CategoriesThink About It

Decisions Change Lives

Deciding to hire someone, or not, will affect their life in ways we cannot know. This might be a make or break moment for the person in any number of ways. Same thing for school teams, club and county sports. Some will be elated by the decision and some will not. Some will take this opportunity and excel and others will let it drift out of their hands.

Decisions matter. Each and every one. Their impact cannot always be seen or known.

But decisions change lives. Yours. Theirs.

Be mindful.

CategoriesActionObserveProgressReframe your thoughts

Change Yourself First

Then you can change the world. If we all tried to be better people individually, we would be better as a group through natural consequence.

If you’re trying to change someone, you’re unlikely to do it. Only the subject person will make the change happen. Berating someone or belittling them won’t do it. It often has the opposite effect. You can lead a horse to water…. Even make it look nice and dress it up. But you can’t force someone, or a horse, to take a sip.

Change yourself first. And if you have time left on the clock, then help others. Rather than force them.


Gather Intensity

Bring your energy, like a laser, to focus on your most pressing issue or task. Get psyched up with power words and prepare to address the matter at hand. Gather intensity and build the expectation that the task is already done. Charge forward, relentlessly and even tirelessly, to accomplish those tasks and achieve your goal.

It feels incredible when you attack the day.

Gather intensity and win!

CategoriesActionGratitudeProgressReframe your thoughts

Use Affirmations Frequently

Yes you might feel uncomfortable doing this. You might even cringe a little just thinking about it. But really, you probably do negative affirmations all the time. You might say, ‘I am so stupid’, ‘I am an idiot’ or even ‘I am terrible with money’.

Think about that. You are willing to say pretty rough stuff to yourself but cringe when thinking about saying something nice. And the nice stuff is probably more accurate on the whole too!

Try saying, ‘I am a very good person’ or ‘I am pretty fit’ or even, ‘I am quite good with several financial aspects’.

Those aren’t so cringeworthy. They are simply stating how it is, fairly accurately.

So think of 5-10 ‘I am’ phrases you’re comfortable saying and start saying them to yourself every 30 minutes. Brainwash yourself. Love bomb yourself. And don’t just say them. Feel them when you say them. Stand straight and tall. Smile. Be proud of who you are in the moment.

After a few weeks of half-hourly affirmations, you’ll have convinced yourself about how good you really are. Then you are on your way to being Unstoppable. You will be able to achieve anything.

Use affirmations frequently.

CategoriesActionThink About It

Do A Great Job!

Yes it takes longer to do things very well. But it is worth doing things to a high standard. Take the extra time. You’ll find it worthwhile.

Do a great job!

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughts

You Win just Trying

Trying, practicing and training all require effort. It is these efforts that turn you into a winner; a person who wins. You won’t always have a bestseller, blockbuster or championship trophy but you will have developed the discipline, focus and confidence to try it again.

You win as a person each time you put effort in and try. Love the process.

CategoriesThink About It

What’s Your Objective?

With every interaction, you should be aware of what outcome you want at the very end. Is it positive or negative? Do you want to win? Perhaps understanding would be your ideal outcome. Learning is often another. Some people want to be below board though. By that I mean they want something that isn’t morally right or is possibly on the side of, or even full blown, evil.

What’s your objective? Not just now but in the very end?

CategoriesActionProgressThink About It

Move Heaven and Earth

Sometimes you need to do way more than put the work in. You may even have to go a little crazy. Work 16 hour days. Make the calls you are not looking forward to. Pretend they say yes though. Imagine that. Now call them.

Move Heaven and Earth for your dreams. It’s possible and worth it.

CategoriesActionThink About It

Put The Work In

Sometimes you have to stay up late. Occasionally you will have to go all night and all the next day too. You have to stay focused when all others are taking their break.

Nothing succeeds like putting the work in. Book it in and make it happen.

CategoriesActionFinancialHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughts

Be Attractive

Attract friends, money, jobs, opportunities and partners. There is less need to pursue if you have the higher ability to attract.

In order to attract, one needs to be attractive. Have a shining, delightful personality. Be gracious and determined. Be your best in both mind and body. Demonstrate you can take care of your things so others will trust you with theirs. Their body, mind, heart and soul.

If we are a great steward of money and efficient with our time, it will attract more money and opportunities.

Be respectful, accountable and empathetic.

If we can be attractive, we will attract. Work on it.