
Push Through

Sometimes you want to give up, shrug it off or let go of the dream. But don’t.

You need to push through your mental and physical barriers. It may be hard. You may try to convince yourself that it is not worth the time or effort. But double down on the effort, push through harder than ever before.

Think of how it will feel to win, to succeed, or to make your dream come true. Hold that positive thought in your head. See the positive outcome rather than any negative one. Just having a go and having that experience will be a positive moment in your life. Cherish it.

When you feel low and want to go, stay and fight. Make yourself proud of your self-discipline and courage, regardless of the actual result.


Hear Say

It is incredible how situations can spiral out of reality. People hear and then say their version. Not the identical story. We accept the words and context that we want, that are most convenient or suit us. Then we adjust everything in our minds, mixed with our own views. Then we send it back out into the world for someone else to interpret.

It’s a fascinating process. It really should be a skill taught in primary school and then again at higher levels. Our world is based on communication and it seems many people are more interested in influence than communication.

Hear Say. But assess it first.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveThink About ItTimeUncategorized

Sully Is A Great Movie

If you haven’t watched everything on Netflix, or every movie ever made by now, I highly recommend this one. Sully is a great movie.

On paper it looks good. It stars Tom Hanks, is directed and produced by Clint Eastwood and is based on actual events from January 2009. It is also 96 minutes long and made several shortlists as one of the top 10 movies of 2016.

We’ve watched this movie with our children who were 8, 10 and 12 at the time. We’ve now just watched it again at the suggestion of the now 11 and 13 year olds.

It’s very well done and a real joy to watch. I don’t watch many movies twice. But I know I will watch this one for a third some time in the future.

The movie has you thinking and cheering and feeling as if you were right there in so many scenes.

It is full of great lines and good lessons. It is thoughtful and funny too. The filming and sound are both great quality.

Even when you know how things turn out, from coverage or having seen the movie before, it is still gripping and enjoyable.

Sully is great movie. Go watch it now.


Clubhouse Changes Things

Are you looking for the next big thing? You need to checkout this new app. It has the potential to really shake things up. Clubhouse changes things.

It is a fascinating platform. For those that don’t know, imagine a virtual radio talk show format. Anyone can create a room and speak on their favourite subject. Then, anyone can enter that room and either listen to the host or speak with them. Meanwhile more people enter the room and listen. Some may also join in the chat, or leave to go to another room they just heard was starting.

So, like talk radio or a conference, someone is the host. On this platform, they are called moderators. You can have one or many. And when people join the room, you can tap their photo and read their bio. This way you know more about the person who is there, whether they speak or not. Then you can follow them if they are in a space you are interested in.

It is a fascinating mix of speed dating, conferences, talk radio and social media connections. It looks like it has the opportunity to change everything. If you have something to say, that others are interested in listening too, you can gather a large audience and build your brand. It totally levels the playing field for everybody everywhere.

There is no investment in technical kit like a podcast or YouTube. You can have exposure to 100’s or 1,000’s of people in just a couple of hours. What is exciting, is it is with voice only. No distracting text messaging or over-sensory video. Just listen and speak. It may be much more effective as a communication tool.

Clubhouse changes things.

CategoriesReframe your thoughtsUncategorized

It’s Easier Than You Think

Everything is. If you do some research, use a model, develop a plan and follow it, you will be fine. It’s easier than you think, so don’t think too much. Just go do it.

However, sometimes things get a little difficult, challenging or hostile. Simply focus through that. Remain resilient. With a longer term vision, you know you’ll get there.

It’s certainly not impossible. Although some things are less likely. But if you are determined, disciplined and dynamic, you will press on and succeed. Few things are rocket science. Even rocket science isn’t what it used to be.

Think about that. 1903 was the first successful flight by the Wright Brothers. In less than 60 years (1961), President Kennedy announced the goal of landing a man on the moon that decade. A further 60 years on and we have several groups targeting a crewed Mars mission by the mid 2020’s.

That’s amazing! In just over 100 years humans have gone from can’t fly, to flying, to potential inter-planetary space travel. People are learning and applying at a phenomenal rate.

If we as a species can do that, imagine what you as an individual can do. Fortunately, there is a process for everything. And, if you follow the learn, plan, do and repeat model, you can, with some patience, achieve anything.

It’s easier than you think!


People Tend To Generalise Based On Their Tribe

Humans love grouping and using shortcut language to simplify communication. In addition, people tend to generalise based on their tribe.

If you pay attention to conversations, you can hear this occurring. For example, when I am with friends with university degrees, I often hear them refer to ‘everyone’. This is usually in reference to everyone having a degree. I often find myself reminding them that less than half of the population, in any country, have a university degree.

The challenge is, if most people you know have a university degree, you extrapolate and assume everyone has one. This is a common occurrence and highlights the old phrase that ‘birds of a feather, flock together’.

You’ll often find that teachers know disproportionately more teachers. Same thing with electricians, rugby players, actors and politicians.

It is a natural occurrence for many reasons. However, because people tend to generalise based on their tribe, we should all be a little more aware of this before we communicate.

It is quite a skill to communicate across tribes. Tribes have different norms, culture and reference points. This is clear when noting which media people tune into. Of course, this is also why people clash over certain topics and always have.

Tribes will always be at odds with each other. Unless people (you, me) stop, think and explore to understand the other, it will continue on this way. Notice the tribes you are in and see if you can make bridges with other ones.
