
Life’s A Beach

It can be simple. Just you and nature. Au naturel. Or you can add swimsuits, SeaDoos, picnics, noodles, diving board, slide, and a boat. Just like in life, you can always add more. Yet, when is enough, enough? Appreciate the simple things and you’ll love what you have.

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Some Things Flow Well

Sometimes you’ll notice how well things are flowing, like traffic, an airport, or even your thoughts. And other times you’ll notice that it seems like you’re swimming upstream, going against the flow, or struggling to get traction. Aim for flow, as a producer or consumer, because everyone will benefit.

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Non-Standard Items

There seems to be a tendency to do things our own way, as individuals, or in companies. This makes things unique and interesting. Though it can also make things inefficient and difficult. Non-standard items such as electrical plugs, rail gauge and forms could be addressed soon, for efficiencies sake.

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Customer Service

Yikes. Some is terrible. Though some are really great. Today, however a bank/credit card company and a car rental company have been so very painful. I don’t recall ever being engaged for so long and walking away with such little progress. Some companies need to be reminded that our time is more valuable than their cost efficiencies.

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Ask Questions

The easiest way to get a conversation going is to ask questions. Some of those questions they will want to answer in greater detail. Note which those are. Ask more questions in that direction. Then sit back, listen and learn.