CategoriesObserveThink About It

The Two Types Of People

Are you a giver or a helper? These two concepts seem closely related but there is a fundamental difference. The two types of people are often bundled together, but there are good reasons not to do that.

Both types seem to want to assist others. They either help the person out of a difficult situation or aim to bring them joy.

The giver tends to provide something that the receiver does not have. This can be physical, financial, emotional, mental or spiritual.

The helper tends to guide, encourage and support the other person while they find their own way. This can take a little longer but the self-generated help does more than simply solve the short term issue.

Although it does resolve the immediate concern, the person in need learns to solve their own challenges. They will build resilience and develop a constructive way of thinking for next time and for other circumstances.

The helper provides much more than the giver. Not only in up front time and support along the way, but also in giving their confidence to the other person. Feeling like someone believes in you can lift spirits and create great longer term self-esteem benefits.

If you give, you tend to continue to give more. If you help them learn, they can stand on their own and then pay it forward too.

The two types of people exist. Which will you be?

CategoriesActionFinancialThink About ItTime

Make A Financial Wish List

Remember the car you wanted? How about that vacation that didn’t happen? Make a financial wish list so you can focus on the things that bring you joy.

Like Marie Kondo says, when tidying, get all the same items in one spot. So if you are doing clothes, get all of the clothes from around the house and put them in one spot. This way you can see everything at the same time. This makes it easier to compare, so the selection process may be easier. You also get a true sense of the magnitude of the items.

Do the same for a financial wish list. Think of it as a bucket list that you want to achieve before you buy the farm. Put everything on this list that you could imagine wanting at some point. Put a minimum cost on each item. The idea is to get everything out in the open and see what you would really like. Some will be must haves and some will be nice to haves. Put them all down. Get a real sense of what is ahead of you. What would bring you joy?

For example, one of my items is to pay for each child’s university education. Another is to cover an amount for a wedding. Now maybe they won’t go to university or get married. But at least the funds are there in case they do. And they can always be redirected to a start-up business fund, round the world holiday or other matter after a certain age.

Make a financial wish list. Make it for fun. It will tidy your mind.

CategoriesActionFinancialHealth & FitnessThink About ItTime

Stop And Think

When did you last do this? It can change your life if you do it. Many people are so busy getting through life, they don’t stop and think.

Take 15 minutes later this evening and consider some things. If you are really brave, get a pen and some paper and write out your thoughts. I say brave because it is rarely comfortable confronting the brutal facts of reality.

Now I suggest you write out some of the great highlights of your life first. You may be able to note down 12 years of schooling or an advanced degree. Perhaps you’ve travelled or have had an illness you’ve had to overcome. Maybe you donated some money to a friend that was doing some fundraising. You may also have maintained a successful relationship, built a career, bought a house, raised good children or simply made it through life to here.

Well congratulations! There are so many skills you have and so many more you could acquire. You are far better and more impressive than you give yourself credit for. And you can do so much more than you even begin to imagine.

Recall all those times you got the thing you wanted. You bought the car, went to the concert, got the job or went out on that date. When you really wanted something, you went after it. You got it or something similar.

What else do you really want? How serious are you about it?

Stop and think. You can achieve anything.

Now, go make it happen.

CategoriesFinancialThink About ItTime

Think Longer Term

It would be great to have everything right now. No waiting or requirement for patience. However, if you think long term, you can get a lot of what you want now and have a good long term too.

It is so easy to spend money and time. It is more difficult to keep an eye on them and guard them. But it makes sense to do so. Living for today is a great and exciting way to live life. However, if you sacrifice 100% of your future to maximise today, things could get challenging later.

Although, consider the future you and how much they will thank you for being a little patient. If you do, you might do things differently. If you eat well and exercise in the present, your 40, 60 and 80 year old self will greatly appreciate it. Saving and investing 1%, 10% or 20% of your monthly income could make the retirement era you very happy indeed.

I know it takes time to set these plans in place. But, if you can do it, you’ll be better off. Both the time you have in your later years and the money comforts will be greatly appreciated by the older you.

Think longer term. Future you will be glad you did.

CategoriesReframe your thoughts

Oversimplifying Complicates Matters

By grouping large segments of a population, we often distort useful information. Oversimplifying complicates matters. This shorthand can highlight issues which only affect smaller groups of people.

Samples from the Financial Times yesterday are as follows: ‘Investors rush into corporate debt’ and ‘America celebrates Juneteenth’. These two phrases were combined as one headline. It struck me as unlikely that all investors were rushing into corporate debt. The reason I say this is that some investors only invest in equities or government debt. Meanwhile, others focus on real estate. As for any holiday or special day, some people celebrate, while others just enjoy the time off. In addition, other people may have to work. While still others may not even realise what the day is meant to represent so wouldn’t be celebrating it.

One of my favourite examples of oversimplifying is when the media pundits kept saying ‘Britain voted for Brexit’. This shorthand, and those above, imply the words ‘all’ or ‘all of’ at the start of the sentence. This is usually quite inaccurate. It would be nice if the writer could quantify the group a little better. The Brexit result was 51.89% to 48.11% so hardly justifies an implied ‘all’.

Noting that ‘some’ or ‘some of’ would be a helpful start. Perhaps a percent figure would be even better. Sometimes a different structure altogether would be an improvement. Something like ‘Britain voted. Brexit wins marginally.’

Remember these points when you are speaking to someone with a different opinion than you. Often you will be on much more common ground than you think. However, remember that oversimplifying complicates matters.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsTime

Making Your Next Episode

Your life could be viewed as a movie, mini-series, or tv show. Although it is probably most like a tv show. Making your next episode is a weekly occurrence.

With that in mind, how do you rate your life? Is it a drama, sit-com, tense thriller or mind numbingly drab? How do others see it? How would you like to see it?

The amazing thing is, you are making the next episode as your day unfolds. You are the writer, casting director, overall director, executive producer and star of the show. In the early seasons you were primarily the star. Your parents played the other roles in the credits. But once you turned 10, you started heavily influencing the other production roles.

You may like to feel as though you’ve given up artistic control, or never actually had it. However, every day you should remind yourself that it is you that makes the bulk of the decisions in your life. You decide if you are a stunning, fit and joyful lead character. You also decide if your role is that of a tired, bored or restless individual.

The people on the set are all selected by you to create the ambiance, atmosphere and interaction. Scenes start and end how and when you want them to. If a storyline isn’t working for you, you can just leave it on the cutting room floor.

Every week, you are making your next episode. Pay close attention to how you write the script for this week.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsTime

Be Confident In Your Position

You know what the best path is already. Don’t let others distract you or put you off. Be confident in your position. Carry on with your plans.

Often times we know the best solution to a given situation. We may not have 100% of the information but we need to make the decision. No one ever has 100% of all the relevant and related information. You need to have enough information, and a good feeling about things, to then press on to the conclusion.

I like Colin Powell’s 40-70 rule in this regard. With less than 40% of total information, your odds of making a good decision are lower. Obtaining more than 70% of the total information is time consuming and unlikely to change your decision.

Who knows what ‘total information’ really means? And how does one truly measure 40% or 70%? Don’t get caught up in these things. It is a rule of thumb. Get to where you feel pretty confident in the decision you are about to make. Know that the information you have is accurate and from a good source. Then get on with the decision and move to execution.

Usually you can adjust later if the decision did not bring about the outcome you were looking for.

If you have experts with field experience providing your information, you should be fine.

Be confident in your position.


Those Days Are Gone

Everything that starts will eventually end. Whether it is a game, a job or even breakfast. Those days are gone and not being revisited.

It is such a strange concept how we see things coming in the future. Then we experience something for a brief moment. Then the moment passes us and becomes ever more distant.

For example, we look forward to a birthday, event or holiday for months. Each day that passes can seem to take forever. Our anticipation grows stronger as we inch closer to the moment. Then we want to capture the moment and keep it forever. And we do, but the intensity tends to fade with time. And it becomes diluted by all the other memories we have.

This struck me while going to pick up my daughter from school the other day. She’ll be able to walk to school on her own in September. Mom and Dad will no longer be required. Those little chats we have and seeing her interact with her friends at the school gate will be things of the past.

These days are coming to an end. I recall the sentiment of other parents with older children. Some were elated to no longer have to be there each morning and afternoon. Others were saddened by the end of the era. I presume many were both. I know I will be.

This is simply the way life is. We all pass through stages. Things start and things stop.

Enjoy every moment you can before those days are gone.

CategoriesObserveThink About ItTime

Forecast For Fun

Few things can be known for certain. We play the odds all the time. In everything we do there is risk. We forecast for fun but often our lives depend on it.

There are many words similar to forecast, such as prediction, estimate or guess. We can also foretell, prophesy or even prognosticate, even if it does sound funny to say. I cannot foretell if you will agree with me or not. However, everyone is playing the odds at every moment.

We all like a little forecasting. We hope the weather forecast is spot on when it says sunny and warm. Some folks like to place a wager on their ability to foretell the future. We do this with the stock market and sports and while in the confines of a casino.

Amongst our friends we might guess what scores we will get on an exam or how a mini series may turn out. There is no end to the amount of things we are willing to bet on. Have a flutter for some fun. Sometimes we assess the risk and other times not.

When you cross a road at 05:00 and there isn’t a car in sight, you are still taking a risk. You could trip and whack your head on the pavement. However, your odds of safely and successfully crossing are close to 99.9%. Crossing a busy road during the middle of the day may carry a similar probability but there is a greater risk of an unsuccessful cross.

Forecast for fun but remember there is a level of risk for all activities.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Smile And Laugh More

Force yourself to do it if you have to. This idea seems crazy but we can forget to see the lighter side of things. Smile and laugh more because it feels good and others respond well to it.

Sometimes we take life, or ourselves and our situation, a little too seriously. It is easy to do. We can get caught up in the hub bub of daily life and just press on through. But it is so nice to see people smile and hear others laughing. It often makes us want to smile and laugh too. It is a wonderful way to quickly feel better about things.

Think of a fun time you had with a friend recently, or 20 years ago. Hold that thought. Hear the laughter in your mind and feel the giant smile on your face. Maybe you did something that scared you a little. Maybe it felt daring or a bit crazy. You did it though! And you can relive that memory as often as you like. It is free and provides a great feeling.

Think of those favourite songs of yours. Think of the happy ones, not the break up, drown your sorrows ones. Maybe some favourite scenes in some great movies do it for you. A great vacation or an activity you did or shared with others could be the smile trigger. Get five or six of these great memories and moments and write them down. Note a few key words to remind you of each one. Keep it in your pocket or on your phone. Look at it often.

Smile and laugh more. We’ll all benefit.