CategoriesActionFinancialGratitudeObserveThink About It

Big Purchases

A house, a car, long haul flights and an all-inclusive or five star hotel stay can be some of the biggest purchases you’ll make in life.

Note how you feel when you consider the 5, 6 or 7 figure sum for the first time. How does that change once you’ve decided to take the leap and pay the bill? And once it’s been paid? It’s an interesting mental transition.


Only A Glimpse

That’s all we ever see into another persons life. We don’t know all of their inner thoughts, daily habits, emotional or financial struggles or challenges with their family, school or work.

With 700,800 hours in an average life, that’s a lot of hours to transfer to someone! Especially to someone who’s trying to live their own 700,800 hour life.

CategoriesObserveThink About It

Not Hard Nor Easy

Life is not as hard as some people think. And it certainly isn’t as easy as others think. These positions or viewpoints can change at any time though, depending on events.

CategoriesObserveThink About It

Music Is Powerful

It can bring you back to a forgotten time. It can inspire you to greatness. Memories can be summoned by just a few notes. Music is a powerful medium. Harness it for good.

CategoriesActionFinancialObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Get Rich Quick Versus Easy

You can get rich quick but it’s unlikely to be easy. First define what quick means. In an 80 year life, I’d say quick would be 5 years, though you could stretch it to 10.

You also have to define what rich is. So let’s say USD2.0 million. That’s a reasonable sum. If you put that in a dividend stock like IBM and received 5% per year plus some capital gain, you’d have USD100,000 per year income and a growing capital base. This would be more than 3x the average salary of a US worker and they’d never have to lift a finger for it for the rest of their life. For the average person, that would be life-changing and feel rather rich.

Can it be done? Of course it can. You can achieve anything. It is rare but happens 1,000’s of times per year.

Example can be found in tech startups, sports, entertainment, music, finance, sales and small companies. In 5 years, a person can go from 17 and obscure to 22 and minted. It won’t have been easy but it was very quick. Now go make it happen!

CategoriesGratitudeObserveThink About ItTime

Prom And Other Iconic Events

What a cool and wonderful watershed moment: Prom. Do you remember yours? Or have you not had it yet? A fun time and memorable event. Most people don’t have many events like that in their life, so enjoy it and keep its memory alive.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsTime

Have The Conversation

Sometimes you need to have a conversation but you put it off because it might be uncomfortable. Well if you’ve put it off once or twice, it is probably time to gather your nerves, be calm but be direct and get it over with. Go have the conversation that you know you should.