CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Keep Your Thoughts Positive

When times are tough, we may think of the worst case scenario or even a disaster scenario. Remember this is not happening to you. It is just your mind being active with negative thoughts. So, as hard as it may be, focus on positive outcomes, wins and victory. Feel this as if they are real.

As neither are real, you may as well give yourself the feeling of the positive thoughts. Train your brain. It’s worth it.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessThink About It

Flatten The Curve

Perhaps flattening one curve has unintentionally steepened another.

In life we need to make decisions. All decisions have consequences, even indecision, which is actually a decision to not decide.

Our MP mentioned she was at the local hospital with her daughter who had an injured wrist (hopefully all ok!)

The sign there said that it was up to an 8 hour wait time. I recall trips there years ago when it was 3 hours – which seemed plenty long enough.

Did all the “flatten the curve”, lockdown and covid precautions simply postpone regular medical demand? And now we have the regular demand plus 2.5 years of excess, pent up demand, to get caught up on.

Perhaps many medical personnel are off ill, more than usual? Or they have left the profession for a variety of reasons? Maybe these are developments given an aging population? A combination of these all, perhaps?

In five years, there will be some neutral studies done and we’ll have a slightly better idea of the cause of these tripling delays (I’ve heard many others say 8 hours is consistent with their experience).

Until then, remember this: Your actions have consequences. And when you try to change the course of nature, profoundly unintended consequences can emerge.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Forget History And Move On

We don’t need to know how you got here. We do need to decide where to go from here.

Sometimes people will spend two hours explaining how they got into a mess or a situation. Usually, what would be more helpful is spending that two hours devising a plan to move forward.

Focus on building a brilliant future. Then get on with it.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughts

Put Some Effort In

Stop coasting. You may be drifting or having an easy life. But it’s time to snap out of it and start putting some extra effort in.

Make hay while the sun shines. You won’t be young and healthy forever so get that income while you can. Build your emergency fund. Pay down debt. Feel better about your personal awareness and control of the situation.

You will develop a greater sense of pride and confidence. Build on that. Take your life to the next level. Do that by just getting started and making things happen.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Give Your Goal 5 Years

It will take longer than you want or think. But it needn’t take forever. You must get started. You must also drive hard. You can do it if you try and have the intent to win.

If you need help getting going, going faster or going further, pick up my #1 bestselling book in self help, Achieve Anything. Follow the 7 simple steps and you will shift from Uncomfortable to Unstoppable.

CategoriesProgressReframe your thoughts

Get Yourself Educated

Stop guessing. Stop believing what you hear or read. Question it. Get the facts. Get details. Look at it from the opposing view. Understand motivations.

Use the internet to find actual data. Don’t just look at studies. If you do, look at who paid for them. Then see what facts the opposing view use. Facts. Not opinions. Not shouting. No, not even name calling. If people have facts, they will not need to raise their voice, nor call you names or change the subject.

If people are curious to find the truth, they will join you to try to use facts to find it. If they simply want to thrust their narrative onto you, they will not want to look up data, statistics and facts.

Don’t waste your time with ignorant folks. Spend it with people trying to make things better. It’s more fun and more rewarding.

CategoriesActionFinancialThink About ItTime

Risk On, Risk Off.

Being financially aware is one important aspect of life. Like it or not, money is critical to your everyday life. Try getting through a week without buying anything or using anything you have bought. No transport. No food. And no clothes.

You can’t even do a zoom call for work. It wouldn’t be right using the electricity, even if it’s just a little amount. Because it all needs to be paid for with money.

So call your mortgage broker and your financial advisor and assess these higher rates and what you can do about them today. Play out some scenarios. Pay an early repayment charge if it makes financial sense so you can lock into a lower rate today, rather than a 3% higher rate next May.

Unless something breaks and threatens to pull down the entire financial system, we may be looking at a 5% base rate for 5 years or more.

Learn about finances for the next three months. What you learn may save you £75,000 over the next 5 years. Isn’t that worth spending 5 hours on this weekend?