
Of Course It Is Uncomfortable

Most people find new things a bit awkward or challenging. If it is exactly your type of thing, maybe not. Otherwise, of course it is uncomfortable.

You could be learning how to ride a bike, solve a Rubik’s cube or do your times tables. Maybe you want to start a business or circumnavigate the globe, but you are not sure how.

Well, first you have to think you can. Next, you will have to prove you want it bad enough. This will become obvious as you will then have to learn some different things. Then you will have to do some different things too. This is rarely easy and of course it is uncomfortable. However, you must press on, as it is the basis of how you #AchieveAnything.

Of course there is more detail, it will be difficult and there will be diversions. There will be plenty of diversions. Like reading this post right now. Get yourself back on track and focused!

Believe, be curious, be done. Repeat. You will get closer to the outcome you want, if you actually work toward it. Put the effort in and thrive.


Keeping A Schedule

Depending on how the new normal has impacted you, there could be some challenges in keeping a schedule. You may be far busier than usual, at one end of the spectrum, or drifting through the day with little to do, at the other end.

Either way, it is important to be keeping a schedule. People generally perform better, feel calmer and are more productive if they keep to a regular schedule. Now schedules can shift a little as life changes but it is good to keep some habits in place as much as possible.

Getting to bed at a good time and getting up at a consistent time, with a decent amount of sleep in between (7-8 hours), is a good start. The rest of your day, you can plan out in the evening before going to bed. Then the trick is to get the things done that are on your list or calendar, in the time allocated for each item. Do this and you will increase your productivity, sense of control and your confidence.

Set a schedule for your top priorities and you will be well ahead of the game. The smaller bits and less important items will get done around the edges, some other time or never. That is ok.

The last couple of weeks I have been feeling a little rudderless as all the scheduling seemed to disappear from my life. It was fun to drift along and spend time with my family, read, write and eat. However, I noticed my increasing desire to get back to a schedule. It certainly has helped me be more productive and feel more in control of my day again.

If you are not keeping a schedule: Start. If you are keeping one, make sure it is working well for you.


Do It Right, Now.

Just get on with it. Make a start. It doesn’t need to be perfect. You just need to start. Or re-start. Do it right, now. Not later.

Right at the start, you should just get going. It might be a little messy. That’s ok, as long as you get going. As you progress along though, you should want to up your game and do a reasonable job of it too. You wouldn’t want to continue being a bit messy once you got going or you’ll be adding to your jobs to do later.

For those things you have got moving along, try to do them as best you can. It doesn’t make sense to come back to them later.

If you don’t have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?

Coach John Wooden

If you have 30 minutes of time you could release from your schedule at the moment, try to get some tasks done you’ve been putting off. Do it right now or do it right, now. Either way, just get on with it and do something.

CategoriesGratitudeThink About It

What You Say Reflects You

We all think that our spoken words describe something or someone else. However, what you say reflects you. What you communicate will usually tell us more about your current state of mind, values and critical thinking, than it will about your subject.

I have raised a similar thought previously in another post entitled, ‘Is fire good or bad?’. Putting that aside, what really brings this point home is what people are saying online and on Twitter about our now ICU’d Prime Minister, Boris Johnson.

Leadership examples:

It is fabulous to see people like Keir Starmer and Ed Miliband saying good, hopeful and helpful things at this difficult time. They could have said something political. They could have criticised his policies or judgement in handling the matter. Or they could have said nothing at all. They did not, however, and they chose to send appropriate messages of well wishing.

Meanwhile, there were people who did not send their good wishes for a speedy recovery. They did not stay quiet, nor did they offer their thoughts or prayers to him or his family. You will have to look the comments up yourself, if you want to spend your time that way.

When I see such negative and inappropriate things written, or hear them spoken, I ask myself the following: What is the worst thing that he, personally, directly and intentionally did, specifically to harm you, without any greater consideration or benefit to a wider group?

Consider intent:

It is always best to first consider the other person’s intent. What is the most important thing for them? What were they trying to achieve as the very highest priority for them? When doing this, try to remove your biases and instinctual thoughts and try to get in their shoes and understand their motivation and highest intent. It’s not easy but frequent practice will help.

I believe Mr Johnson’s overriding intent, during this pandemic, has been good. It seems clear to me that he wants to save lives, protect the NHS and support people and businesses adversely affected by the situation. This is a big and broad summary of intent. It won’t be perfect. Nothing ever is.

So the next time you choose to express yourself, take a pause first. What you say reflects you, and it’s quite revealing.


You Can Do Something

There is a lot of opportunity to get involved. Start looking for your impact zone. You are amazing. You can do something.

I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; I will not refuse to do the something I can do.

Helen Keller

What is the something you can do today?

CategoriesActionThink About It

If You Think You Can, You Will

Thinking is a fascinating activity. The inner workings of the mind and all that activity inside the brain. It can be like a Genie’s lamp. Whatever you wish, if you think you can, you will.

Try to visualise ‘thinking‘ actually happening. What do you see? Not the brain. That is where the thinking happens but it is not thinking itself. Do you see thoughts or ideas? Do you see words, or pictures or gas and synapses firing?

Regardless of whatever it is you see thinking as, it is happening. The untapped potential power is incredible. You simply need to decide what you want and your mind can start organising the steps to get there. It can be like having a very efficient concierge.

Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right,

Henry Ford

If this is true, then why do we ever think something won’t work or that we can’t do the thing we want to do? If you go forward confidently, it follows that, ‘If you think you can, you will’. We would all get much more done that way.

I recall preparing for the first year out from school, that I took off to travel, and also my move from Ottawa, Canada to London, England. At those times, I thought I could and I did. There wasn’t hesitation and I didn’t think about couldn’t. Though there were many that thought about that for me. I simply followed the steps my inner concierge laid out for me.

Pick some things you would like to do this year. Decide that you can, and you will, do whatever it is. Write the ideas down quickly. Then let the concierge in your head start making a plan and preparing a path. Soon enough you’ll be on your way.

Don’t look back. Stay focused. Remain confident and resolute. If you think you can, you will.

CategoriesThink About ItVideo

Remember The Titans

Remember we have the power to change our minds, our views and our destiny. Remember The Titans is a brilliant family movie that does a great job delivering on that theme.

Friday night is movie night in our family. With five opinions, it can be challenging to get consensus on what we are going to watch. However, after several other trailers, a debate and a vote, we then watched this trailer and it was a unanimous winner. Although I had seen it before, I was keen to see it again. This time I would get to see the kids’ reactions too.

Well the kids loved it. We did too. It is a very inspiring movie. In addition, it really makes you think. Tough choices are made, different viewpoints are explored. The idea of tough love and long term personal development are key elements. Although set only 50 years ago, it seems like such a different time.

While we are experiencing extra family time, if you are looking for a great, feel good, family movie, then Remember The Titans is certainly worth watching.

Common Sense media suggests it is a 10+ age group movie (but was fine for our almost 9 year old). Rotten Tomatoes audience score is 93% from 578k ratings.

We are always looking for great movies for the whole family to watch. If you have any family favourites that you would be happy to share, please do. Tap the title of this post, scroll to the bottom of it and begin writing in the Start Discussion box.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Feeling Low – Where Do You Go?

What are the best resources for resilience? When you are feeling low – where do you go? To whom or to what do you turn to? There are some great resources out there to help pick you up, re-energise and re-focus.

Certainty of outcome:
Right now, we are in such a unique moment in time. It feels like the whole planet is on the same page, or at least reading the same book. Sometimes, as with a riveting book, I’d love to sneak a peak at the last few pages. Seeing how this plays out, and when, would provide everyone with some certainty. It would probably give a lot of people a level of comfort and let them relax into it a little more.

However, just like every book or movie, we won’t know how it ends until we get there. We need to live through the twists and turns with resilience knowing there is an end and it will be fine.

Looking back four months ago, you may not have realised how amazing your life was then. As I wrote recently, we often don’t know what we’ve got til it’s gone. This is probably one of those moments for a large portion of the population in so many countries already.

Feeling low – Where do you go?:
To re-energise or re-frame things, some of the best tips I have, that work for me are: Going for a run, writing something positive in a journal, listening to a favourite couple of songs rather loudly and singing along, or writing what’s on my mind to ‘get it out’.

A great book to read, and write in like a workbook, is Dale Carnegie’s classic, ‘How to stop worrying and start living’. It’s got some incredible stories in it and great lessons and tactics to use too.

There are also some amazing resources online. These are based in the UK, but please add any from your country or others you think would help. Free therapy or counselling through the NHS. Info for Children and young people.

Helping Others:
If you can spare a minute, please answer the question, ‘Feeling low – where do you go?’. Click on the title of this post and scroll to the bottom of the page and leave your best tips in the comments.

With readers from across the UK, USA, Canada, Australia and dozens of other countries, maybe we could get a little compendium of top tips listed. It could help people, from around the world, to better deal with the new normal.

Knowing that you may may have helped someone get through their day will pick you up too, and hopefully leave you smiling.

CategoriesReframe your thoughts

Starting With Perfect

If you expect people and things to be perfect, then you may be in for some pretty big disappointments in life. If you are starting with perfect, every other outcome is, sadly, going to be inferior.

I find my own frustrations rise when I use the word ‘should’. It’s a funny word. It’s how we think things ought to be based on our experience, desired pleasure and avoidance of pain. So why should any of us get to decide all on our own how things should be? Be careful if your base case is always starting with perfect. Especially if it is your particular view of perfect.

This reminds me of a Jim Rohn quote.

Don’t curse all you’ve got. When you get your own planet, you can rearrange this whole deal. This one you’ve got to take like it comes.

Jim Rohn

Jim has so many brilliant sayings. Search for him on YouTube, Google or click here.

Should is a word we gently encourage our children to use less and less. Unless they are going to take action and push for the change themselves, then that is fine. In which case, the word switches from ‘should’ to ’must’. Tony Robbins is known for saying that we don’t get our ’shoulds’, we only get our ’musts’.

If you think everything should be different, you will find life to be a constant battle. But, if you can accept that nothing is perfect, you will thrive. All those imperfections create diversity and uniqueness. It can be amazing, if you let it be.

You should give it a try. ??


Do What You Can

It would be nice to be able to solve all the problems in the world with a snap of the fingers. Yet, if you simply do what you can, you will have done more than most people do in a given circumstance.

We can easily talk ourselves out of doing something because we don’t think it will make a massive difference. However, by doing what we can, it might. Making an impact can happen in so many ways. It is difficult to foretell which of your actions will make a significant difference and which won’t.

On that basis, I suggest you do the following.

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.

Theodore Roosevelt