CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveThink About ItTime

Reflect On 2021

Reflect on all the good, fun, great things you did in 2021. Also consider if you have achieved as much as you wanted to in the last 365 days. 12 months is a short time and yet it is also quite a substantial amount of time.

And, if you add starting progress in one year to developing progress in a second year plus compounding progress in a third year, you could be unstoppable!

So don’t think it’s just one year. Think of each year building on itself. You’re either getting better or drifting back each year. Be conscious about that.

Build on all your good achievements this past year, big and small. Let’s 10x those in 2022. Let’s get ready so we fly out of the gate! Become unstoppable!

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

This Odd Week Begins

Having New Year’s Eve on a Friday night this year means there is a whole work week available between Christmas and New Year. For people wanting the whole time off, they need to book off 4.5 days in many cases. For some, this is the busiest week of the year. Party organisers come to mind as do M&A bankers and lawyers trying to complete deals in 2021.

For others it is quite a quiet week in the office. Some people love this time as it is fairly easy to work through. It might give people some extra slack to tidy up files or organise their workflow better. It can be a great week to take stock of things.

One thing to do is to think about and plan your 2022. This year really go for it! Perhaps my book will help you achieve anything you want. If you would like additional support get in touch via DM’s on Instagram, LinkedIn or email me at

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Do You Know How To Box?

It’s Boxing Day for many. For some that means sales to benefit from. For others it means returns go in a box and are shipped back to the sender. Still others enjoy walks, lunches, family time or other pursuits.

Either way it seems like a wild card day for many. If you’re fortunate enough to have this day off work and are able to do what you like with it, enjoy!

CategoriesGratitudeReframe your thoughtsTime

Enjoy Your Christmas Eve

Whether you celebrate or not, open gifts or it’s a normal day, take some time and enjoy the day. Enjoy the cheery, festive mood that many people are in. Especially enjoy your time with family and friends.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserveTime

The Storm Before The Calm

I always find December to be quite a challenge. There are the cooler days in the Northern Hemisphere, preparations for Christmas if you join in those festivities, parent teacher events, sporting finals, shorter days and end of year gatherings. Add the challenge of government rules around Covid to that and preparing and launching a book and there is even more to deal with.

Getting trees, shopping, wrapping, card writing and queuing to send cards or gifts all add on top of regular work and sleep. There is fun to be had but also a strain on your time. There are all the things I intend to do and each year I aim to start the process earlier. Thankfully my wife is very good at sorting these extra things out which always saves the day. Though we don’t get everything off of our wish list each year, we do get the essentials sorted.

And that is ok. We can’t do everything. We have to make priorities on our time and finances. Fortunately, there is a moment around 9am Christmas morning, I feel the calm settle in. What is done is done. Anything missed will be accepted or fixed later. And we can enjoy a few days of totally chilling. I love that.

The storm before the calm is necessary for me to appreciate the calm. And for those hours this weekend, I will be in complete bliss. Enjoy!

CategoriesActionThink About It

So You Have Some Goals

Excellent! But have you written them down? Are they specific? What will be your biggest obstacle to overcome in achieving this new goal? How will you overcome it?

Planning ahead is critical if you’re serious and committed to achieving a successful outcome.

CategoriesObserveProgressThink About ItTime

The Home Stretch

Hopefully you’re feeling all sorted at this point. Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, we are finishing this calendar year in the next 10 days. We are into the home stretch.

It’s getting too late to make significant changes. If you’ve put something off, it will be hard to catch up or jam it all in to the next week and a half.

But you can build good habits starting now. Prepare yourself for the weeks and months ahead. Get your house in order. Commit and be disciplined.

Make use of the home stretch. What is unfinished this year can be built on for next year. Start preparing today.

CategoriesActionObserveProgressReframe your thoughts

Life Is Constantly Shifting

You walk down a different street and you get a different perspective of your town. The doctor calls with test results and the world looks different.

You achieve something, buy something or do something new. From that moment your life is altered. Your perception changes. You become a different person. Ever so slightly. Bit by bit. We shift. We evolve. You transform.

Imagine becoming the Earth’s best version of you today. Make the changes more quickly. What are you waiting for? All the knowledge is there. Use it.

Life is constantly shifting. You can notice it if you pay attention. Keep shifting until you’re unstoppable.
