on so many fronts, especially in the medical field. Living to 100 and beyond is becoming more of a frequent occurrence these days.

And with rumours that 100 is the new 80, it is all very exciting. The perception of ageing is also changing. Many people are still very active in their 70’s and 80’s. Some are surprisingly able through their 90’s and into their 100’s. With all the new replacement parts and better prevention and cures, the idea of ageing is changing.

How many centenarians are there in the UK? Globally? More than many people would expect. (Take a guess before checking the answer at the bottom).

Reaching 100, or beyond, may become less of an issue of physical limitations and more of a mental health and mindset challenge.

For this reason I am angling to reach 160. Aim high! So even if I come up a little short, it will still be quite an impressive run. With that in mind, I am building good habits for the long haul. Both physical and mental habits. I‘ll let you know if I make it. ?

Living to be 100 and beyond is quite an achievement. In 2018 there were 13,170 centenarians in the UK and 499,198 globally. They’re great numbers to build on.
