Stay up late once in awhile. Go further than you have before.
Introduce Yourself
Step up and say hello. Shake hands, make eye contact, remember names and smile. It’s all rather simple. This is an open door to your future.
It costs nothing to say hello, be pleasant and be curious about someone’s life. Listen, learn and maybe make a new friend. Or simply enjoy that moment together.
Structure And Systems
These are your core thrusters. If you get these right, efficient and consistent, you can launch anything with great success.
Focus on getting these details right.
Review Your Work
When completing a task, review your work. You are taught this early in school. They say to write your answers in a test and then go back over it and make sure you’re happy with your answers.
Double check calculations and wording. This goes for presentations and all sorts of things.
It’s also very aligned with Step 6 in my book, Achieve Anything. For more details, and some great tips, check it out here
Tough Conversations
Tough conversations are sometimes needed. You may try to avoid them, or wait too long to have one. However, once you’ve had it, usually you will feel much better.
Keep things cordial. Listen to the other side, perhaps you’ll get an insight you didn’t have before.
There will be tension and some challenges but remember to keep your cool, present the facts and don’t get drawn in by red herrings or unnecessary drama.
Hopefully this conversation will have cleared the air. If not, you may need one or two more. On the bright side, it should get easier.
Choose the peaceful warrior seeking a road to peace.
The Coolest Thing You’ll Ever Do
You probably already have an idea of what it might be.
So now think about how you can achieve it.
What is the first step? What is the second step?
Go do those now…. I’ll wait.
Minuscule Is Massive
Very small matters, matter quite a lot. A simple word can create a massive difference in understating.
Secondary schools have sex education not sex training. Yet both are concerned with the pupil learning about the topic.
Four millimetres doesn’t seem like that much space in this vast universe of ours, yet it is noticeable if someone’s eyeglasses are four millimetres higher on the left side than the right. It is also quite a significant distance when dealing with brain surgery, heart surgery or failed assassination attempts (thankfully).
What If?
What if you had made a written plan? What if you had sought out great specific advice? What if your plan was for the next 5 years and you started today?
What would you achieve? Imagine the results you could have if you committed fully and did not get distracted?
What if you looked back in 5 years and wished you’d given it a try? Take all that you feel and learned and make a new 5 year plan. Then start that very same day!
Meet People
People can bring fun, shortcuts and opportunities. Of course they can bring hardship, drama and chaos too. But we like to look on the bright side. Besides, if the new person brings anything but great things to our life, then we exit them immediately, Stage left.
Great people, we keep. Then we involve them more in our life in various ways.
Build your life team. Make it a dream team.