CategoriesActionThink About It

Do The Right Thing

Your thoughts may drift from the straight and narrow a little. But your actions need to stay the course. Do the right thing. It’s usually best for everyone.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughts

Everything plus

When we look at others, we often think they are the same as us plus all the other benefits they have. We don’t tend to think what they could’ve been through or how difficult their life was or what they have sacrificed. We don’t know, but we make it up and we add only the good bits we make up into of our story of their lives.

CategoriesHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime


Sometimes we push the limits because we’re enjoying ourselves and sometimes we have overflowing responsibilities. It does happen.

Remember to get rest as soon as you can though. Your health is key.

CategoriesActionObserveProgressThink About It

Get Clear

Be decisive. Cut out the distractions. Focus on what you really want. Don’t just nurture things because they are in front of you. Go after your scary dreams. Be ready to fail. Get clear. Go!

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Replace Dream Drags

You’re pumped for the new you!! But you don’t have enough time in your day to fit in these new activities, habits, and skills. That’s ok.

You simply need to say goodbye to some “old you” drags on your time. Maybe that tv show you no longer really watch: that could save 50 minutes. Or the 1 hour in the gym could be reduced to 30 minutes, every time, or at least 3x a week.

Design your days such that you stop doing things the new you would not do and start doing things that a pro in your field would be doing without question. Figure it out. Now go!!

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsTimeWeight loss

Plan v Wish List v Idea

So you think you have a plan for 2023. What you probably have is a wish list, or simply an idea.

An idea has no emotion and little, if any, detail. It’s more of a statement. Lose 42 pounds. Get a new job. Land people on Mars.

You can then personalise it and add some emotion like excitement, concern, giddiness, fear or trepidation. As the idea moves from an abstract thought to something that may be part of your future, you begin to internalise it and different emotions will start to bubble up to the surface. For example, I would like to lose 42 pounds, get a new job and be part of the team that lands people on Mars.

To improve your chances of success though, you are best to write these ideas down. Make them personal with “I am” type statements and then add some clear, detailed steps and milestones that you’ll need to go through to reach your desired goal.

Making a plan requires more commitment and detail. It takes a bit of time to make. If you don’t have the will to commit to making the plan, it’s unlikely you’ll have the will to overcome the challenges that you’ll find on the path you have chosen to take.

If you do commit, you’ll need dates and times that you’ll actively progress your plan. You can add milestones too. You’ll also need a system to review your progress, including daily tracking of key activities and metrics. Without tracking against a plan, you are likely to drift and then give up.

But that needn’t be your story. Be the top 5% of people. Use your discipline. Feel how good it will be to have reached your goal. Hold that thought.

Now go turn your 2023 ideas into wishes and then make a plan around the most important ones.

Tag me in so we can celebrate together!!!

CategoriesObserveThink About It

Most Overused Word in 2022: Systemic

Easy to say and can be used with anything to make it sound very important and unsolvable. So easy to blame a ‘system’ created by unknowable and unnameable people. No specific people are to blame. It was simply everyone.

There are no specific, exact rules created by particularly people at an exact time. But it is a great way to note something is a problem and therefore everything has to be burned to the ground or torn down because everything is wrong, though undefinable.

Would you tear down a house, because something was beeping? Or because the heating wasn’t working how you thought it should? Or would you look around, listen, test, do research, call an expert, get a second opinion, and try to pinpoint precisely what the exact issue was so you can deal with it or learn why it actually isn’t the issue you think it is.

But that takes time, interest, precision, testing, conversation, engagement and possibly being able to see things from different perspectives. You might even feel compelled to adjust how you see the world within this context.

That all sounds like a lot of work. So today, when you feel you’ve found something huge and unfortunate, it’s much easier to simply blame the system and powerfully articulate that it’s a systemic issue.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughts

Day 1: Discipline

Start your year with discipline. Do the things you need to do regardless of motivation. Even if you don’t want to do something, do it anyway. That is what we call discipline. It’s hard at first, but it will get you the results.