CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughts

Mutual Understanding

It’s nice to have a mutual understanding. Fewer words are needed. There is less thinking work required. It’s easy and more pleasant. But you won’t grow if you don’t allow your thoughts to be challenged.

CategoriesObserveThink About It

Is Your View Always Correct?

Perhaps it could be true. No one else is as good as you. Your sources are the best in the world, your analysis are second to none and you articulate every position with exceptional attention to detail and verbal accuracy.

Or maybe you have a blind spot or two you would rather not acknowledge or didn’t know you had. Consider the possibilities…

CategoriesActionObserveThink About ItTime

Play Cards

It’s great for relaxing, pattern recognition and mental acuity. There’s a great social element too. Even with solitaire (who hasn’t had someone lean over and help them out…)

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughts

Have Fun Sensibly

Have a great time. Enjoy! Park, dance, sing, play and entertain yourself. Just do it sensibly. No doctors or police. And try to make it something you could happily tell your grandmother and your own 10 year old children.

CategoriesActionObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

If You Do The Same, You Get The Same

Think of the next 12 months ahead. How closely will it resemble the last 12 months? Will you eat similar foods, sleep at similar times, work about the same hours on very similar type things? I will guess that you’ll also celebrate the same birthdays, holidays and special moments.

If everything you do is the same, how can you expect life to be or feel differently? You really need to make some small changes or shifts in what you do. Then increase the frequency and/or intensity of these changes so you begin to get demonstrably different results.