You probably don’t need more info. Just get your head straight and finish the job. If it needs to get done, take action and do it. Rest only once you can say with 100% certainty that you’ve finished the job.
Do this anywhere you can, when you need to. It’s a very important part of remaining resilient and making good decisions.
Find Hope And Hold On
Hope is a very powerful force. It can sustain people or keep them going through very difficult times. Feeling that there is something better ahead can lift your spirits and provide the mental resilience one needs to get through tough times.
Find hope and hold on. Sometimes that is all we have. Or need.
Say Hello To People
Be courteous and kind. Be the first to say hello. Be curious about the other person and their perspective and life story.
Get out there and say hello to people.
Get Ahead Of The Curve
Get your basics sorted out quickly. Then every 3-6 months add to them. Do not fall behind, or at least not for long. Then catch up quickly.
Keep building and compounding your position. If you have a 3 month emergency find, then set up your will. Once you have a will, get a POA ready, and then your funeral plans.
These things are especially important to do if you have kids. Better yet, get it all sorted before the kids come because you may then struggle to stay ahead of the curve. Good luck!! ????
Sleep Is Super!
Remember to prioritise it.
How Does It End?
I assume most people want to know how things end. Some people read the last chapter first just to get it over with. Some people plan well, including the end.
The end of a holiday is often a bit anti climatic for me as you often have to find your things and pack your bag, get to the airport and/or drive home. Life can be a bit like that too. The first and last 10% is often not hugely memorable. The 80% in the middle, though… there’s the beef!
So live it up and enjoy but also pack the day before so you’re not stuck doing that in those precious final moments that you’re savouring and wish never had to end.
Attracting Versus Demanding
In most instances, attracting people to you, your company or your cause is the ideal way to get people on your side. It feels great to be able to offer something that other people perceive value in. And it’s also great to be naturally attracted to someone or something.
What isn’t ideal is having someone demand your attention, demand your love or demand your participation in something. That rarely feels good.
Have a think about how you involve others in your life and business. Do you offer something so good that others want to be involved or do you demand their attention, affection and participation?
Is it time to double down on your great offer or time to make some changes in your game?
Think And Smile
Think of a great photo of, or moment with, your Mom. Think and smile. Or maybe it is regarding your Dad. It could be with other family members or friends or an event you attended.
Regardless of what it is, find some happy memories and make your mouth, eyes and face smile with the memory. I’m not sure people do this enough. It’s so simple and easy and feels good too. Do it daily. Do it twice a day even.
This is also a great way to get fantastic photos of you. If there is a camera in your midst and someone wants your photo, look straight at it, think of that happy moment and smile. You’ll never have a bad picture of you again.
Detailed Goal Planning
This is not easy. It is simple but not easy. You need to refine your goals and get very clear about what you are aiming for. Then you need a clear timeline and plan to achieve them. The more precision you add now, the higher the probability of hitting your targets!
My book, Achieve Anything, could not be better value on Amazon in the UK. Go take a look. For a couple of £s you can learn more about goal planning and taking your life up a notch or two in 2024!