CategoriesActionThink About It

Try Something New Today

It is easy to fall into a routine. Habits develop and then they are hard to shake. So try something new today. It could improve your life.

It is surprising how quickly your life can change. This could be from a comment, an interaction, an event or a thought. But in that split second your life begins down a whole new path.

This is happening to us with great frequency already. Though generally our decisions and thoughts remain in a fairly regular range. This range is bordered due to our habits and our comfort zone.

It feels good in that range as we know what to expect. There are few surprises here. We don’t need to think too much. And, for the most part, it makes us feel good. Even if we don’t like it, the familiarity can be comforting.

Though a great way to put some excitement into your life is by doing something different. Especially something that might lead to a more powerful or more supportive habit.

You can expand your comfort zone, build on your experience and grow your confidence all at once.

Surprisingly, once you do it once, you might do it again. Then again. Then it soon becomes a habit and changes your life.

Try something new today. One day, you’ll be glad you did.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughts

To Compete Or Not Compete

That is the question. There is a fine line between being overly relaxed and taking things too seriously. To compete or not compete can be a very challenging question.

Whether it is at the country level, national, regional or local, this is not really a question. You train to win. However, before you get on that road, there is a period of life where winning isn’t everything. At least not to everyone.

As an individual, playing at park, school or local club level, there can be an element of playing too hard. Some children are there just to have some fun. Other children are only there because their parents are encouraging them to be there. Occasionally one child doesn’t want to be there at all.

However, to make it to progressively higher levels, one needs to challenge. So it stands to reason that if you want to play at the those levels, you may need to play harder at the younger age groups. However, some children may play too hard when the stakes are not very high.

This is not necessarily good or bad. It is simply something that people have to get through. Children and parents all have to be flexible enough to allow for both ends of the spectrum.

To compete or not compete. Simply keep getting better and it will all work out.

CategoriesReframe your thoughtsThink About It

The Words You Choose Define You

Listen to the words you use. Notice which words others select for their articles and speeches. The words you choose define you.

Remember that what you direct your mind to focus on, your brain will execute. Your mind will also absorb what it sees. Then you tend to become what has been absorbed. So be careful what you watch, read and listen to as it will affect your mood, anxiety and tension.

“Fear is the path to the dark side…fear leads to anger… anger leads to hate… hate leads to suffering.”


Recall Anakin was a happy young boy. However Tusken Raiders captured his Mom and tortured her. His fears turned to anger and quickly to intense hate which did indeed lead to suffering. Immediate suffering for the entire Tusken Raider group and extensive long term mental suffering for Anakin.

He said he hated them and they were animals. Then he became what he said they were. His focus on hate led him to became an uncontrollable animal that brought more fear and suffering to more people.

The words you use choose define you. And those you hear, and the pictures you see, have an impact on who you become. If you find yourself feeling a little anxious, tense or moody these days, reduce your exposure to the information you are consuming. Or at least the sources it is coming from.

CategoriesObserveThink About It

Who Doesn’t Love Fun!?

Well, I suppose there may be some people. Maybe the glass is half empty people. Misery loves company. But really, who doesn’t love fun!?

It can be really hard to imagine people that don’t love fun. However, sometimes you hear people speak or watch their body language and think they are not having fun.

It’s not just in that moment, either. They seem to have this swirling anti-fun vibe following them around. A bit like Charlie Brown’s friend Pig-Pen. Unless you are helping them through that, best to stay clear.

Having fun is one of the wonderful things about life. While we can debate whether the best things in life are free, free fun could possibly be the best kind possible. Fun could be playing ‘It’ in the park or climbing a tree with your best mate.

Fun could be reminiscing with a dear friend or having a great conversation. I’m quite partial to celestial matters such as watching clouds move and spotting formations. Or looking for shooting stars in the dark night sky.

Watching a great movie with my wife and kids is another wonderful fun thing to do.

Is there enough fun in your life at the moment? What do you like to do for fun?

Who doesn’t love fun!? I don’t know but I am not going looking for them.

CategoriesObserveThink About It

They Are The Problem

That’s right. We know exactly who is ruining everything. When things go wrong, we can confidently say that they are the problem.

The media know it. You know it. People seem to reference them all the time.

We, of course, are not the problem. This is because we know better, we are more aware and we tell everyone so they can improve their lives. We are the solution. It is a simple solution in this complex world. Broad generalisations always avoid schisms.

If only they could see things the way we see things. They would then do things differently. Obviously differently means better. And not just a fraction better. It would mean doing things significantly better.

We know our way is practically perfect. In fact, everything should work as we prescribe. If only they would listen.

In addition to not clearly understanding the issues or the gravity of many situations, they are prone to hyperbole and embellishment. This doesn’t help. They seem to be swayed by others.

Clarifying the actual point is another problem. It’s a bit like whack-a-mole. We make our point clearly and succinctly. They then misunderstand and reply with a tangential point. They then miss the original point and confuse the second one.

We know they are the problem. When will they realise it?


The Goal Of Life Is…

How you finish this statement is quite telling. Not in a ‘Gotcha’ way but in a useful, self-understanding way. The goal of life is something that can change through your life. As your mind and thoughts change, so too can your view of life.

When we are younger, it seems many children think the goal of life is to run around having fun with their friends. In the teen years, many people might focus on a skill which they are proud of and sets them apart as unique.

This skill could be school related, sports, music or making pocket money. Doing well and not messing up could be the main focus for many at this time.

Things can get a little philosophical through the years too. Though I do notice this one distinction coming up frequently. For some people the objective is to just get through life while others help people get through life.

As with anything though, there are hundreds of factors that could change your mindset on this at any given moment. Some more common ones are injury, loss, success and luck.

Regardless of where you are and what you are heading toward, how would you finish that sentence. If you’re brave enough, give it a go right now.

The goal of life is…

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughts

Celebrate Life’s Special Moments

As you get a little older, or at least a little wiser, you realise how important each moment is. Celebrate life’s special moments as often as you can. They come and go so quickly.

My wonderful Mom turned 75 today. You wouldn’t know it. Full of energy and a positive, joyful attitude might make her seem younger than she is. She’s also fit and healthy, so that helps keep her youthful looking too.

Celebrating her birthday was great, despite it being in a Covid friendly, socially distanced way. It was lovely to join her in a conversation over Zoom to celebrate this milestone birthday. Technology is fabulous that way.

In preparing for this grand event, we were able to get some birthday videos sent to us from friends and family. A great little website called VidHug helped us out too. It is better than a card. You get a personalised memory delivered ’in person’. And the video will be easy to keep and find.

What struck me was so many people’s willingness to participate in fun, quirky and lovely ways. It was beautiful to hear their kind comments and the fond memories they had of Mom. It wanted me to make a bigger video with more people. She’s truly a unique and wonderful woman.

Celebrate life’s special moments whenever you can. Don’t wait. It will open your eyes to life’s beauty.

CategoriesObserveThink About It

How Do You Pick Your Team?

It used to be where you were born. For some it was who their father supported. How do you pick your team? It’s not always so straightforward anymore.

Sometimes you need to break with traditional ways to make progress. Traditions can be excellent and welcome, like welcoming in the new year. Though some we can do without ever witnessing again.

Today people can pick their sports team, and other alliances, quite freely. This is a blessing and a curse. As there are no historical ties encouraging you to support one over another, you may not feel securely tied to anything.

Some will choose by colour of uniform. Others by their winning record. Yet others choose because they side with the underdog. If you think about it, that could be how we subconsciously find a mate, political party or even which company to work for.

Once you select your side, then you need to embed deep. Learn the songs and the rivalries. Buy the uniform and wear the gear. You get quite fully invested in it. These are now your people. And your cross town rival with all their supporters are your arch enemy.

And once you’ve chosen a side and become invested, it is very hard to leave, never mind switch to the opposition.

How do you pick your team?


Move At Pace

Sometimes you feel sluggish. Or perhaps its the people around you. Maybe you are a bit directionless. That’s ok. Move at pace though once you have a clear vision and are committed.

If you know where you want to go, you may as well get there quickly. It is amazing how much quicker people will decide, move and complete once they are clear on their direction.

Which makes sense. There may not be a lot of value in racing around if you have no focused destination. So rest, reflect and consider your situation and where you might like to go in those circumstances. And as you get a stronger vision, you will start to move more quickly.

You will gain momentum. That will build up and press you forward even faster. This is demonstrated well the three days before you go on holiday. Work items get delegated, delivered or deleted at great speed.

In addition, you do start to copy the speed of those around you. So, once again, be selective with who are in your flock. It’s ok to shuffle and sway when you are on a beach holiday. But when it is time to get the work done, you will want to be around people who move at pace!


Always Allow Two Weeks

Do you ever feel like things are down to the wire? Like you are up against time once again? My suggestion is to always allow two weeks.

There are a lot of things going on in life. And unexpected delays can occur. Actually, its not necessarily unexpected delays in my experience. It is more often delays, or actual timeframes, that could be expected.

For example, sending Christmas gifts overseas in late December and expecting them to get there on time is unnecessary stress. It is just very unlikely it will happen.

Last year, to send to Canada, using international standard mail, you needed to post before the 14th December from the UK. But you have to buy the gift and wrap and send it. And then wait in a queue at the post office. So allow two weeks for all of that before the deadline.

If you are getting a mortgage, always add two weeks to whatever the timeline is. Some people give you an accurate, or even a conservative, estimate of the time it will take. However, many will aim for the fastest time it has ever happened. That can lead to disappointment and unnecessary stress.

You always need to add a contingency. Always allow two weeks.