CategoriesActionReframe your thoughts

Independent V Dependent

Would you rather be independent of your parents or dependent? Dependent is probably the easier route in the short term. Less hassle, more fun. Little responsibility required. But longer term you may feel somewhat unworthy. While independence is harder to achieve, the confidence it brings is empowering for life.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Insisting On Your View Of The World

We all like to be right. But given our unique circumstances growing up, we all see the world a little differently. So to insist your interpretation of the world is the only one, or the correct one, demonstrates a level of narcissism or naivety. Your problems weren’t problems for everyone and your success wasn’t experienced by everyone else. So ease up on your Warrior stance and listen to the view of others.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughts

Lightning, Thunder, Rain.

I love a tropical storm. The intensity. The freshness. It’s exciting and entertaining. It was the original 5-D natural entertainment option. Fun for the whole family. We’ve had two days in a row of afternoon spectaculars. Wonderful to experience from inside the cave.

CategoriesActionGratitudeProgressReframe your thoughtsThink About It

What Is Stopping You?

Who is it really? Is it truly an outside person that is stopping you from achieving your ideal life? Or does that make it easier to live with as an answer? You’ll usually find, if you’re being brutally honest with yourself, that you are the only one stopping you. This mindset may be due to your self-identity, path uncertainty, or desire to avoid the tough decisions and hard work you’ll need to endure. So decide, make a plan, see yourself as that successful person and get to work!

CategoriesGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTime

What Is It For?

Reading A Brief History Of Time and listening to Sapiens on Audible these days. Lots of thoughts percolate up with these types of books. While everything matters in the moment, your actions today are unlikely to be remembered or really matter 500 years from now. So what’s it all for? Perhaps any reason is a good one.

CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveThink About It

Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide

When considering a decision, let your conscience be your guide. How does it make you feel? How would you feel on the receiving end? Would you be delighted to proudly tell your grandmother of the decision made? What would the worst tabloid headline be? Would you be happy with it now and in 10 years?

CategoriesFinancialObserveReframe your thoughts

No Solutions. Only Tradeoffs.

I happened upon a video today that reminded me of this point made by Thomas Sowell, and possibly others too. Everything in life seems to be about tradeoffs. Certainly everything to do with money. We like to think there are absolute solutions but really they are just more, or less, palatable tradeoffs.