
Impact On Others

You may not ever know how much you have impacted other people’s lives. But if you ever find out, it can be an incredibly overpowering feeling.

Imagine that your comment inspired a child to study medicine and find a treatment for a disease. Or perhaps, given your confidence during a fire drill, a teenager decided to dedicate their life to firefighting and saving lives.

Or your kindness in a tense situation made other people aware it was possible and they multiplied this treatment of others, forward, for decades.

Usually we don’t get to see the depth of our wake. But in those rare moments when we are shown, or we have the good fortune to catch a glimpse, it can make the world seem so valuable and our lives worthwhile.

CategoriesActionGratitudeThink About ItTime

Appreciate The Process

It’s your discipline, consistency, drive and vision that helps you gets the wins you can celebrate. Success doesn’t just show up. You need to put in the work. The effort you make over time will compound and eventually you will see the benefits.

Don’t delay. Set up your environment to win. Decide what you need to do and get cracking. The results will come if you appreciate the process and work at the process every day.

Pick three things you want to improve on this coming week. What simple and quick things could you do each day to inch you closer to your desired outcome. What will you have to overcome to make this happen? Write these things down. Create a brief plan around them. Then act to make them happen. Review at the end of the week, or even daily! Then celebrate each win. Repeat!

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Nothing To Lose

When you or your group push someone too far, they can get to the point where they have nothing to lose. Are the Allies creating this scenario with President Putin?

I’ve not yet seen the Batman movie, Joker, but I think there may be some similarity here.

President Putin is looking more and more like Joker – nothing to lose if they keep tightening the screws. His choice seems to be a War Crimes trial or thrown out or voted out (and then War Crimes tribunal). Nothing looks good as an end of life legacy. Except doubling down and step on the gas, conquer Europe and live like a Tsar.

He needs to believe his legacy will be elevated if he stops this campaign now and orders his troops home. Or something similar. Otherwise The English Channel beckons.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughts

Keep Your Chin Up

Life is going to knock you back. It will hit you harder than you expect. And you are likely to notice when you are least expecting it.

Regardless of the challenge ahead, keep your chin up. Be confident. Smile. Laugh in the face of adversity. You’ve made it though everything in life so far. You will get through so much more.

The hardest part can be to not lose your head when it could be so easy to. Be mindful of where your thoughts are leading. Green lights are good. Amber is a warning to adjust now. Red is a concern and the energy needs to be redirected.

The greatest skill you’ll ever learn is how to keep your chin up. Practice today.

CategoriesGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Enjoy Praise

It may not come often in your life, so revel in it while you can. Date stamp it and celebrate it often!

I’ve had many wonderful and enjoyable comments this past week (and prior) with respect to my new book – Achieve Anything.

Thank you folks.

If you haven’t seen what all the fuss is about, pick up a copy today!

CategoriesGratitudeObserveThink About It

Making Profound Choices

What are the tough choices you have to make daily? What to buy for lunch? Which clothes to wear? Where to meet up with friends?

Sometimes we have to make far more difficult choices. Occasionally we have to decide whether to have an operation or not? Or what to do with an aging parent. Other choices may involve divorce, having a baby or going on a unique holiday.

Hopefully you never have to make a decision about who to execute or whether to evacuate a war zone. May you never have to say goodbye to your spouse or children as you go off to war. These are the types of decisions millions of people are having to make right now.

We all have bad moments, days and even years. Spare a thought today though, for all the people caught up in this very challenging time in Ukraine. Many have to make life and death decisions, some do so several times in a day.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveThink About It

What Makes A Favourite Book?

Is your favourite book fiction or non-fiction? Was it written recently or is it a classic? Was it written by a famous author or a relatively unknown one?

Is it a favourite from childhood or later in life? Is it a children’s book? Why is it your favourite book? The cover, content, story or just the right time and place for you?

I have many questions ?.

Some of my favourite books are: Encyclopaedia Brown, The Celestine Prophecy, One by Richard Bach, Achieve Anything and Atlas Shrugged.

Let me know yours below ?

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessTime

Wake Up At The Same Time

Aim to go to bed at the same time each night. And definitely keep your alarm set for the same time each day.

Consistency has value. The value comes to both the body and mind.

Do this every day for this week. Then tell me how good it’s felt.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserveThink About It

What Makes A Wonderful Day?

Sunshine? Warmth? Health? Family? Friends? A purpose? Winning at something? A kind word said to you? Kind action from another person? A flower? Good news? A phone call from an old friend? Completing a task? A cease fire? A peace treaty? A favourite song?

You don’t need 24 full hours of wonderful to declare, and feel, it’s a wonderful day. It can be one simple thing.

I had a wonderful day today. Gorgeous sunshine. Warmth from the sun. Blue skies. Freedom. Confidence in our institutions and law. Coaching and watching my son’s rugby ? team. He scored a try and played very well.

Then I went to watch my other son play field hockey. He scored a goal and helped his team to victory in the England Hockey quarterfinals. On to the semis!

There have been other lovely moments today too. But those really made it wonderful. Being healthy and able to enjoy children having fun, with some competitive tension, can make one blissful.

My wish for you is many, many wonderful days in your life. Keep it simple, observe and enjoy.