CategoriesActionThink About It

You Don’t Have To Think But It Helps

Reacting is easy. It rarely requires thought. A person says or does something and you weigh in with your comments. You don’t have to think but it helps.

Why does it help if you pause and reflect on things before engaging your mouth? First of all, you probably only know the tip of the iceberg. Secondly, what you do know is likely biased by the provider of the information. Thirdly, your immediate opinion will be biased by your own experience and philosophy. Finally, you may not truly believe what you say. You may instead be giving an emotional response without clear balance.

In our fast paced society, many people have a tendency to see from one angle and comment from one perspective. It has also become more common to side with the purported underdog. We must take the time to improve this. Otherwise, we will find more people shouting and arguing over biased headlines without any substance.

Slow things down. Assess how everything progressed to where it is now. Acknowledge what you feel is the right answer. But then, take some time to explore alternative viewpoints. Remember, just because you don’t want gravity to exist doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

If you want a calmer, more enjoyable life, try this out. You don’t have to think but it helps.

CategoriesObserveThink About It

I Want To Know

Why do we get curious? Curiosity can be a great thing. It’s instrumental in how we become aware. Curiosity also killed the cat. I want to know so many things. There isn’t enough time to learn all that there is to know about everything.

What is it that drives us to pick up a newspaper or turn the news on the radio or TV? Is it curiosity? Could it be a simple habit we’ve developed?

Perhaps it is our desire to fix things that seem to have gone wrong. Although, it could also be the desire to be a part of social events. It can be a way of connecting with others through a shared topic. Additionally, we can all have an opinion on the event and therefore feel able to comment on it.

It seems odd that we want to know so much about people and places we are unrelated to. In addition, it is rare we can do anything constructive to help the situation either.

So maybe next time you reach for the remote, paper, or a device to search up the news, just stop. You are trading away your life minutes to find out about other people. And you are unlikely to ever encounter those people.

It feels like a funny trade of time. Any thoughts why? I want to know.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About It

Too Many Options

Baskin-Robbins ice cream serves 31 flavours. They’ve introduced 1,300 flavours since inception in 1945. Too many options can slow down your thought process and ultimately your success.

It can be helpful for a consumer to have just one option. At best, you could offer them two or three options. A bit like Apple does with its iPhone offering, its laptops and its computers.

Once people have more options than that, they start to be paralysed by indecision. Often, they start to questions their choices and review their short list of options.

One thing I learned growing up in the countryside was that if you had only one option nearby, that was the best one. Moreover, no second guessing was involved. Finally, if people wanted to eat, skate or play tennis, there were only a couple of places to do that.

I love exploring and trying new things. Just ask my kids about the variety of flavours I bring home. Pineapple covered in yogurt and popping candy comes to mind.

There is a lot to say about the simplicity of one or two choices. Restaurants with 75 items on the menu seem a bit crazy. This is not just endlessly challenging for the consumer. In addition, the kitchen has to keep enough of each item in case it is ordered. And it can’t have gone off when it is selected.

Too many options is an unnecessary indulgence.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Get Organised

Have you ever been unprepared for an event? Some events happen every year. At the same time! Get organised and get your systems in place.

There have been occasions when I am not as prepared for a day as I feel I should be or could be. Let’s say it is a calendar event like a birthday, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Christmas, taxes, school terms, etc.

We all know that these things are coming. In fact, we know as soon as one finishes that we have 10 months to prepare for the next one. Which gives us two months to execute exceptionally well. In theory.

And if you really think about it, you have years to prepare for all the annual events. Given they always happen on the same day, it is pretty predictable when Christmas Day will be 37 years from now. And taxes that year will likely be due on the same day that year as it is this year.

There really should be no surprises. I’m telling you this as much as I am reminding myself. And the preparation for each event is usually going to be the same. Allow time to get the tax documents together and go through them with your accountant. Do them now at the beginning of the period rather than scrambling at the end. It will even take less time to do it now.

Get organised.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Surviving The Winter

It can get pretty cold and dark at a certain time of the year. Windy with harsh rains or even sleet and snow. Surviving the winter can be a treacherous undertaking. And that is just the physical aspect.

It can be easy to wonder how people survived through winter conditions 1,000 years ago. Yes, those winter conditions still exist in the northern and very southern based countries or regions. However, many of them benefit from much better housebuilding, heating, transportation, food storage etc.

It is still a wonder how people get through challenging winter conditions. Many of us today would find it very difficult to be out in the cold all day for hours and then return to a cold structure for food and sleep. If you have ever been out camping in particularly wet or cold conditions, you can start to understand the hardships.

Winter can also be a mental place. Where it seems hopeless, cold, dark and lifeless. We have to guard against those conditions too. We need to practice resilience and know that there is always a spring and summer to look forward to, no matter the severity of the winter.

Our northern winter is coming to an end. It will try us a little more but spring is on its way. Keep positive.

Surviving the winter is essential.

CategoriesActionGratitudeThink About It

The Perfect Answer

Wouldn’t it be nice if someone would just tell you the next step to the ideal destination? If someone could give you the perfect answer, you could just get on with it.

The times I am most lost, or I procrastinate, involve moments where I am uncertain of the next best step. Being uncertain has its positive moments but not usually when involving decisions about life direction or major moments.

Sometimes I would just prefer if an exceptional being could hand me a map to my destination. On that map would include the next 20 steps exactly laid out so I just had to do them. No guess work and success guaranteed. It wouldn’t have to be every time either. But simply once in awhile, when I am most stuck.

Wouldn’t you like to have a helpful situation like that?

Of course there are many books, coaches, courses, classes, programs etc that can help you find your way. Though how many of them provide a bullet pointed map, with 20 precise steps to your ideal destination?

Perhaps someone will create the ultimate map with step by step instructions. They could sell it with a guarantee for success. That would be worth buying.

Getting the perfect answer has a great deal of value.

CategoriesActionObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Focus On The Thing

Gosh it can be hard to get clear and focused sometimes. There are so many interesting things in life. You need to focus on the thing that brings you closer to your goal though.

You need to be clear where you are heading. Then do only those things that get you there. Remove all the extraneous distractions. Once you do this, you will move forward so much quicker.

This week I am reminding myself of the things I need to reduce or stop. There are many things not on the path to my top goals. Some are fun or enjoyable though. Which make them more difficult for me to remove from my day.

However, in order to win and achieve the goal, I need re-focus and commit.

Is there anything you have been aiming for but not really putting the required time or focus into getting it done? Are there too many emails, requests, unnecessary things, keeping you away from the achievement you want most?

This was coming, but today’s Quote Of The Day Show podcast episode really underlined this idea for me today.

Sometimes the Knowing-Doing Gap comes in, sits down and wedges itself between you and your goals. Get back to doing what you know you are supposed to do.

Focus on the thing.

CategoriesActionThink About It

The Easy Solution

There is always an easy solution to everything. Just the implementation and effectiveness are issues. The easy solution needs to be considered but should be reviewed for more complex items.

For example, the easy way to lose weight is to eat less and move more. This would bring in fewer calories and burn off more. And although solutions don’t come a lot easier than this, the individual implementation is much more difficult and therefore the effectiveness is often less than ideal.

Similar thoughts could be had for smoking or drinking. Easily, the best way to stop both of those is to stop buying the products. If you don’t have cigarettes at home or any alcohol, you are very unlikely to consume them.

Tidy your house, desk, papers or car. Seems so easy. And then when you are in the location again, do not leave anything there to mess it up. This good habit will leave your car, house, office or bedroom, very tidy indeed. If only people could perform like this daily, their spaces would be amazing.

Of course, many people do live like this. You may not be one of them, but they are out there.

The easy solution exists for many things. Though some people are unwilling to properly implement for effective results. Are you one of them?


Awaiting Perfect Conditions

We all can do pretty well when all the stars line up. Life is so easy when all the stop lights are green. However, awaiting perfect conditions may be a fools errand. It’s pretty rare to have exactly ideal conditions for anything.

It is usually far better to strike while the iron’s hot and not wait for everything to be all in order. It can be difficult to know the precise best time to make your move. However, with some action immediately, you are likely to be in the best position going forward.

If you go to bed late, you can’t always wait until you have your eight hours sleep. You may have to get up after 5 hours and just get through the day like that. Maybe you would feel better getting more sleep. However, you probably have other matters to tend to. The ideal conditions are a nice to have that most of us will not see.

Imperfect results can be the results of acting now. But it is usually going to be the best you can get sorted anyway. And given that life is short, you don’t want to waste the bulk of it awaiting perfect conditions.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Dig Your Heels In

That can feel sooo good in the middle of an argument. It may not be good but the adrenaline rush and everything works. Dig your heels in deeper as the discussion / argument continues to gather apace.

Generally speaking, we people like to be right about things. The funny thing is we are already right about our perspective. The challenge comes when other people have a different perspective. We can get quite animated explaining to people how our perspective is right and their perspective is wrong.

At this point, you could just walk away. You know you are right from your perspective. In addition, you have little interest in the other persons perspective. You just know they are wrong. And you are frustrated that someone’s lived experience could have got them so far off the correct track (i.e. your current perspective).

Again, best to walk away and reassess your own view of the world. No need to dig your heels in to press the matter. Few people seem to crack with greater pressure applied. You just don’t see it very often or ever.

Sometimes you feel you must win the battle and so forget about the larger purpose of life – Joy.

Don’t dig your heels in.