CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

When Can You Change Your Mind?

Taking a position is easy enough. You can simply run with your feelings without any thought and justify your position with points that feel good.

What happens though, if later you change your mind? How do you gracefully switch sides? Is it possible?

How will the people who agreed with your earlier position feel now? What about those you opposed?

It can be a challenging time. Embrace the change though. You owe it to yourself.

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Life From Your Perspective

Your life is your perspective on the world. It doesn’t mean the world is like such and such. It simply means you chose to view the world as that.

If it was like that, then wouldn’t everyone see it that way too? People see it differently not because it is different but their perspective is.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughts

Try Thinking

Mostly people react to things. They can do this quickly based on feelings. Try to move from react to respond to thoughtful engagement.

Try to notice bias and see if it makes a difference once you shift from feelings based to critical thinking based considerations.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Do What You Say

If you commit and quit, your self esteem will drop. You can’t trust perself or count on yourself. Be realistic. Only commit to those things and timeframes you are actually going to do. Don’t let yourself and other people down.

CategoriesActionObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

How Fast You Want To Go?

Life can change in a second, minute, week, month, year or decade. If it were to change for the positive, how long would you like it to take? The quicker you would like the change to happen, the more action you need to take.

Good decisions also help to make things go faster. Timely decisions too. Don’t fall behind and get dragged along by old opportunities. Stay fresh, alert and ready.

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughts

The Root Word Of Culture Is Cult.

People are tribal. And we switch tribes based on the theme, topic or philosophy being discussed. If your favourite pastime is films, then you’re in this group. But if you’re vegetarian, you’re in this group. However, if you like to carry a firearm, then you’re in another group.

People like to choose their group based on their preferences. Being forced into a group is rarely ideal. For this reason, perpetrators of forced belonging are rarely perceived well in history. I’m sure you can think of several examples with ease.

If you’re trying to force anyone into a group, I’d stop now. You’re going to be on the wrong side of it sooner than later.

CategoriesFinancialReframe your thoughts


Few people I know, enjoy doing admin. Though it needs to get done. So try doing it a little and at a time but often or once a week for three hours in the morning when you’re fresh. Then give yourself something fun to do in the afternoon if you complete it.

CategoriesGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Home Sweet Home

Being away can be helpful in recognising the people and things you appreciate. You don’t need to go away for this to happen though. You can make the effort to find things you appreciate everyday.