CategoriesGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Party Season!

It’s a festive time of year with lots of parties to attend and plenty of good cheer.

If you have drinks, it can be good to remember the three drink rule. More than that and you could find yourself driven home by a friend, a taxi, the police or someone’s Dad. Oh my!!

Don’t slip onto Santa’s naughty list this late in the year!

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsTime

Meet People

Meeting people can be the key to your future. It is in the exchange of ideas, capital, assets, time and energy that things start to get cooking.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Learn By Writing

Writing helps you become more precise. Word selection is important. You can really develop a concept through writing notes about it. You can reflect back on those notes too.

You may want to adjust, amend or add to those notes. By dating the notes you can see what you thought at a given point in time.

Writing also requires thought so you are more likely to remember the key points when you write them down. Then when you review those written points they will enter your mind once again, helping to cement their place in your memory.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Have You Actually Thought About It?

How quickly can we get into defending our position on a matter, when we may not have thought it through that much?

Did we do any research outside of our normal echo chamber? Was there any attempt at looking at it logically without the noise? Did we actively listen to opposing thoughts and try to find common ground?

Be mindful you’re not holding on to arguments because you would like them to be true more than they are actually true.

Most things can be agreed in the round, it’s just the percentages that we differ on. And sometimes those aren’t far apart either!

CategoriesActionGratitudeProgressReframe your thoughts

Seek Peaceful Existence

When this is the number one priority for all people around the world, we will have the greatest era of peace and prosperity, safety and security.

When even a few disgruntled people want something more than peace and place it as their highest value, we will have trouble and possibly war.

It only takes one bad apple to spoil the whole darn bunch.

CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughts

Avoid Discomfort At Your Peril.

Having comfy shoes, comfy clothes, and a comfy job can be the ideal life for some people. They may even want comfort foods, their coffee and wine or cigarettes to help mask any discomfort.

But beware: If everything is so comfy you might go to jelly, physically and mentally. Sometimes you need tough stuff to harden you. You will need some discipline and resilience to get through the discomfort. Get yourself a little uncomfortable, for that is the way to get yourself to unstoppable.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughts

Push Through To The End

Well done to get started! Congratulations on your persistence so far. Keep pushing hard to the end. See it through. Don’t waver, relax, coast or give up. The critical part, the finishing, is just around the corner and you’re doing so well! Push through!

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughts

Do What You Say

Or don’t say it.

Become a person who surprises rather than disappoints. Give people reasons to trust you will do what you say, when you said you’re going to do it.

Under-promise and over-deliver. Stop doing this the other way around.

CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Practice Serenity

You will learn a lot of things in life, but make sure this is one of those things. Learn how to do this at a young age and you can use it throughout your life.

It will keep you in better health, both physically and mentally. You will also get more joy out of life if you learn to take the edge off. Learn how to meditate and practice it daily.