Hearing good advice is one thing and doing it is a whole other level. I tidied out a drawer that tends to get filled with things. Felt good to do it. One clear and tidy space. How did you get on?
Look At Your Environment
Look around. Is this how you want to live your life? Are things untidy? Perhaps they are even out of kilter.
Spend two hours today tidying an area up completely. Make it happen in a drawer or on a counter, in a bathroom or the spare room.
Don’t leave it to slowly, almost imperceptibly, get worse. Take a small area and make it ideal. Then find another area and do the same. Keep doing small but noticeable beautifying projects.
Prepare For Death
Not a generally fun topic. However, it is one we all will encounter in our lives. It will be either the death of other people or our own.
Preparing for it 20 years ahead may take the sting out of the discussion. It may also allow you some time to get things in order properly.
It’s not an hysterically fun topic but it can be approached light-heartedly. It does need to be done to improve the lives of your heirs and allow you to rest your mind.
Start today. Progress towards completing your will, any trusts, funeral arrangements and Power of Attorney, and getting the rest of your documents in order.
Yes it might mean postponing a few favourite tv shows now and then but having this completed makes you the super star of your family. Dead and still ahead one day. Sort it now!
Bad Situation Or Bad Person
Good people can get caught up in bad situations. Try not to be one of them. Stear clear of tense or difficult people and situations.
Sometimes good people find themselves in a bad situation, where they are almost certain to do something bad to get out of it. This is quite unfortunate. They may not be a bad person through and through, they just made a bad decision in a difficult situation.
Then they get branded bad forever for that one negative thing they did. It may not be fair but now that you know, stay away from such situations so you never have to deal with the consequences.
One Interaction
People can make sweeping judgements based off of one interaction. Try to catch yourself before this happens in your life.
If you let yourself go with the flow of feeling, it can be easy to make broad statements about people that are unlikely to be even vaguely accurate.
It’s too easy to have one bad interaction with a foreign national and then say all of them are like that. Our mind tries to protect us from all of the similar bad plants, animals, people, etc. The nuance that this is one bad person, or even one bad situation involving that person, is hard to sift out.
If one politician says something you don’t like, you might say something charged about all politicians, without proof, experience or knowledge.
Remember too, this works both ways. When you are arguing for or against something, you are representing a host of people that look, sound, are titled, or are in a club just like you. Those others will get smeared by the same brush used to tarnish you. Try not to give people the opportunity to associate you with negative things.
Spending Time
Do you truly spend your time how you would want to? Not just your work time, which some of you may not be crazy about, but free time too.
Are you with the people you would most like to be with? Are you doing things that improve your life? Do you spend 20% of your time on fun, rejuvenation and enjoyment? Or are you more of an 80% enjoy and try not to really improve anything?
Spending time is something you should plan. If you just go by feelings, you may find yourself in an awful spot three years from now.
Take A Nap
A rejuvenating nap can be just the thing you need in the afternoon or early evening. It can clear things up for you and give you hours more of alert and enjoyable time.
I wouldn’t leave it too late though. Napping after nine pm and you may as well have gone to bed! Stay away from this plan unless you’re up due to a pressing deadline that must be met.
Complete Projects
Starting projects can be quite easy. You’re usually full of enthusiasm and optimism and up for something refreshingly new.
However do make sure you limit the number of projects you start and make sure you’re fully finishing these projects too.
Many people struggle to succeed because they keep adding projects that dilute their time and energy. Then they leave the open loops unfinished and on their mind. Better to start fewer projects and complete more so a higher percentage is completed. 100% would be quite extraordinary!
Stick To Your Convictions
While you stick to your convictions, you should also get quite curious as to why people are challenging them.
Don’t just blindly follow your convictions when others are challenging them with considered arguments. Listen to what they are saying. See if any, some or all of what they say could be right. Then investigate it further to test the ideas even more.
The movie The Big Short is an excellent example of this. The bankers that thought Michael Burry was nuts, should have gotten curious, instead of dismissive and aloof, and gone and done some harsh research. Their lives might have turned out quite differently.
Get The Tools
You will move faster, and do more, if you have the right tools for the job. Once you have the right tools you can begin upgrading to the best “right” tools.
Don’t delay in getting those tools though. It is very important to use things that will help you progress further and faster.