CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Shifting Momentum

Have you ever felt momentum? Maybe you’ve felt it while watching a tennis match or other major sporting event. It is incredible to watch. It is palpable.

You can see heads start to lower and energy and focus disappear. Frustration can set in and then mistakes are made. This compounds with growing negative self talk. It can be hard to come back from it.

On the other hand, the energy can grow while focus gets better. You are in the state of flow and each decision seems to be right. You float over the opposition. Your heads are high and your confidence is too.

Use shifting momentum to your advantage. Be sure to relax, have fun and commit to each moment. Keep the momentum on your side.

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughts

What If It Worked Out?

What if you went for it and it surpassed all your expectations? What would that look like? How would it feel?

Too often we think of something we don’t want. Not a good start. Then some of us focus on what we do want. This is better. But even when focusing on what we do want, oftentimes we will see the downsides or negative outcomes more easily than the upsides and positives.

But what if it worked out? If we would focus on how amazing everything could turn out, maybe it would turn out that way.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessTime

Enjoy Your Downtime

Plan ahead for breaks. These can be 5 minute refreshers or two week vacations. Whatever length and style, you need to have them. And you need to enjoy them too!

When it’s downtime, relax. Unwind. Enjoy your downtime. Your mind, body and soul need it.

CategoriesGratitudeThink About ItTime

Hold Family And Friends Close

Give them an extra hug. Say some extra kind and supportive words. If they’re not near, hold them close in your heart. Your thoughts matter and your emotional support will be felt.

Write them a note. Give them a call. Arrange to visit them. These are important and powerful moments. You will feel it. They will feel it. It will be remembered and cherished.

Hold family and friends close.

CategoriesActionFinancialHealth & FitnessTime

Get Your House In Order

Declutter. File key documents clearly. Keep great files. Have backup docs. Tell someone. Be prepared. Do it in November. Even if it means a few late nights and a couple of weekends. Get your house in order.

CategoriesObserveThink About ItTime

Moments Are Powerful

We remember moments. The good ones and less good ones. These powerful, emotional moments will have a great impact on our lives. These moments can lock in how we feel about someone for years or decades. Something said or done can really hit you in a few seconds.

Accidents, crimes, criticism, awards, compliments and victories have very strong moments attached to them. They are felt and they are memorable. They can be found in your memory bank without much effort. Though some need some real digging if you buried them deep.

Find these and extinguish their negative effect or use the positive ones to create great energy. Moments are powerful. Learn from them.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughtsTime

Always Make Peace Before Bed

Don’t go to bed angry. It will eat at you. You’re likely to get a bad night’s sleep. And what if by some weird quirk you never wake up? The other person’s last memory of you will be of an angry person. That might suit your angry feelings in this moment, but is it really how you want anyone to remember you?

As hard as it may be to swallow your pride, apologise and say a few kind words, it’s usually the better thing to do. It takes a lot of character and strength to be the first to start healing the wounds.

Life is short, so holding onto anger and resentment is not a great strategy. You’ll miss the joy and peace that could be yours. You could also help others find those faster.

Always make peace before bed. Your soul will thank you.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughtsTime

It Could Be Worse

Yes, it’s not how you want things to be. However, it could be worse. Look at others around the world or even around your neighbourhood. There are probably several people that are having challenges in their life that you wouldn’t want. Many you wouldn’t even know about.

Just remember, things can get better with time and some effort. Nothing lasts forever, even cold November rain. (As GnR would put it).

I’m not saying your situation is easy or that I know anything about it. I am saying though that you should look at the positives, regardless of how insignificant they may seem. From that will grow strength and greatness. In time, wounds heal, thoughts improve, lives change.

What you think is or isn’t manageable or good, is simple a thought or perception. Perceive things differently. Flip those thoughts on their head. See the upside and be grateful for it.

It could be worse. Focus on those slivers of good.

CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughts

Follow Positive Traditions

Cultures have traditions. Follow them if they are beneficial. There is something simple and calming about traditions.

Try to understand why the creator of the tradition created it. Don’t just assume why they did it through your biased lense.

Follow positive traditions. They’re a great part of life.