CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsWeight loss

Drink More Water

Water is like a miracle drug. It hydrates you so you have the right blood pressure as well as removes toxins. It can lower your blood glucose. It also helps to reduce constipation and keep your skin and internal organs healthy.

It’s also a great tool to help you lose weight or maintain your ideal weight.

However, if you neglect it, after 4 days without water, most people expire.

So treat it with the respect it deserves. Drink up!!

CategoriesActionGratitudeThink About It

In Pursuit Of Feeling Good

This can be a prescription for disaster in life. While feeling good is wonderful, the constant pursuit of that feeling can lead to poor choices, pain, misery and regret.

Often there is a choice between something that feels good and something less enjoyable. For example, watching your favourite tv show rather than doing an hour of homework. Or perhaps you’d rather pay for a holiday rather than research and invest your funds into a sensible venture.

Making the feel good choice once in a while will usually work out fine. However, developing a habit of avoiding harder work in pursuit of feeling good can leave your life in tatters after several years.

Your life can slide into a series of pointless undertakings, unfortunate failures and directionless drifting with no joy of accomplishment or giving. You may find you are lacking in life’s key elements such as health, relationships, finances and happiness.

You are in control of this. Pursue more than just feeling good and with a 20 year time horizon. Your future self will thank you.


Where Did The Time Go?

Take a brutally honest look at how you spend your time. Watching, reading, listening to the news? Box sets, TV shows and movies?

These moments will be your memories to look back on when your 68 and thereafter. Are you sure you want to recall all those shows and all that news?

Be discerning with your short life and limited time. This is your one shot! Make it incredible!

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Why Bother?

Many times you may see a chore, especially a repetitive one, and think, why bother. It can be easy to dismiss things. Yet, these can be important for structure in your day, health and cleanliness, benefit to others or even to give you purpose.

It can be easy to dismiss things like admin, cleaning or tidying. But they mount up and compound. Then you can get into even bigger trouble.

Learn to be tidier. It’s a skill you can gradually develop and is useful throughout your life.

Bother to do things. It builds discipline, self-esteem, confidence and even pride. Your life will be richer for it.

CategoriesGoals, Results & New ThinkingObserveThink About It

Ocean Or Lake?

On which type of water would you prefer to live? Oceans are vast, powerful, teaming with life. Lakes are often more quiet, serene.

Or perhaps neither and just have a pool. Fresh water chlorinated or salt water? What do you really want in your life?