
Keep Pressing Forward

No matter what you do, keep pressing forward. It may seem too difficult or even useless. But keep moving things in the direction you need. Write out and plan every step and then execute on that plan. You will be successful if you do this. You may even become unstoppable.

CategoriesActionHealth & Fitness

Brush Your Teeth

Twice a day. It certainly seems like a good idea. Use toothpaste. But not very much. Certainly you don’t need the huge long amount shown on tv and in pictures.

And shut the water off except when spitting in the sink or quickly rinsing your toothbrush. Anything more is wasting water. Think of all the energy and cleaning it takes to get that water to run through your tap. Don’t waste it.

Flossing is also a good idea. Though certainly, brush your teeth.

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Life Is Like Chess

The more you consider the long term, the better you usually do. It starts off so clean and simple. But then things get more intertwined and complex. If it lasts long enough, everything thins out and becomes simple again.

CategoriesGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Have Good Manners

Manners are free to exercise. They are simple to learn and understand. They are easy to practice. The cost of having them is small. The cost of not having them can be large.

Being well mannered is something in your control. Even if someone else has bad manners, you can still maintain your good ones.

Do the right thing. Have good manners.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About It

Everyone Has Their Role To Play

You can play any role. Although, some will suit you better than others. It may be best to pursue a role that highlights your superpower. If you don’t know what that is yet, go with your intuition.

Whatever feels right is the best option. However, you can train your mind or body to create another superpower if the first one isn’t to your preference.

Things can take awhile. But everyone has their role to play. So get out there and make it happen.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughts

Stop Doubting Yourself

You’ll do better if you just do and not doubt you.
What is the point in doubting yourself? Just try hard, roll the dice and let the chips fall where they may.

You’ll do as well as you do. You’ll probably do better if you put some prep into it and have positive thoughts around it. You should try. And feel good for trying at all.

If it is really important to you, you’ll get better and try again. No one will know or remember the pain or embarrassment you felt in trying. The history books and long memories will only remember that you made the attempt. Make it a good shot.

Stop doubting yourself.


Appreciate Your Freedoms

Unfortunately we don’t usually notice our freedoms until they are taken away. If you grew up free, you don’t know anything else. That doesn’t make you bad, just unaware.

There are so many freedoms. Try appreciating your freedoms today.

Freedom of movement. Freedom of religion, to drive, to associate, go for a walk, make a living and use your money how you please.

Imagine each one of those being slowly taken away. Appreciate them now.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About It

Completing Your Book Cover

Part eulogy and part posing, the book cover requires some real crafting to do it well. You have to put things in the bio to make it useful but interesting. It’s got to stand out on the shelf and sizzle a little to captivate the audience. Striking the right balance can be a challenge.

Like a best man’s speech, after dinner toast or company presentation, you need to make every word work hard.

Completing your book cover is a challenge. We may have completed mine by noon Thursday.