Get some fresh air. Go for a walk. Enjoy a little break. You probably deserve a 45 minute break. Go on. Indulge.
Completer Finisher
The completer finisher habit is rare and highly sought after. Lots of people can start things but many of those struggle to complete a task or a project.
Being able to direct things and complete tasks is learnable. Build that mindset.
Appreciation is a critical element in life. The more you see benefit, the more you appreciate it and the warmer you are.
Find Joy In Work
Whether it’s from great discipline, making something of value or beauty, or even from accomplishing something, find your joy.
The more joy you find in your work, the better you’ll become at it and the more success you’ll have.
Starting Is Hard Or Easy?
Starting a project is easy. Finishing is hard. Starting to revise schoolwork for an exam is hard but building momentum is easier.
Hard now can make it easier later. Easier now could mean hard later.
Whether it is easy or hard to start, start anyway. Start now.
Minority Of One
At a granular level, everyone is a minority. You can generalise the world into one group: humans. Or you can subdivide the world by large, fairly obvious groups such as sex, colour, height, weight, intelligence, wealth, or geography.
However, you can further subdivide people into the street they grew up on, the parents they had, the schools they attended and the scars on their body. Ultimately, their DNA is a very unique item for everyone.
So we are all a minority of one. But some people band together in larger groups to take advantage of certain, similar characteristics to gain greater influence from the group.
Be careful who you align with. In the end, you’re still a minority of one.
Don’t Panic
Remain Calm. Whatever is coming down the pipe, is coming down the pipe. You can’t stop it. You need to surf the wave ???? of change. Keep your chin up and knees bent. You can survive just about anything.
Understand Your Emotions
Your emotions dictate a lot (most/all) of what you think and do. We like to think we’re quite rationale, and many are, but many are not. Be careful not to be ruled by hate and fear or a desire to make everything perfect.
Ensure your emotions are in check and draw sensible conclusions after that.
Someone Has Your Answer
You just need to find out who and ask them the question. Yes, it’s that simple. Although, it might take days or weeks to find them, so you better get looking!
Enjoy Fun Times
Catch up with friends. Listen to music. Chat. Frolic. Dance. Flirt. Seek adventure. Watch great movies. Dine out. Talk about life and space and hope.
Enjoy it all!