CategoriesActionGratitudeProgressReframe your thoughtsTime


Remarkably, growing in confidence can be quick. Stand up straight, shoulders back, say, “I am enough”, and decide to be incredible or unstoppable.

Or you can build your confidence the old fashioned way by developing skills, building a list of achievements and improving all areas of your life. It helps to notice all these things and appreciate them.

Of course you could do a little of the quick version while working on the classic version. Either way, get growing your confidence!

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughts

Meet New People

If you have the chance, meet new people. Create scenarios where you meet new people now and then. New people can be the key to doors unknown.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughts

Take A Walk In The Rain

I love sunshine. Warm and sunny are how I order up my days. Especially on holiday!

However, I do enjoy the occasional walk in the rain. It can be exhilarating, fresh and fun! The timing needs to be unimportant, like not during an outdoor wedding, graduation or concert.

But heading out in the rain means one more thing you have to overcome in a day. And it is an easy win. You can get a bit wet and then return home and change into something dry and warm up.

Rain can be fun. You might just need a mindset shift in order to see it.

CategoriesHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsWeightWeight loss

Water Sandwich

This is a great tactic to help you lose weight or maintain a certain weight range. I call it the water sandwich.

A key element to weight management and overall health and fitness is to drink a couple of litres of water each day. But this can be difficult, especially for people not used to drinking that much water each day. They often forget or put it off, especially if they don’t enjoy the taste.

However, we often enjoy a little too much of our favourite foods. So the water sandwich idea to minimise food intake and maximise water intake is as follows:

Take the item that you are craving, or want in the moment, and have just a small bite. This gets you interested in having more and has the benefit of getting the food taste in your mouth.

Then drink a glass or pint of water. If you do it quickly, you’ll still have the idea of the taste of your preferred food in your mouth or mind. This helps you get a large amount of water on board.

Finally, take another small bite of your preferred food and walk away. Now you feel full from all of the water and you walk away with the taste of your preferred food on your tastebuds. Yet, you’re so full from the pint of water, you couldn’t imagine having any more of the food at the moment.

There you have it. The water sandwich is an excellent tool to use to increase water intake and reduce food consumption while still getting the nice taste of certain foods. Try it.

CategoriesActionProgressThink About ItTime

Build Toward Great

What if politicians outlined their common goals, and their differences on key issues, and then worked toward those common goals while being mindful of their differences?

Imagine how much progress could be made! Especially if people didn’t mind whose name was on the statute, or statue.

If people just tried to improve the most lives in the best ways, we could leapfrog a lot of wasted time.

Who might be up for that?

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Quick To Judge

Why are people so quick to judge? It feels like a natural tendency. But haven’t we learned to either not pay attention or wait a year for all the evidence to come?

What is the point of coming to some conclusion after only some evidence is in?

Let the people do their work. Let the reports come out. Let the courts decide.