CategoriesGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Finer Things

Spend more on a few finer things because you are a good person. Don’t always just take the cheapest. Pay a little more for a better experience. You’ll be glad you did. And you are likely to never remember the extra bit of cost.


Get Moving

Movement is very beneficial to your body and mind. Rivers flow, winds blow, seasons change and the world is renewed through movement.

So move your body more today. Think different thoughts. You don’t have to accept them as true but try sitting with those thoughts for a minute or two. Move them around in your mind. Look at the ideas from different angles. Stretch yourself to understand the idea even if you don’t accept it as your preferred thought.

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About It

What’s More Important, Your Tribe or The Whole?

People in general have a tendency to agree or acquiesce to their tribe or community perception. Going against that view has historically seen you cast out from that section of society.

Consider Snowball in Animal Farm, the Truckers in Canada or people who appreciate law and order.

The leader will throw you out if they sniff any dissenting view, or they can create rules or expectations to follow which their knowing followers can use to sideline people with a diverse point of view.

Here we can reflect on The Ten Commandments, Laws and societal norms of the time. These allow people to shun others who don’t follow the chosen value path.

Everyday you make choices which require you to decide which is more important to you, the acceptance from your valued tribe or taking things a step closer to unity involving both sides, not just one side.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About It

Make Sure You’re Well Supplied

If you’re undertaking a big project, long hike or extended engagement, make sure you’re well supplied. It’s a very unfortunate situation if you run out of key supplies part way through your campaign.

Think supply chains and war. Without supply replenishment, you will die. Live and learn.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Keep Your Word

Trust is an important social quality. With trust, you can achieve a lot. Though without trust, it can be difficult to do anything. People will not want to hire you, count on you, give you responsibility, bring you into their inner circle or get involved in your life.

Every action impacts trust, so be mindful of the things you say and do.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughtsTime

Keep Playing To Win

Even if things are not currently going in your favour, play every second to win! Keep the winner’s mindset. It can still turn around. There is time. But you need to play every moment like it’s the gold medal match and you are absolutely going to win.

Throw every ounce of energy into your efforts. Leave nothing left over for when you’re done. Never give up. It’s only over when that lady sings.

Until that final whistle, play like an obsessed champion. And one day you’ll be one.