CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessProgressReframe your thoughtsWeightWeight loss

Start But Don’t Stick?

Goals were written and you started off great! But then the wheels came off. Your great new habits have been slowly becoming one-offs rather than habitual. With that, your confidence has taken a hit and old habits are creeping back in.

What happened?!?!

  • Did you write your goals down?
  • Were they specific?
  • Did you put the process element in your diary?
  • Did you set up your environment to win?
  • Did you review your goals 1, 2, or even 6 times per DAY?
  • Have you been reviewing and tracking HOURLY or DAILY?
  • Do your goals align with your values?
  • Have you adjusted your self-perception?

This last one tends to catch a lot of people out. If you’ve spent a long time saying you’re not sporty, it can be pretty hard to stick with walking, running or more engaging activities and sports.

Years of saying ‘I’m not a reader’ or ‘I don’t read’, will make it difficult to read a book per month.

You will likely benefit from adopting a mantra that reflects the new you that you are becoming. Mantra’s like, ‘I am a runner’, ‘I am fit, active and healthy’, or ‘I am a reader’ and ‘I am a well read person’.

If you’re good at starting new initiatives, habits and activities, that’s great! For many, that is the hardest part. You just need to become the outcome. Become a completer/finisher. State with strong intent, ‘I am disciplined and results driven.’ Fall in love with the process. And then, like a miracle, you’ll become who you decided to be.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsTime

Doing More v Doing Differently

You may not have spare time to do more. But you could change what you are currently doing with some of your time.

What would you be willing to stop doing for 5, 15, 30 or 60 minutes each day? What would you sacrifice so you could use that time to work towards a goal you would like to achieve?

It doesn’t take long to start learning, doing and succeeding. Your efforts will compound each time and you will see the benefits if you look for them.

What will you give up to become the person you would like to be? You don’t have to do more. Simply do differently.

CategoriesActionFinancialHealth & FitnessProgressReframe your thoughts

The 7 Simple Steps

The 7 Simple Steps to Shift from Uncomfortable to Unstoppable are:

  1. Think
  2. Overcome
  3. Write
  4. Plan
  5. Act
  6. Review
  7. Celebrate

These are the 7 Simple Steps. Use these and you will be able to Achieve Anything.

If you would like to know more, I go deeper into each step in my new book – Achieve Anything. This is now available for pre-order on Amazon and most other international online retailers. The launch date is the 23rd January.

CategoriesActionGratitudeThink About It

Approaching A Milestone

Milestones can be very exciting markers. Approaching a milestone, hitting one or even looking back on one can be quite exhilarating. In a week, I will have written a daily blog for 730 consecutive days. That is 24 months or two years.

That is 730 days of thoughts to help you, and me, get clear on what positive means and how to think better to feel better with all that goes on in this world.

I hope I have helped you get clearer, become more positive and stop and think a bit more without simply reacting to things because that is the easier way. And I hope you are gearing up to achieve anything you want in 2022.

I appreciate your interest in thinking better and feeling better. Hopefully you will enjoy the changes and improvements we have planned for the months and year ahead. #Letsgo! #achieveanything

CategoriesObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Day 2 Done

Are we on track? Can you do this yourself? Do you need help? Would it help to have someone on your team to push you through when your discipline fades and you lose the level of responsibility or accountability you need to make the real changes you want in your life.

There are people who are willing to help. I am one of them. They can assist you in getting the results you want. You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can’t fool them.

Get some help and rock those results!

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Happy New Thinking!!!

Think better, feel better.

Really make an effort on thinking better in 2022. Use the six chairs and learn to understand other opinions. You do not have to agree with them. Though a little effort trying to understand the viewpoint goes a long way to a better life and society.

Happy New Thinking!!!
