
Update Your Thinking

Sometimes we hold on to our thinking from 20 years ago and believe it serves us well – like a worn out old shirt. Or we don’t even notice that we haven’t adjusted anything in 5, 10 or 20 years.

Should a 35 year old think about life the same way their 15 year old self did? Maybe. But why not put those thoughts and ideas through a little rigorous testing and see if they can withstand the scrutiny. Come at it from different angles.

Are you clear in your thinking? Have your values shifted at all? What is your highest and most important value? When you were five it might have been that your teddy bear was the most important thing in the world. Now it may be your spouse, child, parent or dear friend.

You may have thought the idea of free everything was brilliant. However now you understand the multiple levels involved in the phrase, “There is no free lunch.”

Remember that shifting your views can be uncomfortable. Growth and change can create discomfort. But stick with it. You don’t have to change your thinking, but do be honest with yourself about your thoughts and values. It may surprise you that your thinking has evolved. Or maybe more so that it hasn’t.

CategoriesActionProgressThink About It

How Big Is The Problem You’re Solving?

Is it washing the dishes or just making it through the day? Do you want to have a job or maybe a longer term career? Would you like to solve climate, world hunger, global peace, space exploration or poverty?

Note how many hours per day you are actively progressing on your big problem. Are the daily “to do’s” getting in the way? How long have you kept telling yourself you’re doing something when you’re only thinking of doing it?

Stop telling people what should change and start making those changes happen. Don’t give yourself an easy ride filled with reasons and excuses and, “you don’t know how hard it is” comments.

Get uncomfortable. Mix things up. Make 10 phone calls. Make this happen.

Stop living small when you’re dreaming big. Take baby steps and then break into a run as soon as you can. Become Unstoppable. You too can change the world. Make it a problem worth committing to. Now go do it.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About It


Make America Great Again and Build Back Better are the recent slogans of the US Republican (conservative party) and Democrat (liberal party) political sides.

You may have been a little uncomfortable or bothered by one or both of those slogans as you read them here. Attached to them are all your feelings about the leaders, their parties, policies, media opinion and your personal beliefs, values and affiliations. So they can pack a punch!

Though, it’s not the slogans per se though that have the impact. It is your perception of the slogan, what the words mean to you, and the order the words are in. Additionally, how you feel about everything related to the words, their different meanings, your feelings and who stands behind the slogans is really what’s at play here.

If you had seen them written on a wall 10 years ago without knowing who wrote them or why, they very likely would have made a different impact on you.

Remarkably similar, they both seem quite positive. Also, they both have an action word at the start. And this is what attracts many people to both slogans.

If you felt jobs had gone overseas, the superpower status was diminishing or people weren’t as kind as before, you might want to return America to a kinder, gentler, more powerful and prosperous time.

If you thought the past wasn’t great, was rife with issues and problems, such as poverty, race relations and involvement in wars, then you might feel it needs to be better and not great again.

What could every American unite behind? Perhaps forget about the past and focus only on a glorious proud future.

What about “Building A Great America”? Or perhaps, “Make America Great!”? Or, the snappy, “Building The Best America”? Which do you prefer? Do you have one that could be even better?

CategoriesActionThink About It

Your Free Week

If you could have an entirely free week, with no commitments, responsibilities or costs and no prep before, or catch up after, what would you do with it?

How would you spend those seven days? Would you go somewhere you’ve never been or somewhere familiar? Are you thinking you would spend it alone or with someone special or a group of people?

CategoriesActionObserveThink About ItTime

Find Your Tribe

Find people who think the way you want to think. Look to join others who know or have what you would like to know or acquire.

It may feel uncomfortable at first. But learn their lingo, culture, norms and preferences. Spend time with them. Get comfortable in their presence. Find your tribe and immerse yourself in it.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Leave The Room

Sometimes it’s better to just leave the room. If someone is doing or saying something that deprives you of joy, creates unnecessary stress or bothers you in some way, there are times it is better to keep quiet and head for the exit.

Ideally people would learn from the mistakes and experience of others. However, there are times when people think they know better and can’t be told otherwise.

And sometimes the conversation just isn’t your cup of tea. They don’t all have to be pleasing to you. Not all teas appeal in the same way. Some people don’t even enjoy tea.

So next time you feel the emotion rising up, and the discomfort becoming too much, just exit stage left. That’s all folks.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughts

Keep People Updated

It takes a little more time but pays dividends. If you’re running behind schedule, let them know. If new relevant news is found, update the other parties.

Knowledge is power. Keeping it makes you more powerful. Sharing it makes everyone more powerful and effective.

More solutions are considered when more people have the information. A greater solution can appear from more minds working on the problem or with updated information.

Seek a better world for all, not just you or your desired few.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Don’t Give Up

Use all of your resources. Call a friend. Use an app. Open your mind to the impossible and the things you may not have considered. How else could you attack the situation? What would a super spy do? What would a super hero do in this situation?

Keep pressing forward quickly and you will find a very good, or much better, solution.

Just don’t give up. A good solution is out there. Find it.

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTime

You Won’t Get Out Alive!

We have a strange fascination / avoidance thing going on with The End. Many people find it hard to accept that they, or others, will reach The End.

Once you accept that it is a natural, and inevitable, part of life, you can be more free.

This is also a reminder to treat people like it’s their last day on Earth. Because it could be.

Same for you. It could be your last day. Make sure you have tied up those loose ends, made the calls, given the hugs and had some fun. At some point it will no longer be possible.