
Stay With It

Tough times will come and go. The key is to stay with it over time

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Natural Decline

Everything gets there towards the end, or even throughout its existence. People are no different. We decline with time. Our physical limits go as well as our mental faculties.

It is not easy to watch or experience. But it happens. Prepare for it in advance. And bring your humour with you.

CategoriesGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Have A Supporter

Make sure you find someone in life that has your back. Not someone you force to do it or pay to do it, but someone who genuinely wants to be there for you and wants to be part of your life.

If you have one in life, for any time, you are very lucky. Having one that is there throughout life is amazing. Having several would be winning life’s jackpot. Be incredibly grateful for these people.

CategoriesActionProgressThink About ItTime

Work Swiftly

When you have work to do, work swiftly. Stay focused on the task at hand and get things done quickly. It’s efficient and you’ll feel better about getting it down without dilly-dallying.

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Shorthand Communication Is Rarely Good

“What does Iran want” is a headline in one of the UK’s top newspapers. The shorthand generalisation isn’t helpful but it’s shorter and catchier than, “What does Iran’s current leader want?”

When we say Iran we aren’t referring to all 88 million people. I imagine, like anywhere, there is a variety of viewpoints on most things. The leader might want something different to his leadership team, pro western citizens, secular or Sunni followers and from those wanting to conquer than go in peace.

So be careful when you hear shorthand or generalisations and think what it might really be like if you dig into the details.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughts

The To-Do List

There is always something on the to-do list. It might be work or pleasure, rest or play, but there will be something on the list. You will usually be able to think of something that needs to be done, either for you, your kids, parents or friends.

Remember, even when you stop, drop and lay in the ground, there will be things to be done. They’ll either be unnecessary items or someone else will pick up the task and put it on their to-do list.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughts


The more prepared you can be, the more likely you will be to succeed. Spend time preparing for your day, week and year. The benefits of this action will be significant.