Somedays this is all you feel you can do. Keep pushing through though. You’ll get more done than you thought you would.
No Solutions. Only Tradeoffs.
I happened upon a video today that reminded me of this point made by Thomas Sowell, and possibly others too. Everything in life seems to be about tradeoffs. Certainly everything to do with money. We like to think there are absolute solutions but really they are just more, or less, palatable tradeoffs.
Could You Be Happier?
What would you need to be true, to be happier? Have you considered this? Do you have control over any of these items? Why not start doing the things now to make yourself happier?
Your Identity
We don’t stray too far from our comfortable identity. Often people don’t improve their identity either. While being the same as you were 20 years is nice, weren’t there any areas in your life that could have been stretched and improved? What is the identity you’d like to grow into in the next 2 years?
What Are You Capable Of?
Do you really know? Have you ever really given 100%? If you have, could you have gone 40% more? Did you try? We are far more capable than we believe. Try pushing one of your limits today.
Ask For What You Want
It’s often easier to know what we don’t want. So take some time and really consider what you do want. Then simply ask for it. You may actually get it.
Avoiding Reality Doesn’t Change It
Approach challenging topics head on. Avoiding them doesn’t make them any better.
Mix And Mingle
It’s how you find new opportunities, business partners, ideas, solutions and adventure. Get out there. Mix it up a little.
Stay Hungry
Keep pursuing better and more. Not in a crazed un-disciplined way but in a focused manner. Having a purpose and being hungry to achieve it Is worth more than bars of gold.
Small Steps Add Up
Giant leaps of progress are brilliant. You feel you are really moving. But each small step adds up too. So remember to celebrate every little step. These are the building blocks to your incredible future.